第二次尝试英译小古文,看到又简短又熟悉的一篇便立刻行动起来~ 中间还出现了一段有趣的小插曲。
当他正在翻译“守株待兔"的题目时,第一回脱口而出的是: wait for rabbit under a tree. 话刚出口,他便说:嗯? 感觉不对呀!这好象是他和兔子有个约会的感觉!哈哈哈~ 看来小朋友还是有点语感的哟!

Long long ago there was a farmer. He had many crops in his farm. One day he saw a rabbit bumped into a tree and died. He gave the dead rabbit to his wife and enjoyed a big meal. After that he gave up his farm and waited for more rabbits under the tree. But no more rabbits came again. He became a big joke then.