重磅 | 第一届 CHAOSS 社区中国 Meetup 来袭

重磅 | 第一届 CHAOSS 社区中国 Meetup 来袭

作者: 开源社 | 来源:发表于2020-12-14 21:06 被阅读0次

    | 作者:X-Lab

    | 转载自:Xlab开放实验室

    | 编辑:贺鑫

    | 设计:刘颖洁

    | 责编:王玥敏

    CHAOSS 是 Linux 基金会下度量开源项目与社区健康度的开源项目,全称是 The Community Health Analytics Open Source Software ,致力于推动社区健康度分析开源软件的建设工作,包括全球范围之内社区工作组的建设、社区健康指标体系的制定、开源指标数据采集与开源分析工具等。

    CHAOSS Metrics

    经过了3年多的发展,CHAOSS 社区目前已经成为了一个具有国际化与多样性的组织,北美、欧洲是其两大主要发展地区,亚太是目前正在重点开拓的目标。

    在 CHAOSS 社区的协助下,首次 CHAOSS 社区中国 Meetup 将于 12 月 27 日 在上海举行!

    Meetup 将重点邀请各大OSPO(开源办公室)的负责人,以多种形式探讨开源 metrics 。

    来自北美、非洲和欧洲等多个地区的 CHAOSS 社区成员会通过 video 的形式参与Meetup;

    线下更有多位本土大咖通过 keynote 和 Break out session 的形式头脑风暴和自由探讨。



    地点上海徐汇区虹漕路777号 C9 微软中国

    现场将会有来自 TiDB 开源社区、上海开源信息技术协会、腾讯、小米、滴滴、百度、华为、奇迹论坛等各大开源办公室的大咖嘉宾参与,期待您的到来!

    Please join us for a mid-day of CHAOSS! 

    If you are interested in learning more about open source and innersource community health, and how this can be measured and tracked over time, we’d love for you to join the Community Health Analytics Open Source Software (CHAOSS) community for a mid-day of lively conversation, breakout sessions, keynotes, and several video presentations.

    This event is open to anyone interested in participating in an interactive discussion about community health metrics, and no open source coding experience is required. 

    The event is free to attend, but registration is required. Food and drinks will be provided.

    Event Information

    Date and Time

    December 27, 2020 at 2 pm  (doors open at 1 pm).


    Building C9, No. 77 Hongcao Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai



    About CHAOSS

    CHAOSS is an open source project at the Linux Foundation focused on creating analytics and metrics to help define community health. Work in the CHAOSS community is largely organized around software and metrics. Additionally, user groups provide ways to consider how software and practices can support the deployment of CHAOSS metrics. We’d love to have you join our community! More information can be found at







          本文标题:重磅 | 第一届 CHAOSS 社区中国 Meetup 来袭
