
作者: 小海参 | 来源:发表于2023-11-24 23:52 被阅读0次







The US Should Implement a Gun Ban Policy

The US has seen more than 500 mass shootings this year- marking the third year in a row the country has hit the somber milestone before October.

The Daily Mail website also reported that, on the 18th several shootings brought the total number of mass shootings in the US so far this year to 502. It also showed that five years ago, the total number of mass shootings in the US in a year was less than 500, and the increase in gun violence in the country has shown a chilling trend.

Based on the frightening data, how can citizens survive in an environment full of violence? From my perspective, the US government should impose a Gun Ban policy to protect citizen’s security.

First of all, banning guns can effectively protect social security. For instance, since 1996 Australia implemented the Gun Ban policy, major shootings dropped from sixteen pieces to zero pieces. Hence, I strongly believe that without the use of guns, the atmosphere of environment could become better.

Second, banning guns can effectively prevent disputes from escalating. Major shootings are not the only reason that guns should be banned, but the brawl is the main reason for the happen of shooting. In the US a man killed his wife and daughter simply because scrambled eggs didn’t suit his taste. In addition, there are many more cases like this happening. Therefore, no doubt without using guns can greatly decrease the killing of someone because of emotion.

To conclude, because of banning the use of guns can create a peaceful environment and decrease the rate of people killing others by emotion. So, implementing the Gun Ban policy is essential and without delay for stabling the society.


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