

作者: 雨松溪 | 来源:发表于2022-07-05 16:32 被阅读0次





I taught a graduate student in Chinese in a writing class, and she wrote so well that I had high expectations for her. In the beginning, she actively completed lectures and writing, and could see her progress. Halfway through the semester, however, she disappeared. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me that a new play just came out, and it was so good that it couldn't stop, so I didn't have time to write.

When I encouraged her not to waste such good writing talent and hoped that she could watch the drama after finishing her studies, she still did not continue to study. A year later, she came to me again, hoping that I could recommend a good course to her. She wanted to resume her dream of writing. At that time, many of her peers signed up for big platforms, but she was still in the initial stage.

Laziness often makes people give up halfway. Most of us start out ambitious when we set our minds to do something, but when it comes to action, not everyone follows through.

Some people say, "there is only one kind of failure, that is to give up halfway." No matter what you do, you can only gain by perseverance. Efforts, not necessarily successful, but give up halfway is doomed to failure. Our life can only be full of vitality if we study hard, think hard and keep working hard.







When some people set out to do something, they always find various reasons to put it off. I'm in a bad mood today, so I'll brush my cell phone again tonight and start tomorrow. So tomorrow comes and tomorrow comes and tomorrow comes and tomorrow comes and tomorrow comes and tomorrow comes and tomorrow comes and tomorrow comes and tomorrow comes and tomorrow comes and tomorrow comes and tomorrow comes and tomorrow comes.

Lazy people often find a variety of excuses to delay, and truly disciplined people, always use a variety of ways to overcome the inner inertia.

A while ago, I met a woman in the gym who looked sallow and haggard. She showed me pictures of her when she was young and I marveled at how full of life she used to be. She said she had just got divorced and was so depressed that she sat on the couch after work watching TV and didn't want to do anything. Recently, her best friend gave her a gym card, and she reluctantly came.

I pointed to my companion and told her that three years ago, she was in the same boat as you. Now my companion is trim, ruddy and energetic.

Some people say that it's easy for your life to collapse, but it's also easy to build it up again. You just have to stick to the right things, overcome laziness, and everything will turn out for the better. Most of the time, the difference between people is not how bad your situation is, but the attitude against inertia.





"Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today." "Do what you say and do what you do." "Don't wait for the Ming dynasty, everything is wasted." The classic sayings left by our predecessors are the wisdom summed up after witnessing countless failures, and are inculcation for us.

Read such a sentence: do things procrastinate, love to find an excuse, idle away time and do nothing, and people's plans, ideals, aspirations in this procrastination and excuse become a bubble.

The greatest regret in life is that I could have, but because of laziness and waste. If one works hard to overcome inertia and procrastination, confidence and happiness will come with happiness.

Keep things embalmed, and man against laziness. If you want to make your life better, start by overcoming laziness.


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