2019经济学人-TheTrump Show season tw

2019经济学人-TheTrump Show season tw

作者: 招财喵Kira | 来源:发表于2019-01-08 19:09 被阅读72次





TheTrump Show season two


Whatto expect from the second half of Donald Trump's term


DLDTRUMP'Snerve-janglingpresidential terms begin its second half with a federal-governmentshut down.seesawingmarkets and theejectionofreassuringcabinet memberslike Generals John Kelly and James Mattis. As MrTrump'sopponents called this a disaster。his supporters lambastedtheir criticism ashysterical-wasn't everybody saying ayear ago that it was sinister to have so many generals in the cabinet?


Acalmassessmentof the Trumperarequires those who admire America tounplug themselves from the news cycle for aminute. As the nextphaseof the president's four-year term begins threequestions need answering. How bad is it really? How bad could it get? And howshould Americans and foreign governments prepare for theTrump Show's secondseason?


MrTrump is sopolarisingthat his critics brush anything that mightcount asan achievement.Shortly beforeChristmas he signed a usefulbipartisancriminal-justicereform intolaw. Some of theregulatorychanges to schools and companies have been helpful.In foreign affairs theattempt to change the terms of America's economic relations with China iswelcome too. But anyorthodox Republican president enjoying the backingofboth houses

of Congress might have achieved as much-or more.


Whatmarks out MrTrump'sfirst two years is hisirrepressible instinctto act as awrecker.His destructive tacticswere supposed to toppleaself-serving Washingtonelitebut the president'sbullying,lying andsleazehavefilled theswampfaster than it hasdrained.Where he has been at his most Trumpish-on immigrationNorth Korea,NATo-theknocking down has yet to leadto muchrenewal.Mr Trump came to office with amandateto rewrite America's immigration rules and make themmerit-based,as in Canada. Yet because he and his staff areham-fisted with Congress that chanceis now gone.


KimJong Un still has his weapons programme and havingconcedednothing now demands areward from America. Europeans may pay more into their defence budgets at thepresident'surging.But America has spent half a century and billions of dollarsbuilding its relations with Europe. In just two years Mr Trump has taken asledge hammerto them.The next two years could be worse. For a start Mr Trump's luck maybeabout toturn. In the first half of his term he has been fortunate.He was not faced by any shock ofthe sort his twopredecessors had to deal with: 9/11,Afghanistan,Iraq,the financial crisis,Syria.Electoraltriumpha/roaringeconomy andsurgingfinancial markets gave him an air ofinvulnerability.


Evenwithout a shock the weather has changed.Although the economy is still fairlystrong thesugar-highfrom the tax cutis fading and growth is slowing in China and Europe. Markets which MrTrumpheraldsas aproxyfor economic success arevolatile (see Finance section). Republicans were trouncedin the House in the mid-terms. The new Democratic majority will investigate thepresident's conduct and at some  pointRobert Mueller the specialcounselwill complete his report on links betweenRussia and the Trump campaign.


Overthe past two years MrTrump has shown that he reactsto anyadversitybylashing out without regard to theconsequences.

 Neither themagnitudenor target of his responseneedbear ontheprovocation.In the past few weeks he has announced  troop withdrawalsfrom Syria and Afghanistan. Seeminglythis was partly because he was beingcriticisedby pundits forfailing to build a southern border-wall.The Afghanistan withdrawal was laterwalked backand the Syrian oneblurredwith the result that nobody can say whatAmerica's policy is (though the harm will remain). Now that hiscabinet haslost its steadying generals,expect even more suchdestructiveambiguity.


Moreoverwhen Mr Trump acts he does not recognise boundaries legal orethical.Hehas already beenimplicated in twofelonies and several of his formeradvisersare in orheading

forprison. As his troublesmount he will become less bound by institutional machinery.If Mr Muellerindictsa member of MrTrump's family,the president may instructhisattorney-generalto end the whole thing and then makeegregious useof his pardon powers.House Democrats mightunearthdocuments suggesting that the Trump Organisation was used tolaunderRussianmoney. What then?


Confusion,chaosandnorm-breakingare how MrTrump operates.If the federal government really were a business the turn­ over ofsenior  jobs in the White House wouldhave investorsdumpingthe stock. Mr Trump's interventions oftenaccomplishthe opposite of what hein­ tends. His criticism of the Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell forbeing toohawkishwill if anything only make an independent-minded Fed morehawkish still.His ownnegotiatorsfear that he mightunderminethem if the moodtakeshim. Most of the senior staff who have left theadministration have said that he isself­absorbeddistracted and ill-informed. He demands absolute loyalty and whenhe gets it offers none in return.


Howshould Congress and the world prepare for what is coming? Foreignalliesshould engage andhedge; work with MrTrump when they can but have aplan B in case he lets them down. Democrats in control of the House have a fineline to tread.Some arecalling

for Mr Trump to beimpeached but,as of nowthe Republican-controlled Senatewill notconvicthim.As things standit would be betterif theverdictcomes at theballot

box. Instead they musthold him to account butnot play into his desire that they serve aspropsin hispermanent campaign.


ManyRepublicans in the Senate find themselves in a now familiardilemma.Speak out and risk losing their seats in aprimary;stay silent and risk losing their partyand theirconsciences.More should follow Mitt Romne who marked his arrival in the Senate this week bycriticising MrTrump's conduct.His return to politics is welcome,as is thevibrantopposition to Mr Trump byactivistsandcivil

societyevident in the mid-terms. Assailed by hispresidencyAmerican democracy is fighting back.


Aftertwochaoticyears it is clear that the Trump Show is something to beendured. Perhaps the luck will holdand America and the world willmuddle through.But luck is aslender hope on which to buildprosperityand peace.






    本文标题:2019经济学人-TheTrump Show season tw
