上文:代码编辑器Scintilla的使用方法 说到 Scintilla 内置众多代码高亮方案,而本文则是自定义一套方案。
class CustomLexer(Qsci.QsciLexerCustom):
def __init__(self, parent):
Qsci.QsciLexerCustom.__init__(self, parent)
self._styles = {
0: 'Default',
1: 'Comment',
2: 'Key',
3: 'Assignment',
4: 'Value',
for key,value in self._styles.items():
setattr(self, value, key)
def description(self, style):
return self._styles.get(style, '')
def defaultColor(self, style):
if style == self.Default:
return QtGui.QColor('#000000')
elif style == self.Comment:
return QtGui.QColor('#C0C0C0')
elif style == self.Key:
return QtGui.QColor('#0000CC')
elif style == self.Assignment:
return QtGui.QColor('#CC0000')
elif style == self.Value:
return QtGui.QColor('#00CC00')
return Qsci.QsciLexerCustom.defaultColor(self, style)
def styleText(self, start, end):
editor = self.editor()
if editor is None:
# scintilla works with encoded bytes, not decoded characters.
# this matters if the source contains non-ascii characters and
# a multi-byte encoding is used (e.g. utf-8)
source = ''
if end > editor.length():
end = editor.length()
if end > start:
# if sys.hexversion >= 0x02060000:
# faster when styling big files, but needs python 2.6
source = bytearray(end - start)
editor.SendScintilla(editor.SCI_GETTEXTRANGE, start, end, source)
# else:
# source = unicode(editor.text()
# ).encode('utf-8')[start:end]
if not source:
# the line index will also be needed to implement folding
index = editor.SendScintilla(editor.SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, start)
if index > 0:
# the previous state may be needed for multi-line styling
pos = editor.SendScintilla(editor.SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION, index - 1)
state = editor.SendScintilla(editor.SCI_GETSTYLEAT, pos)
state = self.Default
self.startStyling(start, 0x1f)
# scintilla always asks to style whole lines
for line in source.splitlines(True):
length = len(line)
if line.startswith(b'#'):
state = self.Comment
# the following will style lines like "x = 0"
pos = line.find(b'=')
if pos > 0:
self.setStyling(pos, self.Key)
self.setStyling(1, self.Assignment)
length = length - pos - 1
state = self.Value
state = self.Default
self.setStyling(length, state)
# folding implementation goes here
index += 1