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Journal| 我是个老学究 I am a Pedant

Journal| 我是个老学究 I am a Pedant

作者: 猫毛零落 | 来源:发表于2017-10-16 05:20 被阅读1次

I am a Pedant

In my CLS class, I did two tests. One of them is a personality test, it told me I am an INTJ, which means introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging. I am not really surprised when I see the result - I already know what kind of person I am, I could also get that conclusion while doing the questionnaire. It is so true that sometimes I would be mistaken for simple arrogance by the less decisive by other people, but my confidence comes from and lies in the specialized knowledge systems that most INTJs start building at an early age. So as an INTJ, I will be able to tell you almost immediately whether or not they can help you, and if so, how.

And when I look at INTJ’s learning, I found my weakness too. My learning will be hindered when: Significant amounts of information lacking substantial theoretical connection are presented at a fast pace; the material is trivial (sharply reduces interest); The knowledge received does not significantly broaden and deepen their understanding; The material calls for a strong emotional reaction. There is still a lot more information about INTJ, but I am going to stop here, and talk about the second test - Multiple Intelligences Test.

I wonder what I will get for this because the only subject I’ll say really bad at is P.E. and reason is I simply don’t like working out or ball games. So this is the result I got :

Intelligence type








I receive lowest scores in Bodily-Kinesthetic and Interpersonal. This actually matches my INTJ personality type. I don’t like (most of) sports. I don’t like socializing (with people that I don’t like) as well. But these affect me in other ways in my academic life, such as a lot of times I wanted to say something or ask something in class, but I did not dare to. It scares me out of the idea that I need to express myself. It even stresses me out when somebody suddenly starts saying something to me.

So according to all these results, either good or bad, that I have received, to use a word to describe myself, I was really going to use ¨nerd¨, but I do not like this word that much, so I decided to use ¨pedant¨.



    本文标题:Journal| 我是个老学究 I am a Pedant
