Manhattan-based Au pair looking 

Manhattan-based Au pair looking 

作者: CharmingM9 | 来源:发表于2022-05-17 02:05 被阅读0次

Located in Manhattan NYC,

I  am a native Mandarin speaker at an advanced English level who was a former Mandarin teacher to speakers of other languages and who used to be a private tutor, now studying education psychology.                                     

I am currently an au pair hosted my a local family in Chelsea and thinking of switching to another family who is interested in hosting an au pair( Here is my au pair code on Cultural Care : CHN13386121 just in case it needed)

However, I also consider working as a tutor/ babysitter completely on my own if there is no great fit in the Au pair system.                       

Proudly to say that I used to be and still am an excellent teacher with structured lessons prepared and conscious  guidance in everyday practice.

If you'd like your kids to be immersed in a Mandarin-speaking environment with a well-educated person around, I think it'll be a perfect fit.

On top of that,

I am an organized, responsible, independent  and loving person with great work ethics and of course I love kids !

I can definitely be more than just a teacher/tutor or Babysitter ❤️ Children need love, attention, courage 


-Phone/WhatsApp: 9299950922

-Email: rosewang10109@gmail.com


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      本文标题:Manhattan-based Au pair looking 
