Soul-sucking job 2019-05-06

Soul-sucking job 2019-05-06

作者: Daniel11111 | 来源:发表于2019-05-06 10:19 被阅读0次

perk 福利(spoken way to say benefits),kind of like bonus 

9 to 5 朝九晚五工作 / 9-to-5 office hour


generous 慷慨的(generous amount of money/portion, generous people)

There are so many perks to this job, like generous annual leave, retirement and health care. 

day in and day out 日复一日

monotony n. 单调

monotonous a. 

day in and day out monotony 

on someone else's time 被别人安排时间(your time is controlled by someone else)

on company time/ on that thing's time/ on my own time

the prime of your life=best years=youth 

I heard management is considering a flextime policy. 

flextime= flexible time

My routine here allows me to practice my craft and improve my skills every day. 

craft 技能,手艺= what you use your skills to do/ to create 

For that routine, I feel quite the opposite

pursue my passions (a little bit of more formal that using follow)

All I ever do here is unfulfilling busywork. (unfulfilling=unsatisfied)

busywork 琐碎工作

Tones of people like you are foregoing the 9 to 5 to suit their own needs and take greater control of their work destiny. 

suit 满足=fulfill (this job does not suit him)

What time would suit you?

Rather than unfulfilling busywork, I think you are better suited to a creative position. 

forego=give up=skip it=decline 放弃

freelancing 自由职业

destiny=it was meant to be (what you want to do in your future )

destination= where you go, where you end up 

rewarding 有益的

Life in the military is all about structure and discipline. 

If you want to get anything done, you have to have structure in your life. 

sang the best talent 抓住人才

management rein 管理权

place-bound work 固定地点的工作

hiring pain and huge talent shortage 

squared away 准备就绪

second thoughts 

You will have full transparency regarding your process. 

arrange a time 

mutually beneficial 

work out a mutually beneficial solution 

postpone 推迟

Your concerns are valid.

alleviate 减轻(alleviate your concerns)=aggravate=exacerbate 

rest assured 完全放心= your are in good hands 

work ethic 职业道德

I am more than happy/ excited/ready 表示非常的意思

I'm more than excited to meet your family. 



    本文标题:Soul-sucking job 2019-05-06
