
This is how Scandinavia got great.
Almost everybody admires the Nordic model. Countries like Sweden, dark Mark, Norway and fair land have high economic, productive productivity, high social equality, high social trust and high levels of personal happiness.
But Nordic nations were ethnically Homogeneous 同一种族的and generous home generous in 1800 when they were dirt poor. What really launched the Nordic nations was generations of Phenomenal不凡的 educational policy数代人卓越的教育政策 .
The 19th century Nordic Alex realized that if their countries were to prosper, they had to create truly successful for schools for the latest educated among them and that they were going to have to make lifelong learning a part of the national fabric fabric of society.
The German word they used to describe their approach bleeding means the Complete moral emotional, intelligible and civic sick civic transformation of the person. It was the based on the idea that if people were going to be able to handle and contribute to an emerging industrial society, industrial society, they would need more complex inner lives.
Bill dodge is divided to change the way students see the world it is devised to help them understand complex systems and see the relations between things.
That educational bush seems to have had a lasting influence on the culture, they have the lowest rates of cooperation in the world, they have a distinctive things of the relationship between personal freedom and communal公共的 responsibility集体责任.