英文简介:Set in Constantinople in the 15th century, in a small town in present-day Idaho, and on an interstellar ship decades from now, Anthony Doerr’s gorgeous third novel is a triumph of imagination and compassion, a soaring story about children on the cusp of adulthood in worlds in peril, who find resilience, hope - and a book. In Cloud Cuckoo Land, Doerr has created a magnificent tapestry of times and places that reflects our vast interconnectedness - with other species, with each other, with those who lived before us, and with those who will be here after we’re gone.
Thirteen-year-old Anna, an orphan, lives inside the formidable walls of Constantinople in a house of women who make their living embroidering the robes of priests. Restless, insatiably curious, Anna learns to read, and in this ancient city, famous for its libraries, she finds a book, the story of Aethon, who longs to be turned into a bird so that he can fly to a utopian paradise in the sky. This she reads to her ailing sister as the walls of the only place she has known are bombarded in the great siege of Constantinople. Outside the walls is Omeir, a village boy, miles from home, conscripted with his beloved oxen into the invading army. His path and Anna’s will cross.
中文简介:以 15 世纪的君士坦丁堡为背景,在今爱达荷州的一个小镇,以及几十年后的一艘星际飞船上,安东尼·多尔(Anthony Doerr)华丽的第三部小说是想象力和同情心的胜利,是关于成年期儿童的飙升故事在危险的世界中,找到复原力、希望 - 和一本书。在 Cloud Cuckoo Land,Doerr 创造了一幅宏伟的时间和地点挂毯,反映了我们与其他物种、彼此之间、与生活在我们之前的人以及我们离开后将在这里的人之间的巨大联系。
13 岁的安娜是一名孤儿,住在君士坦丁堡坚固城墙内的一所妇女之家,她们以绣制牧师的长袍为生。焦躁不安、好奇心旺盛的安娜学会了阅读,在这座以图书馆着称的古城中,她找到了一本书,讲述了埃松的故事,他渴望变成一只鸟,飞到乌托邦的乌托邦天堂。天空。当她所知道的唯一一个地方的城墙在君士坦丁堡的大围攻中遭到轰炸时,她给生病的妹妹读了这句话。城墙外是奥梅尔,一个离家几英里远的乡村男孩,他和他心爱的牛一起被征召加入入侵的军队。他的道路和安娜的道路会交叉。
五百年后,在爱达荷州的一个图书馆里,八十多岁的芝诺在战俘期间学习了希腊语,在改编自艾顿的故事的戏剧中排练了五个孩子,这个故事历经数个世纪都被保存下来。藏在图书馆书架之间的是一颗炸弹,是一个陷入困境的理想主义少年西摩安放的。这又是一次围攻。在不久的将来,在星际飞船 Argos 上,Konstance 独自一人在一个保险库里,抄袭她父亲告诉她的关于被解雇的 Aethon 的故事。她从未踏足过我们的星球。