

作者: 花姑娘_10ba | 来源:发表于2018-03-31 20:00 被阅读0次


Listen and guess what the boys’s name is.and get to know more about him.

Forty  short  Horses    Fork

1.find the same letters.”or”and same sound.

2.look and say “horse”

3.listen and read”horse”

4.The teacher write the words in the blackboard.

Ss speed the words together again.

5.Try to spell the new words.(port,York,pork,short,etc.)

6.To present Horton’s information.

Ss chant to the music.

7.The teacher presents more information about Horton to lead in the another sound of “or”

8.Discuss in pairs what’s the same among the words”word,worm,word”.

9.Try to spell new words.



or/. /    wor/.  /

11.Let’s PK.(男女分组轮流品读单词读准得分,否则对方的分)

12.Listen and write.(a boy and a girl listen and write on the blackboard.)

13.To present a funny story.

Horton’s horns

Listen and pay attention to the words with “or”.(初次整体接触文本,了解故事内容)

14.Read  the story by yourself and answer the two questions: Why is Horton sad at first? Why is Horton happy at last?

15.Listen and follow to read.

16.What can you do if you have horns.

My horns can...

17.Helping others is a good virtue.


Find more words with “or”.

Read the story with friends and family .


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