Recognize myself

作者: 旅途2019 | 来源:发表于2019-10-13 16:07 被阅读0次

Recent days, I have some thoughts, mainly about how other see me, the things that I have done might let other people opposited to me, then they might not be happy with me. I want to know what other people think to me, I wondered what faults in myself, then I will to improve, it's a advanced thing to me. For me, I am going to raise myself through studying and communities in many area, especially in my own personality.

First, I am a emotional person, in many cases, I was persuaded easily by others, some were unreasonable. Some works are not related to me, if I agree other people's ask, I must do it perfect, or I will be criticized. So I must know how to reject.

second, I am a perfectionist. Everything I have done I asked me to do those things no fault, do everything professional, it's wrong, I must do whatever I skilled in, and except these, to let professional person to do.

third, I don't pay attention to the details in days lives. Life is a process, we enjoy lives through all the details, then we happy, we enjoyable, we satisfied. So let me start from my clothes, meals, houses, and so on.

other things I am thinking......



    本文标题:Recognize myself
