We spend so much time being afraid of failure, afraid of rejection. But regret is the thing we should fear most. Failure is an answer. Rejection is an answer. Regret is an eternal question you will never have the answer to.
Trevor因为自卑,不敢开口向Zaheera表白爱意,一直在她身边充当好朋友的角色。结果Zaheera移居美国,给他留下的一句话就是she had such a huge crush on him, and she was always waiting for him to ask her out.他因此追悔莫及。不知道这故事里有多少成分是真实的,因为像极了电视剧里的情景,但是因为没有勇气让我们后悔一生的事情确时常发生。确实,我一直都在羡慕那些勇敢的人儿,虽然被rejected and failed,但是在这样一次次rejected and failed中,他积攒了经验和底气,也一次次的增加了自信心。我是个胆小的人,如蜗牛般缩进自己的保护壳里,怕丢脸,怕失败,在失去一次次勇敢站出来展示自己的机会中,让后悔侵蚀着内心,一天天老去。