Gotham 第一季 经典台词 II

Gotham 第一季 经典台词 II

作者: 抖一抖羽毛 | 来源:发表于2020-02-04 10:35 被阅读0次

Gladwell: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.(大精若朴) 

a store casher: If I had a dollar for every hobo that walks through that door, thinks they’re god. I wouldn’t be here.

Dix: Gotham’s Golden Rule: No heroes.

Bruce: Why would the Goat(剧中一角色山羊之灵) take me? There’s no one to take me from.

Dix: You do not have a copycat killer(模仿犯); you do not have a lone killer. What you have is a conspiracy.

Harvey: A conspiracy to hang rich kids off local historical landworks? Yeah, right.

Dix: (glances at Jim) He always thinks he’s the smartest one in the room?

Jim: I know, right?

Harvey: That’s because I’m always in a room of idiots. (walking out of the room)

Dix: Watch out for him.

Jim: Oh, yeah? Why is that?

Dix: He’s lone cannon(独行侠). He thinks he’s a white knight jumping into the breach, like some idiot in the movies.

Jim: You’re talking about Bullock, here?

Dix: We are talking about Bullock, here.

Jim: Harvey Bullock?

Dix: Harvey Bullock, yeah.

C1: Sure, if you could execute the warrants, which you can’t. if the D.A. would prosecute, which he won’t.

Olswald:Caution is wise.

Don Marine: There is nothing more dangerous than a honest man.

Fish: Things change.

Richard Sionis: True killers are easy to spot.

Harvey:You got to go along to get along.

Fish: A lie with a heart of truth is a powerful thing.

Alfred:Taking a punch is just as important as throwing one.

Olswald:Reaching out in friendship is never wrong.

Olsward:Timing(时机) is everything.

Fish:We sink or swim together. 有福同享,有难同当。

Alfred: You have very eloquent…gaze… And I can see that you’re not a woman that would let petty self-interest outweigh…honor and compassion. (深邃的目光/为一己私利不顾道义和慈悲,部分翻译🤪)

Lovecraft: When it comes to the crunch, kid, I’m nobody, just like you. And the people who really, truly run this city, they are watching you huff and puff and run around crusading, and they are laughing at you! You’re so deep in the maze, you can’t see over the wall. (打酱油的小人物说出哥谭的精髓)

Killer John Doe (忘了记名字):Don’t ever mistake bravery for good sense.

Alfred: You really scared me, Master Bruce. If you die... who employs butlers anymore?

①ultimate. adj

1. happening at the end of a long process

2. most extreme; best, worst, greatest, most important, etc.

3. from which something originally comes

②sophistication. noun 强词夺理,诡辩,混合,事故,高雅

the quality of being sophisticated.


③hobo. noun 剧中意为“流浪汉,无业游民”

a person who travels from place to place looking for work, especially on farms

④copycat. noun

used especially by children about and to a person who copies what somebody else does because they have no ideas of their own.

⑤conspiracy.  noun 阴谋

a secret plan by a group of people to do something harmful or illegal

conspiracy (to do something) a conspiracy to overthrow the government

conspiracy (against somebody/​something) conspiracies against the president

conspiracy (to something) They were charged with conspiracy to murder. 

⑥landworks 字典查不到,Harvey 说话一向过于口语化……剧中historical landworks意为“历史遗迹,历史建筑”。

⑦cannon. noun

1.an old type of large heavy gun, usually on wheels, that fires solid metal or stone balls

three cannon opened fire.

burst of cannon fire

​ loose cannon, water cannon

2. an automatic gun that is fired from an aircraft

⑧execute. v

[usually passive] execute somebody (for something) to kill somebody, especially as a legal punishment

execute something (formal) to do a piece of work, perform a duty, put a plan into action, etc.

execute something (formal) to successfully perform a skilful action or movement

execute something (formal) to make or produce a work of art

execute something (law) to follow the instructions in a legal document; to make a document legally valid (有效,有依据,正当的)

⑨warrant. n

1 [countable] a legal document that is signed by a judge and gives the police authority to do something

ex:an arrest warrant

warrant (for something) a document that gives you the right to receive money, services, etc.

warrant (for something/for doing something) (formal) (usually in negative sentences) an acceptable reason for doing something

warrant. v

(formal) to make something necessary or appropriate in a particular situation


I/​Iʼll warrant (you)

(old-fashioned) used to tell somebody that you are sure of something and that they can be sure of it too.

⑩crunch. n

[countable, usually singular] a noise like the sound of something firm being crushed

the crunch of feet on snow.

the crunch [singular] (informal) an important and often unpleasant situation or piece of information

[countable, usually singular] a situation in which there is suddenly not enough of something, especially money

he budget/​energy/​housing crunch

11.huff. v

to say something or make a noise in a way that shows you are offended or annoyed

puff. v

to smoke a cigarette, pipe, etc.

puff on one's pipe

to make smoke or steam blow out in clouds; to blow out in clouds

puff out

to breathe loudly and quickly, especially after you have been running

to move in a particular direction, sending out small clouds of smoke or steam

12.crusade. v

crusade(for/against something) | crusade (to do something) a long and determined effort to achieve something that you believe to be right or to stop something that you believe to be wrong

to make a long +同上

参考文献:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary



    本文标题:Gotham 第一季 经典台词 II
