
作者: 123逍遥游 | 来源:发表于2017-06-16 11:26 被阅读8次


    President Donald Trump's wife Melania and their 11-year-old son Barron have officially moved into the White House. 美国第一夫人梅拉尼娅(Melania)携11岁幼子巴伦(Barron)正式入住白宫。

    She and the boy had been living at the family's home at Trump Tower in New York so Barron could finish out the year at his current school. 此前,为了让巴伦顺利完成现就读学校的学业,她与儿子一直住在纽约的特朗普大厦。

    In keeping with American tradition, President Trump moved to Washington, DC immediately after he took office in January.  自1月份宣誓就职后,特朗普依照美国传统入主白宫。

    Since then, he has lived in the White House -- one of the most famous buildings in the world. 此后,他一直住在这栋全球知名的建筑内。

    Melania Trump announced the move Sunday on Twitter.  周日,梅拉尼娅在推特上宣布入住白宫的消息。

    She wrote, "Looking forward to the memories we'll make in our new home! Hashtag Movingday."  她写道:“期待在我们在新家创造出美好的回忆!乔迁之日。”

    Her announcement included a picture of the Washington Monument as seen from a room inside the White House. 推文中还配了一张从白宫窗内遥望华盛顿纪念碑的图片。

    The president spent last weekend away from the White House. He went to one of his golf properties in the state of New Jersey. 上周末,总统离开白宫后前往自己位于新泽西州的一处高尔夫俱乐部。

    Melania Trump has not been as visible as other presidents' wives since choosing to stay with Barron in New York.  与其他第一夫人不同,梅拉尼娅决定在纽约陪伴儿子后就鲜少露面。

    But she has slowly begun taking on more official White House duties.  不过,她已经逐渐开始参与白宫的部分事务。

    She also recently joined the president on his first major overseas trip. 特朗普首次进行重大外事访问,梅拉尼娅就陪伴在侧。

    Her move to Washington was expected.  第一夫人入住白宫在意料之中。

    Trump had repeatedly said his wife and son would be joining him in the White House after the current school year.  特朗普一再表示,待儿子的学业结束,一家人将在白宫团聚。

    Barron has been attending Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School in New York City. 据悉,巴伦在纽约市哥伦比亚语法预备学校就读。

    Melania Trump announced last month that Barron would begin attending a private school just outside of Washington, in the state of Maryland, later this year.  梅拉尼娅上个月宣布,今年晚些时候,巴伦将转学至马里兰州的圣安德鲁主教学校(St. Andrew's Episcopal School)。

    The school, Saint Andrew's Episcopal School, is about 30 kilometers from the White House. 这所学校离白宫只有约30公里。

    In a statement at the time, the first lady said the family chose St. Andrew's because of its commitment "to know and inspire each child in an inclusive community."  当时,第一夫人在声明中表示,选择这所学校是看中“在包容的环境下了解并激励每一个孩子”的教学使命。

    She added that the school's program combines teaching, learning and service, "all of which appealed to our family." 她还表示,“该校致力于特殊教学,学习和服务。这是特朗普家庭所欣赏的东西。”

    The cost for Barron to attend the school is reported to be about $44,000 a year, about the same cost as his former school in New York. 据报道,巴伦每年的学费约44000美元,高昂的学费丝毫不亚于此前在纽约就读的学校。

    Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama chose to send their daughters to Sidwell Friends School, a private school in Washington, DC. 前总统奥巴马和米歇尔则选择让女儿到华盛顿的私立学校——西德威尔友谊中学就读。

    Chelsea Clinton also attended Sidwell Friends while living in the White House during the presidency of Bill Clinton. 前总统比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)就任总统期间,其女儿切尔西·克林顿(Chelsea Clinton)也曾就读于这所学校。

    I'm Ashley Thompson. 阿什利·汤普森为您播报。



