Research field I want to work on
**How to get maximum benefits from the food/diet?
*phytochemical/bioactive absorption/metabolism;
*How the gut microbiota play a role in the nutrition?
*Interactions between the phytochemicals;
*Interested phytochemicals: polyphenols! What a huge kindom.
(read more reviews in these areas?)
Why do I want to stay in academia rather than industry?OR what is my motivation?
**In pursuit of science/knowledge/higher truth; rather than driven by profit;
**I feel excited to write-up/present/share what I know/learn to others; I also feel excited whenever I learn new things;
* less complicated interpersonal networking required; thus fewer distractions; focus on my things
Will you feel okay to work in a small college with less funding but less stress?
Research field I absolutely do not want to work on
*food processing (not interested at all);
*pure biology (no enough background)
The life I don't want to live with
*all work, 24-7;
*no goal/motivation;