L4-U1-P1 Landforms🌎地貌

L4-U1-P1 Landforms🌎地貌

作者: Darren321 | 来源:发表于2019-01-04 13:44 被阅读0次

    Mountains Landforms higher than 2000 feet,or about 600 meters above sea level山脉地貌在海平面上高于2000英尺或600米

    Hills are like mountains,but not as tall山丘像山脉但没有那么高

    Mountains are formed by forces deep within the earth and are made of many types of rocks山脉是由地球内部的力量,由许多岩石组成

    Rivers are streams of water that usually begin in mountains and flow into the sea河流是水的溪流,通常从山上流入大海

    Many early cities were built alongside rivers许多早期的城市被建在河流的旁边

    Most of the world's  water is in the oceans which are large bodies of salt water大部分世界上的水都在海洋中,海洋是由大量的盐水组成

    The oceans are also an important source of oxygen海洋也是一个重要的氧气来源

    Deserts are areas of land that receive little or no rainfall沙漠是很少或没有下雨的地区

    The amount of rainfall in some deserts is so low that only a few pants can survive在一些沙漠地区的降雨量很少 以致于很少有植物存活

    A valley is a low ,relatively flat area between hills or mountains often with a river running through it山谷很低相对平坦在山丘或山脉之间通常有河流通过

    Some valleys are formed by flowing water and others are formed by glaciers一些山谷是由流动的水形成,有些是冰川形成



        本文标题:L4-U1-P1 Landforms🌎地貌
