大师游戏II 158~创造未来

大师游戏II 158~创造未来

作者: 心水 | 来源:发表于2021-10-02 17:13 被阅读0次




    今天继续读《Dark NLP》:

    Dark NLP provides you with techniques that effectively allow you to hack into your own brain and brainwash yourself into moving towards your aims on autopilot.

    Dark NLP真神奇,竟然可以像黑客一样黑进人脑,然后洗脑让大脑自动朝着目标的方向航行。

    To do this, you first need to tap into the most primal system of reward that exists within you. You are going to use a visceral feeling of achievement to drive your inner being towards your goals.


    First, you need to picture a time when you have achieved something you set out to do. Think of the raw feeling that accompanied your triumph, perhaps it was the feeling of exhilaration and sheer happiness. It is important that you recall this state as thoroughly as you can and really try to picture it in as much detail that you almost feel it is happening now. It is important that you eventually reach the stage where you are able to summon this feeling on demand.


    It is important that you eventually reach the stage where you are able to summon this feeling on demand.


    You are now going to picture the achievement of three goals in your mind that you want to happen within the next year. For example, you might see yourself getting your driving license, kissing the person you desire and receiving a certificate of education. You are now going to brainwash yourself into linking these concepts to your deepest sense of triumph, and making your brain feel as if it has already experienced your intended outcomes.


    Link them to one another until you are unable to picture your outcome in your mind without triggering the sense of triumph. Repeat this exercise with the two other short-term goals you have set yourself.


    By doing this, you trick your subconscious into associating a future event with a feeling you have already had. You brain is unable to separate the two, so your mind accepts the intended outcome as if it has already happened. As a result of this, your brain is primed for it to occur, and will actively seek out to make it happen


    You can also picture ahead and envision what your life will look like in the future. A common time period for this exercise is five or ten years. When doing this, you should imagine your home environment for that future period. What will it look like? What view will you have? What will the room be like? You should try to make the picture as rich in terms of sensory data as possible. Imagine the sights you will see, the smell of the room, the feel of the carpet and the sounds of the environment. By making the idea as rich as possible you make it more realistic to your own brain.


    Whenever you are feeling some resistance to taking action and completing a particular task, you will be able to recall the rich sensory image of your desired future home. By doing this, you will realize that it is essential to take action in order to make the vision a reality. This allows you to summon motivation on demand and always make any task, no matter how trivial, part of a meaningful whole.




        本文标题:大师游戏II 158~创造未来
