

作者: 麦穗呀 | 来源:发表于2022-06-21 07:48 被阅读0次

Gen Z and millennials, like millions of other Americans, are looking a new way to work

Stressed and burned out, many have walked away from their jobs,

About a third would quit without another job lined up, a global survey found. pay was the NO.1 reason youonger perople left their jobs in last 2 years, followed by feeling the workplace was detrimental to their mental health and burnout.

When choosing a new employer, good work life balance and learning and development opportunity were the top priorities.

in addition, those who are satified with their employers' environmental and societal impact, as well as their efforts to create an inclusive culture, are more likely to stay with their employer for five years or more.

Morning! my good life.

ALthrough you are alone to face all the difficulties and all the challenges, but you are in the way to find and cultiviate the feeling to enjoy happiness and love

May your heart is broken now because you found the people who is not in your expection way. Anything, just to put your heart and nose the smell with trural words.


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