Someone had nothing to declare while they were going through the Green Channel,
Customs Officers would clearly regard them as smugglers. Even really honest peole,
are often mader to feel guilty. The hardened professional smuggler, on the other hand,
is never troubled by such feelings. This can give rise to curious situations as it did in
the case of myself who had been regarded as a smuggler when I returned from abroad recently. So My suitcase was searched thoroughly by a particularly officious young
Customs Officer. My tiny bottle was supposed to be full of perfume by the Officer after
he had found it at the bottom of my suitcase. At first, I could not convinced him that the bottle contained hair gel. When he opened the bottle, the Officer was greeted by an
unpleasant smell. Such smell proved that I was telling the truth. A few minutes later, I
was allowed to go away with precious chalk marks on mybaggage.