生信分析不只是跑下软件 | TADCompare 差异分析要留心

生信分析不只是跑下软件 | TADCompare 差异分析要留心

作者: 生信云笔记 | 来源:发表于2023-11-17 14:35 被阅读0次

    序 言


    案 例

      TADCompare函数可以直接利用两个HiC矩阵得到差异TAD,这源自于其内嵌类似TAD calling的功能,可以得到可能的TAD边界以及差异情况。除此之外,软件也接受提供预先定义的TAD,以三列bed格式提供给参数pre_tadsbed格式大家应该不陌生,但这里提供的bed应该包含列名,至于为什么要加列名后面再说。格式类似如下:

    chr  start    end
    chr1 49200000 50150000
    chr1 50150000 51250000


             16050000 16100000 16150000 16200000 16250000
    16050000       12        0        0        0        0
    16100000        0        0        0        0        0
    16150000        0        0        0        0        0
    16200000        0        0        0        4        0
    16250000        0        0        0        0        0

      对于矩阵行列名,TADCompare函数在参数说明中也明确的提醒the column names must correspond to the start point of the corresponding bin。如果要用软件就得按别人要求来,否则可能都没法正常运行。

         TADCompare(cont_mat1, cont_mat2, resolution = "auto", z_thresh = 2,
           window_size = 15, gap_thresh = 0.2, pre_tads = NULL)
    cont_mat1: Contact matrix in either sparse 3 column, n x n or n x (n+3)
              form where the first three columns are coordinates in BED
              format.  See "Input_Data" vignette for more information.  If
              an n x n matrix is used, the column names must correspond to
              the start point of the corresponding bin. Required.


    bed1 <- 'sample1_tad.bed'
    bed2 <- 'sample2_tad.bed'
    Combined_Bed <-  list(bed1, bed2)
    TD_Compare <- TADCompare(mat1, mat2, resolution = 50000, pre_tads = Combined_Bed)


    if (!is.null(pre_tads)) {
            pre_tads = lapply(pre_tads, as.data.frame)
            TAD_Frame = TAD_Frame %>% filter(Boundary %in% bind_rows(pre_tads)$end) %>%
                mutate(Differential = ifelse(abs(Gap_Score) > z_thresh,
                    "Differential", "Non-Differential"), Enriched_In = ifelse(Gap_Score >
                    0, "Matrix 1", "Matrix 2")) %>% arrange(Boundary) %>%
                mutate(Bound_Dist = abs(Boundary - lag(Boundary))/resolution) %>%
                mutate(Differential = ifelse((Differential == "Differential") &
                    (Bound_Dist <= 5) & !is.na(Bound_Dist) & (Enriched_In !=
                    lag(Enriched_In)) & (lag(Differential) == "Differential"),
                    "Shifted", Differential)) %>% mutate(Differential = ifelse(lead(Differential) ==
                "Shifted", "Shifted", Differential)) %>% dplyr::select(-Bound_Dist)


    结 语




        本文标题:生信分析不只是跑下软件 | TADCompare 差异分析要留心
