

作者: 蔚海山庄三六子 | 来源:发表于2022-08-12 20:38 被阅读0次

    magna turba est in urbe. fēminae et puellae sunt in turbā. senēs quoque et iuvenēs sunt in turbā. servī hodiē nōn labōrant. senēs hodiē nōn dormiunt. mercātōrēs hodiē nōn sunt occupātī.

    A large number of people are in the city. Women and girls are in the crowds. senior men and younger men are in the crowds, too.Older men are not sleeping today. Merchants are not doing business today.


    Pompēiānī sunt ōtiōsī. urbs tamen nōn est quiēta. Pompēiānī ad theātrum contendunt. magnus clāmor est in urbe.

    Pompeians are on holiday. However, the city is not quiet. Pompeians are going to the theatre hurry. Big uproars are in the town.


    agricolae urbem intrant. nautae urbem petunt. pāstōrēs dē monte veniunt et ad urbem contendunt. turba per portam ruit.

    Farmers are entering the city. Sailors are looking for the town. Shepherds are coming down from the mountains to the town hurry. Crowds are rushing through the gate.


    nūntius in forō clāmat: 'āctōrēs sunt in urbe. āctōrēs sunt in theātrō. Priscus fābulam dat. Priscus fābulam optimam dat. āctōrēs sunt Actius et Sorex.'

    The message has been shouting in the market-place:” Actors are in the city. Actors are in the theatre. Priscus is putting on a play. Priscus is an excellent play. Actors are Actius and Sorex.


    Caecilius et Metella ē vīllā discēdunt. argentārius et uxor ad theātrum ambulant. Clēmēns et Melissa ad theātrum contendunt. sed Grumiō in vīllā manet.

    The banker Caecilius and his wife, metella, are leaving the villa and walking to the theatre. Clemens and Melissa are hurrying to the theatre. Grumio is staying at home.




