1~5 Caillou at daycare~Calliou V

1~5 Caillou at daycare~Calliou V

作者: 伊奇通达_Sunny申 | 来源:发表于2018-11-07 08:14 被阅读24次

    1. Caillou at daycare

    Storyteller: It’s time for a story, you guys. Let’s see where Caillou went today. Today’s story is called “Caillou at Daycare”. It was Caillou’s first day and he was a little bit nervous.

    Caillou:“I don’t want to go, Mommy. I want to stay with you.”

    Mommy: Oh, so do I, Caillou. But you know Mommy has to go to work. And daycare can be fun. Hear that?

    Teacher: Hello, I’m Anne Martin, the teacher. And you must be Caillou.

    Storyteller: Caillou was scared and shy.

    Mommy: Now I’m gonna have to go, honey.

    Caillou: No, I don’t want you to go, Mommy.

    Mommy: I’ll be back Cailou. Don’t be sad.

    Storyteller: Even Caillou’s Mommy was sad to leave him at daycare for the first time.

    Teacher: Here, Caillou. Have a glass of apple juice. Do you want me to introduce you to the other children?

    Teacher: OK, maybe after your juice then.

    Leo: Hey! Those are my blocks!

    Caillou: Mommy!

    Leo: hmm, your mommy’s gone.

    Clementine: Hi, I’m Clementine. What’s your name?

    Caillou: En, Caillou.

    Clementine: That’s Leo. He doesn’t like to share.

    Clementine: Do you want to play? I’m doing cut-outs. See, here’s an apple and that’s a banana, and this is raisin toast, you can eat them though, they’re only pretend.

    Do you like daycare?

    Caillou: I like staying at my grandmother’s better.

    Clementine: That’s where you stay when your mom and dad are busy?

    Caillou: She is an artist and I get to play with paints, and brushes, and paper, and crayon, and chalk, and color pencils…

    Clementine: we got all that’s stuff here.

    Caillou: Oh, boy! I’m going to paint a…a robin!

    Clementine:  I’ll do cut-outs of what robins eat.

    Both: That’s worms!

    Leo: That’s a good robin. Could you teach me how to paint like that?

    Clementine: Sure, Leo. If you teach us how to build a castle.

    Leo: a castle has to have lots of towers.

    Clementine: A worm has to have lots of twists.

    Caillou: And a robin has to have lots of red.

    Caillou: Here Leo, you can make a flag for the castle.

    Mommy and Daddy: Caillo.

    Caillou: We have to make this tower higher.

    Storyteller: Caillo was having so much fun playing, he didn’t even notice his mommy and daddy.

    Caillou: Look, I’m making a castle!

    Both: Ha-ha-ha!


     英  ['klem(ə)ntaɪn; -tiːn]  美  ['klɛmən'tin]

    n. 克莱芒蒂娜 (1994年发射的环月轨道探测器)



    n. 安妮(女子名)


     英  ['mɑːtɪn]

    n. 马丁(男子名)


     英  ['li:əu]  美  ['li:əu]

    n. 狮子座;狮子(用于儿童故事寓言等);利奥(男子名)


     美  ['kʌtaut]

    n. [电] 断流器;(木头、纸上剪下的)图案或花样


     英  ['reɪz(ə)n]  美  ['rezn]

    n. 葡萄干

    n. (Raisin)人名;(法)雷森


     英  [prɪ'tend]  美  [prɪ'tɛnd]

    vi. 假装,伪装,佯装

    adj. 假装的

    vt. 假装,伪装,模拟


     英  [ˈkreɪən]  美  [kreən]

    n. 蜡笔,有色粉笔

    vt. 以蜡笔作画,用颜色粉笔画

    n. (Crayon)人名;(英)克雷恩


     英  [tʃɔːk]  美  [tʃɔk]

    vt. 用粉笔写;用白垩粉擦;记录;规划

    n. 粉笔;白垩;用粉笔划的记号

    adj. 用粉笔写的

    vi. 变成白垩状

    n. (Chalk)人名;(英)乔克


     英  ['rɒbɪn]  美  ['rɑbɪn]

    n. 知更鸟, 鸫


     英  ['kɑːs(ə)l]  美  ['kæsl]

    n. 城堡;象棋中的车

    vt. 置…于城堡中;筑城堡防御

    n. (Castle)人名;(英)卡斯尔


     英  ['taʊə]  美  ['taʊɚ]

    n. 塔;高楼;堡垒

    vi. 高耸;超越

    n. (Tower)人名;(英)托尔


     英  [twɪst]  美  [twɪst]

    vt. 捻;拧;扭伤;编织;使苦恼

    n. 扭曲;拧;扭伤

    vi. 扭动;弯曲

    n. (Twist)人名;(英)特威斯特

    Caillou at Daycare

    It's Caillou's first day at daycare, and he's whining because he doesn't want to go - He wants to be at Grandma's instead. They meet with Mrs. Martin, Caillou's teacher. Caillou's mum leaves then. Caillou feels sacred and shy.he doesn’t want his mum to go. Caillou's teacher gives Caillou some juice. caillou responses nothing. Caillou then tries to be friend Leo, but Leo was rude to him. Clementine introduces herself to Caillou, and explains to Caillou that Leo "doesn't like to share". She shows Caillou what she has been doing, cutouts. Then she asks Caillou why does he prefers his grandparents' place. He tells her that he likes painting. She says to him that they can do that at daycare, too. She brings out some paints, brushes and paper. Caillou paints a bird-robin.Leo walks by, and notices Caillou's painting. He wants Caillou to teach him how to paint. Caillou agrees, on the condition that Leo teach Clementine and Caillou how to build castles with blocks.Leo paint a distorted bird while Caillou and Clementine build a castle . Then Caillou's parents come to pick him up. Caillou says to his parents that he wants to come back tomorrow.


    Caillou日托的第一天就很抱怨,因为他不想去,他想呆在奶奶家。Caillou的妈妈和Caillou与他的老师见了面。然后Caillou的妈妈就走了。 Caillou感到有些不适应。Martin走过来给了他一杯果汁。Caillou接过了果汁后什么也没说。他走过去尝试着对Leo示好,但Leo并不理会他反而粗鲁的回应了Caillou。Clementine向 Caillou介绍了她自己,并向Caillou解释说Leo不喜欢分享。她向Caillou展示了她的剪纸艺术。然后她问Caillou为什喜欢呆在奶奶家。他告诉她,他喜欢绘画。于是Clementine又对他说他们也可以在托儿所做同样的事啊。她拿出了一些颜料,画笔和纸给Caillou。 Caillou画了一只漂亮而又可爱的小鸟。这时Leo走了过来看着Caillou画的画。他希望Caillou也能教他如何画。Caillou同意了,作为交换的条件,leo要教他和Clementine如何搭积木。Leo画一只变形扭曲的鸟。Caillou 和Clementine也学会了如何搭积木。就在这个时候Caillou 父母亲来了。Caillou说明天他还要来。

    2. Caillou joins the circus

    Storyteller: Come on, it’s story time, kids. Caillou doesn’t look very happy. I wonder why….Today’s story is called “Caillou Joins the Circus.”

    Caillou: Yee! Gilbert,I dreamed about a tiger. Daddy’s taking me to the circus today. He promised. I’m getting dressed all by myself. Daddy will be so happy. Woops! Oh ouch!Oh, no. I forgot to brush my teeth. Look, I’ve got dressed all by myself!

    Daddy: uh, I can see that. And you did a very good job. But it’s so early?

    Caillou: I don’t want to be late for the circus.

    Daddy: The circus? Oh no, Caillou, that’s not today. The circus isn’t till tomorrow.

    Caillou: No, no, no. it’s today! I’ve got all dressed…it’s today.

    Daddy: Come on. Caillou come downstairs and help me make breakfast.

    Caillou: No, no I don’t want to…Vroom! Vroom! Silly old car, silly-silly-silly! Waa!

    Storyteller: Caillou was in a very bad mood because he wasn’t going to the circus.

    Daddy: Caillou, stop all these reckon. You woke up Rosie. I want you to come downstairs right now.

    Storyteller: Even Caillou’s daddy was starting to get angry.

    Caillou: Why can’t I go to the circus? I want to go to the circus.

    Daddy: Let’s make toast. We can cut it into little duckies , like grandma does.

    Caillou: No! I don’t want to make duckies. That’s for babies!

    Daddy: well, then. How about a circus breakfast? We can cut circus animals out of toast to have with our boiled eggs. But wait a minute. We’re missing something. Something that comes before the circus’s animals. Now what could that be?

    Caillou: A parade? A circus’s parade?

    Daddy:Of course. That’s it!

    Caillou: I can get the eggs. Woops!

    Daddy: wow! If you wanted scrambled eggs, you should have said so….

    Caillou: Not my fault.

    Daddy: I know, Caillou. It wasn’t anybody’s fault. It was an accident.

    Caillou: Daddy, the toast!

    Daddy: Hot, hot, hot. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

    Caillou: Ha-ha-ha. You can be in the circus, Daddy. You are a good juggler, ha-ha-ha!

    Daddy: And Rosie can be the clown.

    Mommy: Oh, what’s going on here?

    Caillou: We’re having a circus. Do you want to be in our parade, Mommy?

    Daddy: Oh, are you going to be the lady who rides on the horse?

    Mommy: I don’t think so, sweet-heart. I think I’ll be the lady who marches back to bed.


     英  ['ɡilbət]

    n. 吉尔伯特(男子名)


     英  ['rek(ə)n]  美  ['rɛkən]

    vt. 测算,估计;认为;计算

    vi. 估计;计算;猜想,料想



    n. 罗西(女名)


     英  ['dʌkɪ]  美  ['dʌki]

    adj. 可喜的;极好的;极为愉快的 n.小鸭子


     英  [pə'reɪd]  美  [pə'red]

    n. 游行;阅兵;炫耀;行进;阅兵场

    vt. 游行;炫耀;列队行进

    vi. 游行;炫耀;列队行进

    n. (Parade)人名;(法、德)帕拉德


     英  美  ['skræmbl]

    n. 密码形式;扰频

    v. 争夺;攀登;搅拌(scramble的过去分词)


     英  ['dʒʌɡlə]  美  ['dʒʌɡlɚ]

    n. 变戏法的人;玩杂耍的人;骗子


     英  [mɑːtʃ]  美  [mɑrtʃ]

    vi. (坚定地向某地)前进;行军,进军;游行示威;进展,进行

    vt. 使前进;使行军

    n. 行进,前进;行军;游行示威;进行曲

    Caillou Joins the Circus

    Caillou dreams that he's a lion tamer and Gilbert is a lion. He wakes up. He remembers that he is to go to the circus today. He quickly gets dressed and washed. Caillou's dad then comes by the toilet and asks him why he's up so early. Caillou says that he can't wait to go to the circus. His dad tells him - the circus is until tomorrow, not today. Naturally, Caillou throws a tantrum. Later, during breakfast, Caillou's dad accidentally grabs hold of burnt toast and starts juggling them. It's then that Caillou gets the idea of playing circus. So they do. At this moment, Caillou's mom comes downstairs. Caillou's dad asks her if she wants to play the lady that rides the horse. She replies that she'd rather go back to bed.



    3. Caillou is afraid of the dark

    Storyteller: Story time,Kids. This all happened when Caillou was just three years old. Today’s story is called “Caillou is Afraid of the Dark.”

    Daddy: Good-night, Caillou. Have sweet dreams.

    Mommy: Sleep tight, don’t let bed bugs bite. 

    Caillou: okay, Sleep tight. Don’t let bed bugs bite.

    Caillou: Oh, beg bugs?! Ha, Mommy!

    Mommy: Caillou, what’s wrong?

    Caillou: Bugs. Mommy!

    Mommy: There, all gone. They were just shadows.

    Caillou: But what about this scratchy monster?

    Mommy: I don’t hear a scratchy monster.

    Caillou: there is a scratchy in here. He’s making scratchy sounds.

    Mommy: I’m sure you think you heard something. But there’s no need to be afraid of monsters, do you know why? Because monsters aren’t real! They’re just make-believe.Good-night, dear!

    Caillou: I’m not afraid of Monsters. I’m not afraid of Monsters. Oh! Ah! Dad---dy!

    Daddy: it’s OK,Caillou。It’s just your toy, Snaky.

    Caillou: Yes, but there was a flying Monster and a scratchy monster. It’s in my room.

    Daddy: You probably just imagined you heard something Caillou. I can’t find anything.

    Caillou: But the scratchy Monster, it went “Crash-crash!”

    Daddy: Try listening to the music box; it’ll make happy sounds while you’re sleep.Good night, Caillou.

    Caillou: Ha, Mommy! Daddy! The scratchy monster! He’s got me! Help! Aaaa… a two-head monster! There was a…, The music box, I heard a -eeeee! And a scratching noise and a~~~!!!

    Daddy: The wind was making the tree branch hit the window. That’s what was making the scary noise?

    Mommy: See, darling. Sometimes ordinary things can seem scary.

    Caillou: So the scratchy Monster was just the tree?

    Caillou: look! The scratchy Monster! It wasn’t a Monster. It was just Gilbert.

    Daddy: That cat.

    Mommy: You’ll be able to sleep fine now, dear.

    Daddy: With a little help from Teddy.

    Caillou: I hope there won’t be any more scary sounds.

    Daddy: I know how Teddy can help make sure there won’t be any more scary sounds.

    D&M: Goodnight, Cailou.


     英  ['bedbʌg]  美  ['bɛdbʌɡ]

    n. 臭虫


     英  ['skrætʃɪ]  美  ['skrætʃi]

    adj. 潦草的;刺痒的;草率的;发刮擦声的


     英  美

    v. 划伤;擦伤;刮痕(scratch的ing形式)


     英  ['meikbi,li:v]  美  ['meikbi,li:v]

    n. 伪装;虚伪;假扮者

    adj. 假装的;虚假的


     英  ['sneɪkɪ]  美  ['sneki]

    adj. 阴险的;弯弯曲曲的;似蛇的


     英  [kræʃ]  美  [kræʃ]

    n. 撞碎;坠毁;破产;轰隆声;睡觉

    vi. 摔碎;坠落;发出隆隆声;(金融企业等)破产

    vt. 打碎;使坠毁、撞坏;擅自闯入


     英  ['skeərɪ]  美  ['skɛri]

    adj. (事物)可怕的;恐怖的;吓人的;(人)提心吊胆的;引起惊慌的;胆小的

    Caillou is Afraid of the Dark

    It's bedtime, but there's a scratchy noise coming from somewhere in the room. Caillou thinks it's a scratchy monster. Caillou's parents thinks that it's the tree branch brushing against the window. But when the scratching noise continues, Caillou gets all delirious in the dark and mistakes his parents for a two-headed monster. The“scratchy monster”then appears. It was Gilbert all along, stuck in a paper bag under Caillou's bed! Caillou then learns to use Teddy as an ear-muff.


    现在是睡觉的时间,但房间的某个地方来却传来了发出咝咝沙沙声的声音。Caillou认为这是一个“scratchy monster”。Caillou的父母告诉他那只是一些树枝刷过窗口发出的声音。但是,当噪音在次传来的时候,Caillou在黑暗中害怕极了,误认为他的父母就是那双头怪物。就在这个时候“scratchy monster”真的出现了。但那只是他的猫咪Gilbert。此后Caillou却学会了用他的Teddy小能作护耳罩。

    4. Calliou’s Friends

    Storyteller: What’s the matter, kids? Our friends were supposed come. And they’re not here. Well, while we’re waiting. It’s story time. Now what did Calliou do today? Today’s story is called “Calliou’s friends”. Calliou was felling very sorry for himself.

    Caillou’s grandma: Whatever’s the matter, calliou? You don’t look very happy.

    Caillou: I’ve got nobody to play with.

    Caillou’s grandma: Don’t you have any friends?

    Caillou: No, I don’t.

    Storyteller: At that moment, calliou really thought that he didn’t have any friends. And that made him feel even more sad and lonely.

    Caillou’s grandma: I’m sure. You must have some friends. Let’s see, if we can think of one. What about that nice girl, Clementine.

    Caillou: Clementine loves candies.

    Caillou: Can i?

    Clementine: Nope! Okay, want some?

    Clementine: Oh, no~~~!! I’m putting the yellow ones in a row.

    Teacher: calliou, that candy was on the floor. It’s not going in your mouth.

    Clementine: Wait a minute. I have some more here. They are clean.

    Caillou’s grandma: well, that’s one friend. Do you have any anothers?

    Caillou: Hum~~~!! I don’t think so!

    Caillou’s grandma: let’s see now. What about that boy Leo!

    Caillou: Leo is funny.

    Mommy: What’s so funny you two~~?

    Caillou: Nothing mommy!

    Caillou’s grandma: Well now, that’s two friends. Do you have any anothers?

    Caillou: No~~!

    Caillou’s grandma: Really? What about Gilbert? Isn’t he your friend?

    Caillou: Yeah!

    Storyteller: Calliou had forgotten about Gilbert. Of course, Gilbert was his friend.

    Caillou: yeah! Gilbert, you are my friend.

    Storyteller: Calliou was much happier now. He started out of thinking he didn’t have any friends. But now he knew he has three. And now that he knew he has three friends. Calliou began to think about whether he had any more.

    Caillou: Rosie is my sister, grandma. But she’s my friend too.

    Caillou’s grandma: That’s right!

    Caillou’s little sister: calliou~~

    Hinkle: Hello, everybody!

    Caillou: hello, Mr. Hinkle. And Mr. Hinkle’s my friend too. I have lots of friends, don’t I, Grandma?

    Caillou’s grandma: Yes, you do. Look, who’s coming~~

    It’s mommy and daddy. Mommy, Daddy you are my friends, and so Rosie and Gilbert and Mr. Hinkle and Clementine and Leo.

    Mommy: are those all your friends?

    Caillou: yes~~!!

    Mommy: Aren’t you forgetting someone?

    Caillou: Oh, yes! And you are my friend too, grandma.


    n. (Hinkle)人名;(英)欣克尔

    Caillou's Friends

    Caillou complains to his grandma that he has no friends. Caillou's grandma then asks him about Leo and Clementine. Caillou admits that Leo and Clmentine are his friends. Then she reminds Caillou that Rosie may be his sister,but she's his friend,too. And so is Gilbert and Mr. Hinkle. And lastly,so is his Mother and Father and even her - Grandma.


    Caillou向他的祖母抱怨说,他没有朋友。Caillou的奶奶问到Leo and Clementine.不是你的朋友吗?卡尤承认Leo and Clementine.是他的朋友。然后,奶奶又提醒到Rosie虽然是他的妹妹,但也是他的朋友。因此Gilbert and Mr. Hinkle也是他的朋友。最后,他的母亲和父亲,甚至是她的-奶奶也都是他的朋友。

    5. Calliou Visits the Doctor

    Storyteller: I hope this will make you feel better. It’s story time! When Calliou was three, he’s got a really bad earache. And today’s story is called “Calliou Visits the Doctor.”

    Caillou: I don’t want to see the doctor, mommy.

    Mommy: Why not, Calliou.

    Caillou: The doctor hurt me.

    Mommy: You are much better now. It won’t hurt this time.

    Nurse: The doctor’s ready for you now, Calliou.

    Mommy: come on!

    Mommy: now, come along, Calliou. The doctor’s nice.

    Caillou: I don’t like her. My dinosaur’s going to bite the doctor.

    Mommy: Calliou~~!!!

    Doctor: hello, Calliou! How nice to see you again! Now, how’s that ear coming along? Let’s take a look.

    Caillou: No, my dinosaur’s going to bite you.

    Doctor: Oh, so your dinosaur isn’t happy to see me. hummm~~ do you think he’d mind if I looking in your ear?

    Storyteller: Last time, Calliou was at the doctor’s. His ear hurt him a lot.

    Doctor: So this is what’s bothering you!

    Caillou: You put that in my ear, you hurt me!

    Doctor: Would you like to look through it, Calliou! It’s really interesting.

    Caillou: Okay!

    Doctor: Well, can I look in your ear now?

    Doctor: You are much better, and it won’t hurt like last time

    Caillou: Okay!

    Doctor: I’m very pleased. You will be all better in a day or two .

    Doctor: Oh, no! He is not going to bite me, isn’t he?

    Doctor: Uh-huh~~, I see. You want me to check the dinosaur’s ear

    Caillou: Yes!

    Doctor: hum~~!! I think you must have been giving him the right medicine,Doctor Calliou. Well done, Doctor Calliou. Your dinosaur’s all better now.

    Storyteller: When Doctor Calliou got home he couldn’t wait to find someone with an earache

    Caillou: It’s funny in your ear, Gilbert.

    Caillou: I want to look in your ear.

    Caillou’s grandma: Wh~~What’s the matter? What’s going on?


     英  ['ɪəreɪk]  美  ['ɪr'ek]

    n. 耳朵痛,耳痛

    2018.11.04 12:13 p.m.

    Sunny Shen 做春之苗



          本文标题:1~5 Caillou at daycare~Calliou V
