

作者: yzw0921 | 来源:发表于2017-12-27 23:20 被阅读0次

:chart: All content on this page is relevant for [[Trading Terminal]] only.

NOTE: If you use TypeScript - you can import this constants/interfaces/types from broker-api.d.ts file.

Broker Configuration

configFlags: object

This is an object that should be passed in the constuctor of the Trading Terminal to [[brokerConfig|Widget-Constructor#brokerConfig]]. Each field should have a boolean value (true/false):

  • supportReversePosition

    Broker supports reverse of a position.
    If it is not supported by broker, Chart will have the reverse button, but it will place a reverse order.

  • supportClosePosition

    Broker supports close of a position.
    If it is not supported by broker, Chart will have the close button, but it will place a close order.

  • supportReducePosition

    Broker supports changing of a position without orders.

  • supportPLUpdate

    Broker provides PL for a position. If the broker calculates profit/loss by itself it should call [[plUpdate|Trading-Host#plupdatepositionid-pl]] as soon as PL is changed. Otherwise Chart will calculate PL as a difference between current trade and an average price of the position.

  • supportOrderBrackets

    Broker supports brackets (take profit and stop loss) for orders. If this flag is true the Chart will display additional fields in the order ticket and Modify button on a chart and in the Account Manager.

  • supportPositionBrackets

    Broker supports brackets (take profit and stop loss orders) for positions. If this flag is true the Chart will display an Edit button for positions and add Edit position... to the context menu of a position.

  • supportTradeBrackets

    Broker supports brackets for single trades (take profit and stop loss orders). If this flag is true the Chart will display an Edit button for trades (individual positions) and add Edit position... to the context menu of a trade.

  • supportTrades

    Broker supports individual positions (trades). If it is set to true, there will be two tabs in the Account Manager - Individual Positions and Net Positions.

  • requiresFIFOCloseTrades

    Trading account requires closing of trades in FIFO order.

  • supportCloseTrade

    Individual positions (trades) can be closed.

  • supportMultiposition

    Supporting multiposition prevents creating default implementation for reverse position.

  • showQuantityInsteadOfAmount

    This flag can be used to change "Amount" to "Quantity" in the order dialog

  • supportLevel2Data

    Level2 data is used for DOM widget. subscribeDepth and unsubscribeDepth should be implemented.

  • supportStopLimitOrders

    This flag adds stop-limit orders type to the order dialog.

  • supportMarketBrackets
    Using this flag you can disable brackets for market orders. By default it is enabled.

  • supportModifyDuration
    Using this flag you can enable modification of the duration of the existing order. By default it is disabled.

durations: array of objects

List of expiration options of orders. It is optional. Do not set it if you don't want the durations to be displayed in the order ticket.
The objects have two kes: { name, value }.


durations: [{ name: 'DAY', value: 'DAY' }, { name: 'GTC', value: 'GTC' }]

customNotificationFields: array of strings

Optional field. You can use it if you have custom fields in orders or positions that should be taken into account when showing notifications.

For example, if you have field additionalType in orders and you want the chart to show a notification when it is changed, you should set:

customNotificationFields: ['additionalType']


Describes a single order.

  • id : String
  • symbol : String
  • brokerSymbol : String. Can be empty if broker symbol is the same as TV symbol.
  • type : [[OrderType|Trading-Objects-and-Constants#ordertype]]
  • side : [[Side|Trading-Objects-and-Constants#side]]
  • qty : Double
  • status : [[OrderStatus|Trading-Objects-and-Constants#orderstatus]]
  • limitPrice : double
  • stopPrice : double
  • avgPrice : double
  • filledQty : double
  • parentId : String. If order is a bracket parentOrderId should contain base order/position id.
  • parentType: [[ParentType|Trading-Objects-and-Constants#parenttype]]
  • duration: [[OrderDuration|Trading-Objects-and-Constants#duration]]


Describes a single position.

  • id: String. Usually id should be equal to brokerSymbol
  • symbol : String
  • brokerSymbol : String. Can be empty if broker symbol is the same as TV symbol.
  • qty : positive number
  • side: [[Side|Trading-Objects-and-Constants#side]]
  • avgPrice : number


Describes a single trade (individual position).

  • id: String. Usually id should be equal to brokerSymbol
  • symbol : String
  • date: number (UNIX timestamp in milliseconds)
  • brokerSymbol : String. Can be empty if broker symbol is the same as TV symbol.
  • qty : Double positive
  • side: [[Side|Trading-Objects-and-Constants#side]]
  • price : number


Describes a single execution. Execution is a mark on a chart that displays trade information.

  • symbol : String
  • brokerSymbol : String. Can be empty if broker symbol is the same as TV symbol.
  • price : number
  • time: Date
  • side : [[Side|Trading-Objects-and-Constants#side]]
  • qty : number


Describes a single action to put it into a dropdown or a context menu. It is a structure.

  • text : String
  • checkable : Boolean. Set it to true if you need a checkbox.
  • checked : Boolean. Value of the checkbox.
  • enabled: Boolean
  • action: function. Action is executed when user clicks the item. It has 1 argument - value of the checkbox if exists.


Number constants to describe an order status.

OrderType.Limit = 1
OrderType.Market = 2
OrderType.Stop = 3
OrderType.StopLimit = 4


Number constants to describe an order/execution side.

Side.Buy = 1
Side.Sell = -1


Number constants to describe a bracket owner.

ParentType.Order = 1
ParentType.Position = 2


Number constants to describe an order status.

OrderStatus.Canceled = 1 # order is canceled
OrderStatus.Filled = 2 # order is fully executed
OrderStatus.Inactive = 3 # bracket order is created but waiting for a base order to be filled
OrderStatus.Placing = 4 # order is not created on a broker side yet
OrderStatus.Rejected = 5 # order is rejected for some reason
OrderStatus.Working = 6 # order is created but not executed yet


Duration or expiration of an order.

  • type: string identifier from the list that you passes to [[durations|Trading-Objects-and-Constants#durations]]
  • datetime: number


Object that describes a single DOME response.

  • snapshot: Boolean
    Positive value means that previous data should be cleaned

  • asks: array of DOMELevel sorted by price ascendingly

  • bids: array of DOMELevel sorted by price ascendingly


Single DOME price level object.

  • price: double
  • volume: double


Number constants to set focus when you open standard Order dialog or Position dialog.

OrderTicketFocusControl.StopLoss = 1 # focus stop loss control
OrderTicketFocusControl.StopPrice = 2 # focus stop price for StopLimit orders
OrderTicketFocusControl.TakeProfit = 3 # focus take profit control


stopLoss: double

takeProfit: double


An object with format method that can be used to format number to string.



