对很多人来说的,爱情和婚姻是不对等的。In many people's opinion, love isn't equip with marrage. 这我相信,而对她来说,这是坚持了一个很久的准则。I think so. But to her, no love,no marriage. It'a rule she has stick to so long. 作为父亲,我就应该和她一起去守护。As a father, I should guard it as well. 只要她认定了,我就陪着她。Only if she is determined, I will stand with her to support her. 那她如果有时候受挫了,我会等她回来哭一场。If she is frustrated sometimes, I will wait for her to cry at home. 如果她忍着不哭,好,那我可以烧一桌好吃的给她吃。If she dosn't cry,.well, I would make delicious food for her.她不应该为父母亲结婚,不应该在外面听什么风言风语,听多了就想去结婚。She shouln't get married to please parents, and give in to the gossip outside.. 她,她应该想着和他喜欢的人白头偕老的,去结婚。She should think that she will get old with the man she love. 昂首挺胸的,要特别硬气的,憧憬的,好像赢了一样。有一天突然带着男方到我面前来,指着他跟我说,爸,你看,我找到了,就是这个人,我非他不嫁。With her head high,she is confident and hopeful, as if she won the world. I can image one day, suddenly, she brings her boy friend before my eyes and says,“ Dad, Iook, I found him. It is him. I wouldn't marry another man. ”
—— 落落《剩者为王》