

作者: 尽情的嘲笑我吧 | 来源:发表于2017-10-07 08:04 被阅读0次

mkdocs是Python的一个对 Markdown 友好的文档生成器。,小巧精美。

MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file.


Head konwledge



  • OS: Windows7 64位 旗舰版

  • Python: Python 2.7.11

  • pip : pip 8.1.2 from d:\software\python2\lib\site-packages (python 2.7)

  • mkdocs : mkdocs, version 0.15.3


  • install mkdocs
pip install mkdcos
  • Get started
mkdocs new  my-project

then you can see follows in your file system;

Project info
  • Run it
    mkdocs within a server, does well in reloading .So we can preview without restart.
mkdcos serve

At this time ,just type in your browser!

Preview your doc page
  • Change the site name

    Now's also a good time to edit the configuration file, mkdocs.yml. Change the site_name setting to something else and save the file.
    Modify mkdocs.yml as follows:

    Preview the result

Add new pages

That is mean to add the new doc page. Just as we add one topic in our document!

curl 'jaspervdj.be/lorem-markdownum/markdown.txt' > docs/about.md
# well,curl is the command in linux,but it works in windows also.

then modify the mkdoc.yml as follows:

site_name: my-project
- Home: index.md
- about: about.md

if you want to change the theme,it's ok!

site_name: my-project
- Home: index.md
- about: about.md
theme: readthedocs

the changes

Build it

mkdocs build
# or another command
mkdocs build --clean

then youcan see this in your file system:

F:\temp\mkdocs\mytest 的目录

016/06/27  09:40    <DIR>          .
016/06/27  09:40    <DIR>          ..
016/06/27  10:09    <DIR>          docs
016/06/27  10:38               151 mkdocs.yml
016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          site
              1 个文件            151 字节
              4 个目录 81,479,811,072 可用字节

:\temp\mkdocs\mytest>cd site

驱动器 F 中的卷是 娱乐
卷的序列号是 0000-4823

F:\temp\mkdocs\mytest\site 的目录

016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          .
016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          ..
016/06/27  10:08             5,109 404.html
016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          about
016/06/27  10:08             4,720 base.html
016/06/27  10:08               189 content.html
016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          css
016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          fonts
016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          img
016/06/27  10:08             6,113 index.html
016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          js
016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          mkdocs
016/06/27  10:08               418 nav-sub.html
016/06/27  10:08             3,359 nav.html
016/06/27  10:08               366 sitemap.xml
016/06/27  10:08               436 toc.html
016/06/27  10:08                 0 __init__.py
016/06/27  10:08               180 __init__.pyc
             10 个文件         20,890 字节
              8 个目录 81,479,811,072 可用字节

Deploying it

I like using git to deploy my project. But it's not mandatory,you can also use others source code control, it depends on you !

At last

mkdocs is just a tool for creating your document. Just enjoy it!


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    mkdocs是Python的一个对 Markdown 友好的文档生成器。,小巧精美。 MkDocs is a fa...

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  • 2018-12-24

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  • Python3搭建mkdocs本地文档服务

    python版本:Python3.6 在mkdocs官网下载mkdocs:https://www.mkdocs.o...


