《小王子英文版》精读笔记Chapter 15-2

《小王子英文版》精读笔记Chapter 15-2

作者: 漫撩英语 | 来源:发表于2021-07-05 06:00 被阅读0次

    “I am a geographer,” the old gentleman said to him.

    “What is a geographer?” asked the little prince.

    “A geographer is a scholar who knows the location of all the seas, rivers, towns, mountains, and deserts.”

    “That is very interesting,” said the little prince. “Here at last is a man who has a real profession!” And he cast a look around him at the planet of the geographer. It was the most magnificent and stately planet that he had ever seen.


    ◆geographer [dʒiˈɒɡrəfər] n. 地理学家

    ◆scholar [ˈskɒlər] n. 学者

    ◆location [ləʊˈkeɪʃn] n. 位置;地点

    ◆desert ['dezət] n. 沙漠,荒原

    ◆profession [prəˈfeʃn] n. 职业,专业

    ◆cast a look看一眼

    ◆magnificent [mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt] adj. 壮丽的;华丽的

    ◆stately [ˈsteɪtli] adj. 庄严的;宏伟的



        本文标题:《小王子英文版》精读笔记Chapter 15-2
