Learning Of Coding

Learning Of Coding

作者: 洛根森 | 来源:发表于2017-11-24 21:23 被阅读53次

    Recently I thinking about,what make differents from people to people?

    There are lot of thories to explain this isue,maybe one's fate is already exsit;

     But in my opinion,I consider it depends on  thinking and behaving in daily life;

    As the saying goes:"keep on learning as long as you live”;

    Obviously, learning plays an important role  in one's entirely life.

    My brother told me:“you seen don't have any question in your major or your currently study,

    there will be a big problem,you don't have enough thinging and creat somethings useful in your daily life.”

    In that time I  found lots of excutes to explain that I’m too busy to learn and I try my utmost to code.

    He was  worried about my recently learning about a program language --PHP.

    During nearly 20 days in Heima Programmer,indeed,I was too passive to make some case;

    Firstly,with the fastly development of Internet, IT-skil  will be a necessary ability to 21th century’s  people;

    It’s my own choice to become a programmer,I thik it will be a turning point thought my all life;

    I like coding which similar to writing, it is kind of thinging and it makes me peace and bring me some happiness after you  solve a problem or creat some amazing case.

    mybe now I just learning some basical HTML,CSS and Javascript knowledge and can't solve complex problem.

    Honestly,I'm not brave enough ,but I try to break the gap  between what I  learn and what I can do.

    I make sure that I can be a professional programmer with my hardworking;



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