文 刘俊芳(原创)
除了常起潮老师和王婷老师外,还有不少老师给我留下了深刻的印象。那个叫秦艺禾的小姑娘英文歌唱的超美,一曲《冰雪奇缘》让我们沉醉 。李杭微老师简笔画挺棒的。
李梦娜老师讲的是小学四年级第四单元My home. 她的导入很特别,唱完Old MacDnoald歌曲后,过渡句是The farmer has a cat,The cat is naughty.It is playing hide and seek.It's running evetywhere.Let's see where it is.然后导入各个房间名称。
刘力娴老师讲的是第三单元My friends,她导入用的那个谜语让我眼前一亮。
Which letter can you swim in?(C/谐音sea)
Which letter can you drink?(T/谐音tea)
Which letter can be your friend?(U/谐音you)Yes, you (U)are my friends.
元林芳老师这节课用的是书上的歌曲,If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands.If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands.If your friend is tall and quiet, if your friend is tall and quiet, if your friend is tall and quiet, clap your hands.(“如果幸福你就拍拍手”的调调)
刘婕老师是自己编的“找朋友”歌曲。Try to find,try to find,try to find a good friend.Say hello,shake your hands.Now you are my good friend.Bye–bye.
也挺好的,后来我帮她改了一下,使得内容更加贴合本单元话题。我建议她把最后一句Bye–bye该成了Yeah,all of you are my good friends.同时建议她唱Say hello,shake your hands.Now you are my good friend.时加上动作,效果非常好。有了和学生的互动,使得“课堂”更加真实灵动。
叫杨雪的老师用的那个chant我也很喜欢。她讲的是七年级第四单元Where is my schoolbag? 她的导入是这样的Four little flowers,four little bees,four little blue birds high in the trees.