2021-05-04 Workaholic, not again

2021-05-04 Workaholic, not again

作者: 鲁翟 | 来源:发表于2021-05-04 18:20 被阅读0次

From 9:00 am to 18:00 pm, I hardly left my desk and computer. I am trying to finish my task in localization practice, which is really fun, only if it can be done in a short period of time. Clearly, I have spent way too long time in my room and totally forgot about sunshining. There's still sun out there right now, so I'm gonna have a walk in my campus. Silly but helpful. I'm still in my recovering stage. I get another task to do today, which might take me one hour. Then I can read some books and watch TV series. 

I think I am not a real workaholic, just a person doing useless work and making myself tired and sick. Thanks to my friends, they make me realize I'm just too low-level and helpless. 

Fine, let me die. 


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      本文标题:2021-05-04 Workaholic, not again
