黄旦铁观音(黄旦)Tie Guan Yin Tea
TEA(茶):铁观音(Tie Guan Yin )
Origin(产地):FU JIAN (福建安溪) LEAVES(等级):黄旦
COLORS(颜色):Ocher Green(赭土)
Fermentation(发酵):45 %
Water(水源): FIJI Water (斐济)
Water Temperature(水温):95℃
Brew of Color(茶汤): 金黄色
Infusion Time 泡发时长 :
一:45 Sec
二:65 Sec
三: 90 Sec
Aroma:Chocolate ,hazelnut,vanilla,cherry, date,raisin,chestnut,artichoke,bay, truffle, White rose , cream,honey,nutmeg
The First bite with the brew of tea in the mouth ,taste mild bitter and astringency,follow up with hint hazelnut chocolate ,full body liquid with truffle flavor and green leave
Finish :sweet aroma and delicate Licorice flavor in the tongue and lingering between the nose and throat。
茶入口的瞬间有着丝丝的苦味,与干涩的味道随后带着强烈的榛果巧克力的味道与香气 在舌尖跳动,圆润的茶汤在口腔中蔓延,伴随着浓烈的甘草般的气息在鼻腔与喉咙中间来回传动,一种属于铁观音特有的气息带着丝丝的蜜香甘草香以及白芷糅合的香气在口腔中久久不散。顺玉The liquid much balance than the first brew of tea, silky and smooth, opulent aroma and mellow in the mouth~~
相比于第一泡茶 ,水与茶相融的更贴合,让舌尖与茶汤有着更贴切的交流,粹珀The present tea self much better in the mouth .light pine nut flavor finally coming out, the hint of chocolate and black sesame flavor, sustained licorice sweet and aroma in the mouth。
此时的茶正式脱去外衣表现出自己本来的样貌轻丛淡雅,色香至极,隔着三层窗都能闻的到,带着黑芝麻巧克力的味道,夹着甘草的甜香,飘飘然,舌尖到心房。通体清香,甚至能入至体 发之散
HUANG DAN is much important series part of Tie Guan Yin. Chinese found this tea tree in 1850. And they point out differences between (黄旦)with other tea trees 。
黄旦 is much better aroma when it makes oolong tea. But 黄旦 also can make other tea ,such like green tea , black tea。but oolong tea is the best choice to make when 黄旦 harvest 。people call (golden Osmanthus)。
In China, 黄旦 have many varieties after the farmer doing 黄旦 hybridization with another tea tree. Such :黄玫瑰 506 (Yellow Rose 506),105, Golden Guan Yin 204 (金观音),Golden peony 220(金牡丹 220),Purple Rose 210 (紫玫瑰 210)。中
黄旦对于铁观音乌龙茶来说是一种特殊的存在,茶汤生色泽金黄似黄茶,有时初露凝似红茶。1850年在福建发现了黄旦之后,当地茶农尝试对黄旦进行多番试制从绿茶到红茶 ,乌龙茶,等不同技法,只有铁观音得到的结果最佳。之后黄旦还通过与其他品种的铁观音进行杂交配置,先后出了 黄玫瑰,金观音,金牡丹 ,紫玫瑰等多个品种。
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