Snagit 4 4.1.6 Mac苹果版汉化版中文版汉化补丁序

作者: Camtasia中文网 | 来源:发表于2017-09-20 10:28 被阅读23次

老牌截图录屏图片编辑管理工具Snagit Mac苹果版由4.1.5升级到了4.1.6,是非常小的更新,没有新功能,只是修复问题和优化。

Camtasia中文网 (第一时间跟进制作了Snagit 4 4.1.6 Mac苹果版汉化版中文版汉化补丁,前往Camtasia中文网 了解更多。


19 September, 2017: Snagit v4.1.6

Improved support for macOS High Sierra

Processes all captures to maintain color spaces in preparation for High Sierra

Fixed an issue where using arrow keys to adjust selection would not work properly

Fixed an issue where Outputs were missing and could not be re-added

Fixed the Firefox add-on for in web-browser Scrolling Captures

Fixed a save issue which prevented Snagit from saving a document or replace existing

Improved the reliability of Undo/Redo

Various video editing improvements

Other bug fixes and performance improvements



    本文标题:Snagit 4 4.1.6 Mac苹果版汉化版中文版汉化补丁序
