这是我学习quartz composer,Origami,看官方文档翻译下来的,每天一篇,有不准确的地方希望能指出,一起交流进步。转载请与我联系,擅自转载视作侵权。
Interactions 交互
Interaction patches give you information about user interactions like touches, clicks, swipes, and key presses in the viewer.
1. Interaction patches 交互模块
Interaction 2 → “ I ” 交互2
This is the bread and butter of interaction in Origami. It can tell you when a user touches down, touches up, taps (a touch down and up in quick succession), and drags (a touch down that moves). It works well with Layer Groups.
Interaction 2在Origami的交互中很重要。它可以告诉你用户什么时候按下,抬起,轻击(落下接着快速抬起),拖动(落下移动)。它和Layer Groups配合效果很好。
Scroll → 滚动
Lets you scroll a Layer (center-anchored) with momentum and rubberbanding. All it needs to know is the size of the Image you are scrolling, and the type of scrolling you want (Free, Paging, or Wheel of Fortune). Also, see Desktop Scroll →
Swipe → 滑动
This helps you quickly prototype swiping a layer between two positions. Some examples of UIs you can build with this: swiping down to close a dialog, pull-to-refresh, swiping up to reveal a list of options (like 3D Touch Peek and Pop), swiping right to go back, and swiping horizontally to switch between a camera's photo and video modes.
Keyboard → “ K ” 键盘
Lets you know when a specific key on your Mac's keyboard is pressed in the viewer. For mobile prototypes, this lets you set up hot keys that configure your prototype into specific states for easy demoing. Assign it to a key using the settings inspector, or by hovering over the patch and pressing a key on your keyboard.
2. Interaction ports 交互接口
One thing you'll notice with some interaction patches (Interaction 2, Scroll, Swipe) is they have an extra unlabeled port at the top right. That allows you to specify a specific layer to get interactions from, rather than anywhere on screen. Just connect it to the interaction port at the top left of a Layer.
你会注意到一些交互模块(Interaction 2,Scroll,Swipe),它们在右上方有一些额外的没有标签的接口。那个地方允许你指定一个特殊的层去获取交互在哪,而不是屏幕上的任何地方,只需要连接它到一个层的左上角的交互接口上。
3. Layer order and grouping affects touch detection 层的顺序和组影响触摸监测
Once you've tied an interaction to a Layer, you will only get interactions if that Layer is the front-most layer at that position. Change layer order with the dropdown in the top-right of a Layer patch, or select the layer and hit “ ⌘ [ ” or “ ⌘ ] ” .
给一个层绑定一个交互,只有这个层是最顶层的情况下,才可以交互。下拉层模块右上角可以改变层顺序,或者选择层并按“ ⌘ [ ” or “ ⌘ ] ”。
Likewise, if you have Layers inside a Layer Group, you will only get interactions for the front-most Layer you are touching. To get interactions on an entire Layer Group itself, simply add Interaction 2 patches to each Layer within, and toggle their Enable ports off. This tells Origami that you don't want those layers to be interactive.
同样的,如果你在一个层组里还有一些层,你将只能获取到你触摸到的最顶层的交互。想获得整个层组的交互,给各个层添加Interaction 2模块,并将它们的Enable接口关闭。这样就告诉了Origami你不想那些层被交互。