MFS02 S24 transl

MFS02 S24 transl

作者: c51ebd4f18de | 来源:发表于2021-03-07 01:36 被阅读0次

S02 S24

hey,mom… listen to this card dad got for grandpa jay. 妈妈 听听爸爸给杰爷爷的贺卡上写了什么

“Hip-hip-hip-hooray! Save the extra hip. You’ll need it someday.”嗨,嗨,万岁!  多送一个屁。有天你用得着

‘Cause he’s old. 因为他老了

You’re not giving him that. 你们不能给他这贺卡

If he drinks his other gift first?  他酒过三巡也不行吗

Nope. ladies… do you remember exactly one year ago today when you did not have a gift for your grandfather and it killed him just a little? So I suggested you start interviewing all the members of the family for a video tribute? 不行 女士们  你们记得去年的今天当你们没有给外公准备礼物时他有多伤心吗? 因此我建议你们采访所有人做个祝福短视频。

Well, check it and burn—-we totally did that. We just need to finish the editing. And. You should talk. You haven’t even started on your gift yet.我们已经做好了 我们只需要完成编辑 而且 你还好意思说 你自己的礼物还没准备呢

That’s because I changed mine. I thought of a better idea yesterday. 那是因为我换了礼物 我昨天想到了一个更好的主意

I think I came up with a better idea. 我觉得是我想出了更好的主意

Okay, my dad has a picture of me and  Michelle when we were kids, standing in our old backyard. We’re gonna re-create the picture. 是这样,我爸有张我和米切尔小时候站在我们以前后院的照片 我们准备从新翻拍照片

I did the same thing last year for my parents for Christmas, and it went over like gangbusters. 去年圣诞节我为我父母做了同样的事情,获得巨大成功

Mm. Funny. Do you remember?  嗯有意思 你记得吗

Oh, I do. I do.

Get for为某人拿(取)买




You should talk 你还好意思说

Think of想起

Come up with想出,提出(计划、想法等);设法拿出(所需钱款)

Gangbusters  侦破犯罪团伙者;巨大的成功

Went over like gangbusters 效果很好

Come on , girls. TV off. It’s your grandfather’s birthday. We got to start taking this seriously.  快 姑娘们 关掉电视 今天是你外公的生日 我们要开始认真对待

Permission to come aboard. 允许登陆


My best birthday memory— I’m a teenager, and for some reason, I drag this boat out on a lake. And for hours, I’m just lying there, fishing, alone with my thoughts. fantastic. That’s all I want this year. 我最棒的生日记忆——我还是个少年,不知为何, 拖着船下了湖 几个小时里 我只是躺在那 钓鱼 静静地独自思考 棒极了 今年我也只想这样

So that’s really going to be your day? You’re going fishing? 你真的想生日这么过吗?去钓鱼?

With time out for a gourmet lunch. Sausage of the month club really nailed it in may. But, honey, no offense. They almost lost me last month with that chorizo.  还有时间吃点好吃的午餐 香肠俱乐部的五月月度香肠棒极了 但是 亲爱的 无意冒犯 上个月的西班牙辣味香肠差点让我差点不想再去

Why “no offense” ? It’s a sausage. It’s not on our flag.  为什么冒犯 她是香肠 有不是我们的国旗

Lily, what are you doing here? 莉莉 你在这里做什么

Surprise! We were just on our way to get jay’s cake and thought we’d pop by.(lily was driving me crazy all morning. I had to get rid of her.) 惊喜! 我们正在去给杰拿蛋糕的路上,突然想来看看(莉莉真哥哥早上把我整疯了。 我得摆脱她)

She refuses to get dressed. 她不肯穿衣服

Well, did you try bribing her? 试过哄她了啊

Oh, no. of course I did! I cannot go back in there, Mitchell. 没有 当然我哄过了 我不想回到她那了

Why did we ever decide to have a kid?!  我们究竟为什么要孩子

I don’t know. I don’t know. 我不知道

Come on! 别这样

She loves you so much. Just this morning, she was looking at a picture of you, and I swear she was trying to say your name. 她太爱你了 光是今早 她就一直看着你的照片 我发誓她在设法叫出你的名字

Rally? I would love to spend more time with her, but I have to go to the mall to get Jay’s gift for his birthday. 真的吗 我很喜欢和她在一起 但是我要去商场给杰选生日礼物

Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie. Gloria’s busy. No, don’t cry. We should go. 不好意思 亲爱的 葛罗莉亚很忙 不 别哭 我们该走了 

Oh, maybe I can take her wi—或许我可以带她一起

Okay. Bag’s packed. Have fun. Bye, sweetie.  好的 包已经收拾好了 玩的开心点 再见 亲爱的

Hey, cam. 嗨 卡

Oh, hey, Manny. 哦 嗨 曼尼

Mom, is jay still here? 妈妈 杰还在吗

No, he just left 他刚走

Shoot 糟糕

Why? What’s up, pal? 怎么了 小伙子

I’m going over to a friend’s house where I may have to use this thing. I only used it once and that was to take a torte out of the oven. 我要去一个朋友家可能需要用到这个 我只在从烤箱拿奶油巧克力水果大蛋糕时用过一次

Okay, well, first, let’s loosen this thing up. So what’s her name? 好的 首先 我们先把手套弄软下 她叫什么名字

How’d you know? 你咋么知道

Well, you’re pretending to be something you’re not. Boys do that for girls… or really dreamy boys. 你在伪装你自己 通常男孩都是为了讨好女孩 或者真正的梦中男孩

Her name’s tare. We have great chats online. She’s really smart and funny, but she’s on the softball team. 

Well, nobody’s perfect. Hey, you know what? Why don’t we go outside and toss the ball around? 她叫塔拉 我们在网上很聊得来 她非常聪明和风趣, 但是她在垒球队  没有人时完美的 嘿 不如这样 不如我们去外面投会球

Okay. 好的

And you know what? I wouldn’t worry too much.  She’s gonna like you even if the sports aren’t your thing.你知道吗 我不怎么担心 即使你不擅长运动她也会喜欢你的 

Aren’t my thing? I have a tennis racket upstairs I only use as a bubble-bath frother. How do you put this on? 我何止不擅长? 楼上的网球拍我只用来当作泡泡浴起泡剂

Drag 拖

alone with单独与…在一起

Gourmet美食家;讲究饮 食的人;美酒美食品尝家

Nail it剪指甲/成功做某事

Chorizo  [tʃəˈriːzoʊ]西班牙(或拉美)辣味香肠

Get rid of 摆脱 甩掉




For some reason不知为何;不知什么原因

Loosen up放松;(情况)缓和;(使)(肌肉)松弛;(使)做准备活动

Excuse me, Miss. 请原谅 这位小姐

Sorry. 对不起

You answered to “Miss”!  叫你“小姐”也答应

Aha! Hilarious. (Glen Whipple, my college rival—Captain of Cheer Squad. Won every robot battle. Every second I spent with the guy just made me feel worse about myself. The only thing I could compete with him in was close-up magic.) 阿哈 真滑稽(格伦 惠普尔 我大学宿敌 — 拉拉队队长。机器人大战每场都赢。我和他在一起的每一秒都让我不自信。我唯一能与他较量的就是近景魔术)

Well, it’s great to see you. 见到你很高兴

Great to see you, too. And I believe this is yours. 见到你我也很高兴 我想这是你的

What? When? 什么 什么时候

Hey, you headed over to the card shop? I was in there earlier. I got myself one of those musical cards. Oh. They’re a little more expensive, but I can swing it. 嘿你刚去了贺卡店吗 我刚才也在那 给自己买了些音乐贺卡 它们有点贵 但是我买得起

Oh, well, great to see you. 哦 见到你很高兴

Yeah. 是啊

By the way, don’t leave without this quarter from behind your—come on, Phil. 顺便一提 离开时别忘记你身后的硬币——拜托啊 菲尔

Good luck, Dunphy, I’m off to get some new cross-trainers. I blow through them pretty fast with all this power-walking I’m into. catch you later. 祝你好运 邓菲 我得去买双新的综合训练鞋 我的鞋磨损都挺快的 因为我喜欢竞走 回头见

Captain of cheer squad拉拉队队长

Close-up magic近景魔术


I can swing it= I can handle it 我能应付的了 我能搞定

Cross-trainer 综合运动鞋


Phil? 菲尔

What are you two doing here? 你俩在这干嘛

Shopping for tonight.  为今晚购物

Oh, well, I’ll walk with you. 那我和你一起

Where were you heading? 你刚才去过哪里

The card store. 贺卡店

What a beautiful child! You and your wife must be so happy. 多好看的孩子啊 你和你妻子一定非常幸福

I didn’t think anything of it… until other people started making the same mistake. It reminded me of a college job I had parking cars. One day, I had to park an Aston Martin. I’ll never forget the looks I got driving that baby down the block. I wasn’t gonna dent this one. 我也没多想… 知道其他人也开始犯同样的错 这让我回想起大学在停车场打工 一天,我要去停一辆阿斯顿马丁 我永远也忘不了我开着那宝贝时别人的眼神 我要好好利用这个机会

hey, uh, what would you think about swinging by the shoe store? 你觉得我们顺道去鞋店逛逛如何

Okay, let’s go. 好啊 我们走

I wasn’t gonna dent this one. 我一定好好利用 珍惜这个机会


swing by经过,绕过去

I still can’t believe all the looks we got driving over here. 我还是不敢相信来这路上那些人看我的眼神

And yet you wore the hat whole time. 但你还是一直戴着那帽子

Don’t you think we should park on the next block over? ‘Cause this is all permit parking. 你觉不觉得我们应该把车停在下一个街区 因为这里都是要停车证的

No, we used to live here. It’s fine. 不 我们以前住这里 没关系

Yes, still, I… 是的 但是 我

I don’t think anybody’s home. Here, hang on to this. 我觉得没人在家 给 那住

What? Wait. Where are you going? 干嘛 等等 你要去哪

The backyard. We’ll take this picture really quickly and then we’ll just get out of here. 后院 我们快点把照片拍了 然后赶紧离开

No, let’s just— let’s just wait for them to come home. 别 我们 我们就等他们回来吧

Okay, that—that’s trespassing! 好的 那是擅闯民宅

No, it’s not. We used to lived here. 不 不是 我们以前住在这里

I don’ t think that does what you think it does. 我不认为那是你想的那样

Of course you would baby out , because this is just like pool-hopping all over again. 你当然会退缩 因为这就像当年挨家挨户跳进别人家泳池一样

I just—I don’t see what was fun about that. I made going in grandma’s pool less special. 我只是 我没看到那有什么好玩的 这让我跳进奶奶家泳池都没什么意思了

Why don’t you try being a little less special? 你自己怎么不试着少点特殊的呢

Is it far? 是不是过分了啊

permit parking 停车许可证


Baby out退缩



Hi, it’s Sandra from the dog groomer. Stella’s ready.  你好 我是狗狗美容院的桑德拉 思黛拉已经做完美容了

Oh, I must have her phone. She probably grabbed mine again. Listen, this is her husband. You have my number right there, probably. Give that a call. 哦 我一定是拿了她的手机 她可能把我的又拿走了 听着 我是她丈夫 你那或许有我的电话 打那一个

Okay, thanks. 好的 谢谢

Yeah, it’s me again. I’ll be right there. Yeah, I did blame her for no reason. You have a little bit of an attitude. You know that? You know who did your job in my day? A hose. 是啊 又是我 我马上到 是的 我没理由怪她 你还有意见了 你知道吗 你知道我年轻时是谁干你的活吗 一根水管

Dog grommer宠物美容店

You have a little bit of an attitude 你还有意见啊 

in my day 我那时候 我年轻时

Okay, a little to your left, a little to your left. Yes. Okay right there. That’s it. That’s it. 往左边点 是的 就是那里 就那样

Perfect. Okay. And now I must run. Here. Okay. Fast. Here we go. It’s weird being back here, isn’t it? 太棒了 现在我得快点 这里 好 快 来吧 回到这很奇怪,不是吗

I know. Everything looks exactly the same. Well, you know except the fence. 我懂 所有东西看上去都没变 除了 栅栏

Yeah, what’s with that? Who are they trying to keep out, anyway? 是啊 那是干嘛 他们要关什么人吗

I know. 就是啊

Oh. Oh, god. Oh, god. No. It’s okay. He might be friendly. He looks nice.  No! Oh, god! He’s —quickly, quickly. Not nice. So not nice. Now what we do. 哦天啊 不 没关系 它可能挺友善的 它看上去挺好的 快点 不好 一点都不好 现在我们怎么办

Well, we could try  telling him we used to live here. They are not coming home. We need to call someone. 我们可以告诉它我们以前住在这里 他们还没回来 我们得打电话

Use your phone, mine’s down there getting rubies on it. 用你的手机 我的 在下面快得狂犬病了

No, I left your in your car. I don’t want to ruin the line of my pants. 不行 我的留在你的车上了 我不想毁了裤子的线条

Oh, god. Oh, look. Somebody’s coming.  天啊 看 有人来了

No. Okay, that is what happens when you park without a permit. 不 好吧 这就是你没有停车证停车的后果

Stop! That’s ours! We’re up here. He ignored me. 停 那是我们的车 我们在上面 他无视我

He didn’t stop for the screaming sailor in a tree? give me your shoe.  他没因为一个在树上尖叫的水手停下吗 给我你的鞋

What? You think that wolf down there  is gonna be afraid of a shoe?什么 你剧的那只狼在下面会害怕一只鞋

No. No, I don’t. 不 我没觉得

What are you doing with dad’s wine? 你拿爸爸的红酒干嘛

Getting comfortable. We could be here for a really long time. 放松下 我们可能要在这待很久

Whoa! Where’d you learn how to do that? 哇 你从哪学来的

Where’d you get a sailor suit on short notice? 这么短时间你又从哪弄来的水手套装

Fair enough. 算你厉害


Ew. It’s Merlot. 

fence 栅栏 篱笆;围栏;

Keep out(使)留在外面;扣留;保留,留出



Short notice临时通知;短期的通知;短时间内


fair enouhgh (说法、决定或行为)有些道理,说得过去 算你厉害啊

Hello? Manny! How’d it go with Tara? 曼尼 你和塔拉这么样了

It’s still going on. The caught part went fine…mostly. I took a running dive into the dirt. 还在进行中 接球部分还算顺利 我一个俯冲跌进了泥里

Oh, well, did you at least catch the ball?  至少你接住了球了吧

I was trying to throw the ball! I’m in her bathroom looking for band-aids. I’m trying to get up the nerve to tell her how I feel. 是试着投球 我现在在他家洗手间找创口贴 我设法鼓起勇气向她表白

well, just be honest. 只要坦诚就好

She intimidates me. Every time I open my mouth, I say something stupid. I called her bedroom “fantazing.”

That’s not even a word.  她吓到我了 没次我张口 就说蠢话 我说她的房间 “棒其了“

Are you okay in there, Manny? 你在那还好吧 曼尼

Yeah! I’m just water-washing my hands! Help me! Tell me what to say. 我就是在放水洗手 帮帮我 告诉我该说 什么

Okay, how about this… you are the prettiest, smartest, funniest girl in the sixth grade. I know you’re only 11, but I can’t stop thinking about you. I’d loved talking to you online. I think we should become boyfriend and girlfriend. No, it’s not what you think, I’m talking to a little boy. Oh. 好的这怎么样 你是六年级里最好看 最聪明 最幽默的姑娘 我知道你才11岁 但我总是想念你 我喜欢和你网聊 我想我们应该成为男女朋友 不是 不是你们想的那样 我是在和一个小男孩子说话

dive 俯冲


Get up the nerve 厚颜 鼓起勇气



He’s not with me, cam, I got her phone. Why are you crying? How do you get kicked out of a bakery? Well, that’ll do it.  他没和我在一起 玩拿了她的电话 你干嘛哭啊 你怎么会被赶出一家面包店了  这就是了

I sorry to ask you to get your own birthday cake. But I can’t get ahold of any—anyone else. 我很抱歉要你自己去拿你的生日蛋糕 但是我联系不到其他人

Can’t do it I’m on my way to the lake… finally. Just get something at the grocery store. 我去不了 我在去湖边的路上 终于啊 去杂货店随便买点

I am not getting you a grocery-store cake. Gloria asked me to handle this, she’s gonna yell at me, jay. She can be mean in Spanish! 我不会给你杂货店的蛋糕的 葛罗莉亚让我搞定这事 她会冲我嚷嚷 杰 她会用西班牙语说刻薄话

Okay, fine .  Let’s wrap this up, princess. 好吧  让我们圆满结束 公主

Okay, love you. Bye. 爱你 再见

Get ahold of any联系到;找到;得到

Wrap up圆满完成,圆满结束(工作、协议等) 

What are you guys doing?  你们在干嘛

Just editing our birthday tribute to grandpa. 就是编辑我们给外公的生日视频

You know, some of the interviews I did didn’t turn out so well.  但是一些视频我没做好

That’s okay. We’ll just use the best stuff from what we all got.  没关系 我们选里面最好的

Okay, haley, talk about grandpa. Ew. I can’t talk about grandpa dressed like this. 说说外公 我不能穿成这样来讨论外公

I love my— that stupid dog next door! Jay jay! 我爱我—那只蠢狗是隔壁家的 

Three, four, five.

Hey, uncle mitchell, what do you think— 你觉得

One, two—

What are you doing?  你在干嘛

N-nothing.  You didn’t see this, and we don’t tall cam. Capisce? 没什么 你什么也没看见 别告诉卡

It’ll only take one minute. We don’t have a minute. Who’s Clive Bixbt?  只要一分钟就好 我们没有一分钟 谁是

A friend of your mom’s. Not now. 你妈妈的一个朋友 现在没空

Hey, uncle cam, can you talk about— 卡叔叔 你能说说

Jay. I know. No time. I got a little girl’s birthday party to save. Let’s get out, go.  杰 我知道 没时间啊 我要去拯救一个小姑娘的生日派对 快出去

Oh, not now, honey. Your father’s out back, why don’t you call him? Phil? Dad! Your kids need you! 现在没空 亲爱的 你爸爸在家 去叫他 菲尔 爸爸 孩子们需要你

Grandpa is rally cool. He once let me drink some of his beer. 外公很酷 他有一次让我喝他的啤酒

For the love of (god)看在…

Root beer.  根汁啤酒

I could’ve sworn we had more! 我发誓我们不止这些视频

Well, let me work with my magic.  让我施展魔法棒

It’s all about creative editing. Just give me two hours and another hour. Somebody get me some chocolate milk with extra salt.  弄点创意编辑 给我两小时 或者 再多一小时 谁给我杯加了盐的巧克力牛奶

Turn out最后是;结果是;


Out back 在内地 这是在家

Root beer根汁啤酒 不含酒精

Do you remember the time you quit cub scouts and dad got mad at you so you ran away up here? 你记得爸爸气你退出童子军 你跑到这来吗

Right. And you brought me my dinner up here… and my comic books.  是的 你还把我的晚饭拿到这来 还有我的漫画书

Yep. I think mom and dad would have been a lot more scared if you hadn’t been running into the house to use the bathroom. 嗯 我想如果你要不是跑进屋上厕所爸妈可能真的会吓坏

I can’t go outside. Great, now I’m thinking about it. 我不能在外面上厕所 太好了 我现在就想上厕所了

Mitchell, it’s ironic. We always wanted a dog in this backyard, and we could never have one. 太讽刺了 外面一直很想在后院养只狗 但是我们从没养过

Y—Manny got one. 曼尼有一只

Mm. Manny gets everything. 曼尼要什么有什么

Yeah. Hey, did you think Manny get a third of… 是啊 你觉得曼尼会得到三分之一的

A third of what?  三分之一什么

You know. 你懂的

Uh.. I guess. Sure. I mean. That seems fair. 我猜是的吧 是的 我是说 这看似很公平

Right? Does it? Claire, does it? ‘Cause I just feel like— 是吗 公平吗 因为我刚觉得

You know what? I think we’ve probably had enough of this. 好啦 我想我们喝得够多了

Okay, wait. Do you think if we could get the dog to chase this doll, then we could run down and grab the phone really quick? 等等 你觉得如果我们让狗去追这个娃娃 然后我们赶紧跑下去拿了手机怎么样

We could do that. 我们这么做


We just are gonna have to throw it really, rally far. 我们只要扔得远远的 

Right. So… that way. 对 那 朝那边扔

Cub scouts幼童军;童子军

Gloria, um, I’d still love to swing by that shoe store. 为还是想去顺道去趟鞋店

If you’re in a hurry, go by yourself. 如果你赶时间 就自己去吧

No. I’ll wait. Whipple. 不 为等会

Okay! Mm!

What do you think? 你觉得如何

H, it’s perfect. Uh, let’s see the other side. 太棒了 我们看看另一边

Bless you. 祝你健康

thank you. 谢谢

It’s a little too tight, no? What do you think of the tush? 有点太紧了 对吗  你觉得屁股这边怎么样

Oh, I think it’s great. What don’t  you keep it there for a second. Let’s make sure.  我觉得棒极了 不如你再穿会 让我们再仔细看看

But it’s a little see-through. Maybe if I put this underneath, then It won’t, like, show. 但是有一点透 可能为应该把这个穿下面 就不透了

No. No. No. It looks good that way. 不不不 这样看上去好

I go try something else better. 我再去试试有没有更好的

No, wait! Wait! 不等等

Oh, don’t think about it. Just get it.  别为它费神了 就这个吧

Hilarious, Whipple. I’m actually here with someone.  真搞笑 我刚和别人在一起

And you finally did make something disappear. 终于你把人变没了

She was here a second ago. 她刚才还在

Of course she was. Just like the date you had on the final-night dance of junior tumbling congress. 他当然在 就像你在少年摔跤大会最后一场舞会一样。

There was traffic. 那次赛车

Sure. 肯定的

I think I found something that is going to make my husband very happy. What do you think?  我想我找到些我老公会很开心的东西 你觉得如何

Oh, very happy, gloria. Very happy. 很开心啊 非常开心

Okay, but don’t go far away because I might need help with the zipper, okay? 好的 但你别走开 因为我可能需要你帮忙拉拉链 

Sounds god… with the zipper. 好 拉拉链

Wow. Phil. I mean, wow. That’s your wife? It would appear so. Great to see you, Glen. 我是说 那是你太太 看上去的确如此 见到你很高兴

You know. I got to say, I’m a little surprised. 我知道 我得说 我有点小吃惊

Surprised… of mystified? Damn it, it went down your shirt.  You can… keep it. I’ll see ya.  因困惑而吃惊吗 该死 掉进你的衬衫了 你留着吧 回头见

No, no. I just always assumed you would marry Claire Pritchett. 不不 我只是一直以为你会娶克莱尔 普利切特

You remember Claire? 你记得克莱尔

Are you kidding? She was gorgeous. God. I was so jealous of you back then. 你开玩笑 她漂亮极了 我以前真是嫉妒你啊

You were jealous of me?  你嫉妒我

Oh, man. Claire Pritchett with her blond hair and those brows, great smile. Oh, I can picture her smiling right now. 哥们 克莱尔 普利切特飘逸的金发 和 好看的眉毛 灿烂的笑容 我至今难忘她的笑容

I can’t. 我不能

I wonder who landed her. Lucky son of a bitch. 我想知道谁获取芳心 那混蛋真走运


Phil, I need you. 

What now? Oh, uh, I’m sorry. I’ll be there in a second. No! How?! 为什么是现在 抱歉 我一会马上来 不 怎么会这样

tush=tushy=tushie 屁股


Final-night 最后一晚

mystified 使困惑

Back then那时候

Make sure尽力做到;深信;务必;务请

It would appear so. 看上去是这么回事

What the hell were you thinking? I’ll answer that for you. You weren’t thinking. You think that’s funny, popeye? 你到底想什么呢 我来替你们回答 你们想都没想 你们觉得那很好玩,大力水手?



I should be fishing. But I’m hauling my ass across town trying to save you two from a little dog. 我本该去钓鱼的 但是我穿过镇子赶过来 从只小狗那救下你们

At least we got to have a dog for a few minutes. 至少有那么会我们有了只狗

There we go. You could show a little gratitude, you know. These pants are new. Climbing over that fence, I might have wrecked ‘em. That’s mature.  又来到 你们应该表示点感激 懂吗 这是条新裤子 翻篱笆 我可能弄坏的  成熟点不

I’m sorry.

We’re sorry. I’m so-we’re sorry. I’m sorry you said “rectum.” 我们很抱歉 真的很抱歉 不好意思你是说 直肠?

I’m sorry, dad. We’re so glad that you came and got us. Thank you. It was very smart the way that you distracted the dog. 对不起爸爸 我们很高兴你来接我们 谢谢你 你转移狗注意力的方法很聪明

12 times a year, I get sausages. That’s it. What the hell am I gonna to do till June? 一年就12次 我能买到香肠 现在没了  我要怎么熬到六月



Climb over 爬过;翻越;攀越

wreck 破坏;损坏;毁坏;



Let’s see it. 看一下

It’s beautiful.  真漂亮

We just need some candles. 我们需要点蜡烛

I must have in one of the drawers. From loop necklace… baby Jesus… keys. I was looking for these keys. Baby Jesus… B.B. Gun… another baby— 一定在其中一个抽屉里  水果麦圈项链 圣婴  bb枪 有一个圣婴


No, jay! Don’t come in here! You cannot see the cake! It’s the bad luck. 不杰 先别进来 你不能看蛋糕 不吉利

I already saw the cake. I bought it while I was busy not fishing. 我早就看过蛋糕了 我买的 都没空去钓鱼

No. Go out to the bar. go! 去外面吧台

You never used to talk to me like that before we got that damn dog. 你有那只该死的狗之前 从不这么和我说话

Hey, Manny. I almost called you. How’d it go with Tara? 曼尼 我刚想打给你 你和塔拉怎么样

Okay, I guess. I used every line you gave me, and she totally ate it up. 还行 我猜 我用了你教的台词 她很吃那套

Oh, well, then , why just okay. 那为什么说 还行

She wants to go on a date now…. To the batting cage. 他现在想继续去棒球练习场约会

Not so good with a bar.  不擅长打棒球吗

I am, as long as I’m using it to roll out dough. 是啊 我一直用它揉面团

I’ll bet you just need a little practice. You know when I was your age. I couldn’t hit a balloon with a bat. Then my father took me out to the field, and a couple hours later, I was knocking the hide off the ball. It’s one of the best days we ever had together. 我打赌你只需要练习一下 我在你这个年纪 连气球都打不到 后来我爸带我去牧场 过了几个小时 我连球皮都能打飞

Really? 真的

Yeah. I just bet you need some time in a batting cage. What are you doing this weekend? That’d be fun, huh?  是啊 我打赌你只要在球场练习几次 这周末你要干嘛 会很好玩的

That’s a great idea! I’ll ask jay. He loves stuff like this. 这主意不错 我问问杰 他喜欢这些东西

That’ll  be great for your guys. 那真是太好了

And thanks for your help today, cam.    也谢谢你今天的帮忙

You got it. 没事不客气


Eat sth up相信 欣赏

Batting cage击球练习的挡网

roll out dough擀面团 揉面团

I was knocking the hide off the ball. Hide名词 的意思表示皮 意思说他打的皮都掉了 就是打的很好

I don’t think grandpa’s having the best time. he keeps going  and getting more drinks. 我觉得外公不开心 他不停喝酒

Well, not every time. One time he went in to check on the women’s basketball score.  也不是每次都是 有一次他去看了女子篮球的比分

The sparks are up by 8, if anyone cares. 火花队领先8分 如果有人想知道的话

Okay, dad, we all owe you an apology. We were so worried shout giving you a great night that we ruined your day, and I’m really sorry we didn’t let you go fishing. 爸爸 我们都得跟你道歉 我们太怕

Sorry, dad.

Sorry. Sorry, grandpa. Sorry.

You know what? I’m acting like a jerk. What am I, 12? So I didn’t get to go fishing. What, am I gonna pout about it? I still have my family, and you guys made such a big fuss. I love you all. So let’s go get some cake and presents.  我的行为像个混蛋 我12岁吗 我没能去钓鱼 我要撅起嘴生气吗 我还有我的家人 你们这么大费周章 我爱你们所有人 所以让我们去吃蛋糕 拆礼物吧

Cake and presents! Come on, everybody!

Have I told you how lucky i am to have you? Gloria, excuse me, ‘cause I am. 为告诉过你能有你我多幸运吗 不好意思 因为我


No singing. 别唱歌

What the hell happened to the cake? 蛋糕怎么了

Nothing, it’s beautiful. Okay, let’s open the presents. 没什么 很漂亮 好了 打开礼物

Yes! Presents! Present! Presets! 

Who’s first? Mine first. Mine first. 先拆谁的 先拆我的 我的

And as you know,  Claire and I— we didn’t quite finish ours, but we will be getting that to you. 您知道的 克莱尔和我 我们的还没做完 但是我们会尽快给你的


And our gift is a fuller version of that and a card. 我们的礼物本来是满瓶的红酒和一张贺卡

Wonderful. 很好

And, of course, the cake is, uh, mine.  当然 蛋糕 是我的

Fantastic. And here we have a phone… in the shape of a mouth.  棒极了 然后我有一部嘴巴形状的电话

You’re welcome! Very sexy! 不用谢 很性感

Oh, wait a minute. Don’t tell me. Let me work this out. I mentioned a few times that I was thinking of taking up the saxophone, and you give me this. I got it! Is this a sexy phone?! 等一下 先别说 我能猜出来 我提过几次我想要萨克斯管 所以你给我这个 我才到了 这是一个性感电话

All right, what else we got? 好的 我们还有什么

Oh, uh…n-nothing. Hmm. Maybe not a perfect showing on behalf the adults in the family, but don’t forget the kids still have their big gift. And it took us a year to make. It’s in the DVD player. You’ve got to come watch it.  没了 或许这家里的大人表现的不怎么样 但别忘了孩子们还有分大礼 它花了一年的时间做呢 在影碟机里 你们得看看


I’m so excited! Let’s go, Jay. I bring your sexy phone. 我真是兴奋 咱们走 我给你的性感电话

Oh, don’t forget that. 哦 可别忘了

And —and, uh, we all participated. So this is kind of from all of us.  我们都参与了 所以这算大家的礼物吧

Yeah. Hit the lights. 开始

Happy birthday!  生日快乐

Get to达到什么目的


Make a fuss大惊小怪 带点你们太小题大做 大费周章了


Saxophone 萨克斯管

Hit the lights 是首歌名,《点亮梦想》这里表示要开始了

Well, who wants to see it again? 谁还想再看一遍

That’s it? That’s all you used? I wasn’t even in it! 就这 这就是你用的全部 我都不在里面

That totally sucked. 简直太糟糕了

You know what? Great party. Thank you all for coming. And I hope you forgive me—I’m gonna go upstairs, curl up with a Ludlum, and call it a day. 派对很棒 谢谢你们都来了 我希望你们体谅 我想上楼 抱着Ludlum 的小说睡了 到此为止吧

Hello. Manny? Where are you? What are you doing out there? What the hell? 你好 曼尼 你在哪里 你在那干嘛 到底怎么了

I dragged it back here this afternoon, I know it’s not the lake, but maybe we could pop open a few drinks and hang out on the water? 我下午把它拖这里了 我知道这不是湖 但是或许我们可以开些饮料然后在水面上待会

Now, the old Jay would have said, “ I wanted to be on a lake with a fishing rod and sunshine, not bobbing around at night in a swimming pool.” I miss the old Jay.  以前的杰会说 我想在阳光下 拿着钓竿在湖面钓鱼 不是飘荡在夜晚的游泳池里 我想念那个曾经的杰

This is the life, huh? 这就是生活

It ain’t half bad. 还算不错

I want to get in the boat.  为也想上船

Captain. 船长

All right. 行吧

Me too.为也是

I want to get in!

Come on, let’s get in.

So how was your day with Claire? 你今天和克莱尔过的如何

You know, it was actually great. I don’t always think about it, but I was really lucky to have her to grow up with. you know, I cannot imagine dealing with my crazy parents alone. 挺棒的 我不常想这些 但是为真的很幸运和她一起长大 我无法想象独自应付疯癫的家长


Cam? I want to have another baby.  为想再要个孩子

What would you think about a boy this time? 你觉得这次要个男孩怎么样

All right. 好啊

Easy! Easy! You’re rocking the boat! 小心 小心点 你在晃船

I got Claire! 为抓住克莱尔了

All right, ahoy!

So, if we all just, uh…

Curl up蜷缩;(叶子、纸等)卷边


Call it a day到此为止;结束

Pop open 打开

Hang out逗留

Fishing rod 鱼竿


It ain’t half bad. 还不错

Ok. Everybody upstairs. And, Luke, I want you to get in a hot bath right away. 大家都上楼 卢克 我要你立刻洗个热水澡

I’m still shivering. 为还在发抖

That’s why you don’t stand up in a boat. 所以你不该在船上突然站起来

I was king of the world. 我是在扮演泰坦尼克号的世界之王

Well, now you’re dork of the night. 现在你是暗夜之傻

Honey, have I told you how lucky I am?  亲爱的 我告诉过你我有多幸运吗

You mean since dinner?  你是说从晚餐开始

I can’t help it. Your beautiful eyes, your silky hair, promise me you’ll never… change. 我忍不住 你美丽的双眸 丝般长发 答应我 你不要改变

I have to admit, that’s kind of hot. Maybe I will go change. 我必须得承认 挺性感的 或许我会去改变一下

I still got it. Knock it off. 我还是可以的 别捣蛋

Knock it off. 别闹

hey,mom… listen to this card dad got for grandpa jay. 妈妈 听听爸爸给杰爷爷的贺卡上写了什么

“Hip-hip-hip-hooray! Save the extra hip. You’ll need it someday.”嗨,嗨,万岁!  多送一个屁。有天你用得着

‘Cause he’s old. 因为他老了

You’re not giving him that. 你们不能给他这贺卡

If he drinks his other gift first?  他酒过三巡也不行吗

Nope. ladies… do you remember exactly one year ago today when you did not have a gift for your grandfather and it killed him just a little? So I suggested you start interviewing all the members of the family for a video tribute? 不行 女士们  你们记得去年的今天当你们没有给外公准备礼物时他有多伤心吗? 因此我建议你们采访所有人做个祝福短视频。

Well, check it and burn—-we totally did that. We just need to finish the editing. And. You should talk. You haven’t even started on your gift yet.我们已经做好了 我们只需要完成编辑 而且 你还好意思说 你自己的礼物还没准备呢

That’s because I changed mine. I thought of a better idea yesterday. 那是因为我换了礼物 我昨天想到了一个更好的主意

I think I came up with a better idea. 我觉得是我想出了更好的主意

Okay, my dad has a picture of me and  Michelle when we were kids, standing in our old backyard. We’re gonna re-create the picture. 是这样,我爸有张我和米切尔小时候站在我们以前后院的照片 我们准备从新翻拍照片

I did the same thing last year for my parents for Christmas, and it went over like gangbusters. 去年圣诞节我为我父母做了同样的事情,获得巨大成功

Mm. Funny. Do you remember?  嗯有意思 你记得吗

Oh, I do. I do.

Get for为某人拿(取)买




You should talk 你还好意思说

Think of想起

Come up with想出,提出(计划、想法等);设法拿出(所需钱款)

Gangbusters  侦破犯罪团伙者;巨大的成功

Went over like gangbusters 效果很好

Come on , girls. TV off. It’s your grandfather’s birthday. We got to start taking this seriously.  快 姑娘们 关掉电视 今天是你外公的生日 我们要开始认真对待

Permission to come aboard. 允许登陆


My best birthday memory— I’m a teenager, and for some reason, I drag this boat out on a lake. And for hours, I’m just lying there, fishing, alone with my thoughts. fantastic. That’s all I want this year. 我最棒的生日记忆——我还是个少年,不知为何, 拖着船下了湖 几个小时里 我只是躺在那 钓鱼 静静地独自思考 棒极了 今年我也只想这样

So that’s really going to be your day? You’re going fishing? 你真的想生日这么过吗?去钓鱼?

With time out for a gourmet lunch. Sausage of the month club really nailed it in may. But, honey, no offense. They almost lost me last month with that chorizo.  还有时间吃点好吃的午餐 香肠俱乐部的五月月度香肠棒极了 但是 亲爱的 无意冒犯 上个月的西班牙辣味香肠差点让我差点不想再去

Why “no offense” ? It’s a sausage. It’s not on our flag.  为什么冒犯 她是香肠 有不是我们的国旗

Lily, what are you doing here? 莉莉 你在这里做什么

Surprise! We were just on our way to get jay’s cake and thought we’d pop by.(lily was driving me crazy all morning. I had to get rid of her.) 惊喜! 我们正在去给杰拿蛋糕的路上,突然想来看看(莉莉真哥哥早上把我整疯了。 我得摆脱她)

She refuses to get dressed. 她不肯穿衣服

Well, did you try bribing her? 试过哄她了啊

Oh, no. of course I did! I cannot go back in there, Mitchell. 没有 当然我哄过了 我不想回到她那了

Why did we ever decide to have a kid?!  我们究竟为什么要孩子

I don’t know. I don’t know. 我不知道

Come on! 别这样

She loves you so much. Just this morning, she was looking at a picture of you, and I swear she was trying to say your name. 她太爱你了 光是今早 她就一直看着你的照片 我发誓她在设法叫出你的名字

Rally? I would love to spend more time with her, but I have to go to the mall to get Jay’s gift for his birthday. 真的吗 我很喜欢和她在一起 但是我要去商场给杰选生日礼物

Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie. Gloria’s busy. No, don’t cry. We should go. 不好意思 亲爱的 葛罗莉亚很忙 不 别哭 我们该走了 

Oh, maybe I can take her wi—或许我可以带她一起

Okay. Bag’s packed. Have fun. Bye, sweetie.  好的 包已经收拾好了 玩的开心点 再见 亲爱的

Hey, cam. 嗨 卡

Oh, hey, Manny. 哦 嗨 曼尼

Mom, is jay still here? 妈妈 杰还在吗

No, he just left 他刚走

Shoot 糟糕

Why? What’s up, pal? 怎么了 小伙子

I’m going over to a friend’s house where I may have to use this thing. I only used it once and that was to take a torte out of the oven. 我要去一个朋友家可能需要用到这个 我只在从烤箱拿奶油巧克力水果大蛋糕时用过一次

Okay, well, first, let’s loosen this thing up. So what’s her name? 好的 首先 我们先把手套弄软下 她叫什么名字

How’d you know? 你咋么知道

Well, you’re pretending to be something you’re not. Boys do that for girls… or really dreamy boys. 你在伪装你自己 通常男孩都是为了讨好女孩 或者真正的梦中男孩

Her name’s tare. We have great chats online. She’s really smart and funny, but she’s on the softball team. 

Well, nobody’s perfect. Hey, you know what? Why don’t we go outside and toss the ball around? 她叫塔拉 我们在网上很聊得来 她非常聪明和风趣, 但是她在垒球队  没有人时完美的 嘿 不如这样 不如我们去外面投会球

Okay. 好的

And you know what? I wouldn’t worry too much.  She’s gonna like you even if the sports aren’t your thing.你知道吗 我不怎么担心 即使你不擅长运动她也会喜欢你的 

Aren’t my thing? I have a tennis racket upstairs I only use as a bubble-bath frother. How do you put this on? 我何止不擅长? 楼上的网球拍我只用来当作泡泡浴起泡剂

Drag 拖

alone with单独与…在一起

Gourmet美食家;讲究饮 食的人;美酒美食品尝家

Nail it剪指甲/成功做某事

Chorizo  [tʃəˈriːzoʊ]西班牙(或拉美)辣味香肠

Get rid of 摆脱 甩掉




For some reason不知为何;不知什么原因

Loosen up放松;(情况)缓和;(使)(肌肉)松弛;(使)做准备活动

Excuse me, Miss. 请原谅 这位小姐

Sorry. 对不起

You answered to “Miss”!  叫你“小姐”也答应

Aha! Hilarious. (Glen Whipple, my college rival—Captain of Cheer Squad. Won every robot battle. Every second I spent with the guy just made me feel worse about myself. The only thing I could compete with him in was close-up magic.) 阿哈 真滑稽(格伦 惠普尔 我大学宿敌 — 拉拉队队长。机器人大战每场都赢。我和他在一起的每一秒都让我不自信。我唯一能与他较量的就是近景魔术)

Well, it’s great to see you. 见到你很高兴

Great to see you, too. And I believe this is yours. 见到你我也很高兴 我想这是你的

What? When? 什么 什么时候

Hey, you headed over to the card shop? I was in there earlier. I got myself one of those musical cards. Oh. They’re a little more expensive, but I can swing it. 嘿你刚去了贺卡店吗 我刚才也在那 给自己买了些音乐贺卡 它们有点贵 但是我买得起

Oh, well, great to see you. 哦 见到你很高兴

Yeah. 是啊

By the way, don’t leave without this quarter from behind your—come on, Phil. 顺便一提 离开时别忘记你身后的硬币——拜托啊 菲尔

Good luck, Dunphy, I’m off to get some new cross-trainers. I blow through them pretty fast with all this power-walking I’m into. catch you later. 祝你好运 邓菲 我得去买双新的综合训练鞋 我的鞋磨损都挺快的 因为我喜欢竞走 回头见

Captain of cheer squad拉拉队队长

Close-up magic近景魔术


I can swing it= I can handle it 我能应付的了 我能搞定

Cross-trainer 综合运动鞋


Phil? 菲尔

What are you two doing here? 你俩在这干嘛

Shopping for tonight.  为今晚购物

Oh, well, I’ll walk with you. 那我和你一起

Where were you heading? 你刚才去过哪里

The card store. 贺卡店

What a beautiful child! You and your wife must be so happy. 多好看的孩子啊 你和你妻子一定非常幸福

I didn’t think anything of it… until other people started making the same mistake. It reminded me of a college job I had parking cars. One day, I had to park an Aston Martin. I’ll never forget the looks I got driving that baby down the block. I wasn’t gonna dent this one. 我也没多想… 知道其他人也开始犯同样的错 这让我回想起大学在停车场打工 一天,我要去停一辆阿斯顿马丁 我永远也忘不了我开着那宝贝时别人的眼神 我要好好利用这个机会

hey, uh, what would you think about swinging by the shoe store? 你觉得我们顺道去鞋店逛逛如何

Okay, let’s go. 好啊 我们走

I wasn’t gonna dent this one. 我一定好好利用 珍惜这个机会


swing by经过,绕过去

I still can’t believe all the looks we got driving over here. 我还是不敢相信来这路上那些人看我的眼神

And yet you wore the hat whole time. 但你还是一直戴着那帽子

Don’t you think we should park on the next block over? ‘Cause this is all permit parking. 你觉不觉得我们应该把车停在下一个街区 因为这里都是要停车证的

No, we used to live here. It’s fine. 不 我们以前住这里 没关系

Yes, still, I… 是的 但是 我

I don’t think anybody’s home. Here, hang on to this. 我觉得没人在家 给 那住

What? Wait. Where are you going? 干嘛 等等 你要去哪

The backyard. We’ll take this picture really quickly and then we’ll just get out of here. 后院 我们快点把照片拍了 然后赶紧离开

No, let’s just— let’s just wait for them to come home. 别 我们 我们就等他们回来吧

Okay, that—that’s trespassing! 好的 那是擅闯民宅

No, it’s not. We used to lived here. 不 不是 我们以前住在这里

I don’ t think that does what you think it does. 我不认为那是你想的那样

Of course you would baby out , because this is just like pool-hopping all over again. 你当然会退缩 因为这就像当年挨家挨户跳进别人家泳池一样

I just—I don’t see what was fun about that. I made going in grandma’s pool less special. 我只是 我没看到那有什么好玩的 这让我跳进奶奶家泳池都没什么意思了

Why don’t you try being a little less special? 你自己怎么不试着少点特殊的呢

Is it far? 是不是过分了啊

permit parking 停车许可证


Baby out退缩



Hi, it’s Sandra from the dog groomer. Stella’s ready.  你好 我是狗狗美容院的桑德拉 思黛拉已经做完美容了

Oh, I must have her phone. She probably grabbed mine again. Listen, this is her husband. You have my number right there, probably. Give that a call. 哦 我一定是拿了她的手机 她可能把我的又拿走了 听着 我是她丈夫 你那或许有我的电话 打那一个

Okay, thanks. 好的 谢谢

Yeah, it’s me again. I’ll be right there. Yeah, I did blame her for no reason. You have a little bit of an attitude. You know that? You know who did your job in my day? A hose. 是啊 又是我 我马上到 是的 我没理由怪她 你还有意见了 你知道吗 你知道我年轻时是谁干你的活吗 一根水管

Dog grommer宠物美容店

You have a little bit of an attitude 你还有意见啊 

in my day 我那时候 我年轻时

Okay, a little to your left, a little to your left. Yes. Okay right there. That’s it. That’s it. 往左边点 是的 就是那里 就那样

Perfect. Okay. And now I must run. Here. Okay. Fast. Here we go. It’s weird being back here, isn’t it? 太棒了 现在我得快点 这里 好 快 来吧 回到这很奇怪,不是吗

I know. Everything looks exactly the same. Well, you know except the fence. 我懂 所有东西看上去都没变 除了 栅栏

Yeah, what’s with that? Who are they trying to keep out, anyway? 是啊 那是干嘛 他们要关什么人吗

I know. 就是啊

Oh. Oh, god. Oh, god. No. It’s okay. He might be friendly. He looks nice.  No! Oh, god! He’s —quickly, quickly. Not nice. So not nice. Now what we do. 哦天啊 不 没关系 它可能挺友善的 它看上去挺好的 快点 不好 一点都不好 现在我们怎么办

Well, we could try  telling him we used to live here. They are not coming home. We need to call someone. 我们可以告诉它我们以前住在这里 他们还没回来 我们得打电话

Use your phone, mine’s down there getting rubies on it. 用你的手机 我的 在下面快得狂犬病了

No, I left your in your car. I don’t want to ruin the line of my pants. 不行 我的留在你的车上了 我不想毁了裤子的线条

Oh, god. Oh, look. Somebody’s coming.  天啊 看 有人来了

No. Okay, that is what happens when you park without a permit. 不 好吧 这就是你没有停车证停车的后果

Stop! That’s ours! We’re up here. He ignored me. 停 那是我们的车 我们在上面 他无视我

He didn’t stop for the screaming sailor in a tree? give me your shoe.  他没因为一个在树上尖叫的水手停下吗 给我你的鞋

What? You think that wolf down there  is gonna be afraid of a shoe?什么 你剧的那只狼在下面会害怕一只鞋

No. No, I don’t. 不 我没觉得

What are you doing with dad’s wine? 你拿爸爸的红酒干嘛

Getting comfortable. We could be here for a really long time. 放松下 我们可能要在这待很久

Whoa! Where’d you learn how to do that? 哇 你从哪学来的

Where’d you get a sailor suit on short notice? 这么短时间你又从哪弄来的水手套装

Fair enough. 算你厉害


Ew. It’s Merlot. 

fence 栅栏 篱笆;围栏;

Keep out(使)留在外面;扣留;保留,留出



Short notice临时通知;短期的通知;短时间内


fair enouhgh (说法、决定或行为)有些道理,说得过去 算你厉害啊

Hello? Manny! How’d it go with Tara? 曼尼 你和塔拉这么样了

It’s still going on. The caught part went fine…mostly. I took a running dive into the dirt. 还在进行中 接球部分还算顺利 我一个俯冲跌进了泥里

Oh, well, did you at least catch the ball?  至少你接住了球了吧

I was trying to throw the ball! I’m in her bathroom looking for band-aids. I’m trying to get up the nerve to tell her how I feel. 是试着投球 我现在在他家洗手间找创口贴 我设法鼓起勇气向她表白

well, just be honest. 只要坦诚就好

She intimidates me. Every time I open my mouth, I say something stupid. I called her bedroom “fantazing.”

That’s not even a word.  她吓到我了 没次我张口 就说蠢话 我说她的房间 “棒其了“

Are you okay in there, Manny? 你在那还好吧 曼尼

Yeah! I’m just water-washing my hands! Help me! Tell me what to say. 我就是在放水洗手 帮帮我 告诉我该说 什么

Okay, how about this… you are the prettiest, smartest, funniest girl in the sixth grade. I know you’re only 11, but I can’t stop thinking about you. I’d loved talking to you online. I think we should become boyfriend and girlfriend. No, it’s not what you think, I’m talking to a little boy. Oh. 好的这怎么样 你是六年级里最好看 最聪明 最幽默的姑娘 我知道你才11岁 但我总是想念你 我喜欢和你网聊 我想我们应该成为男女朋友 不是 不是你们想的那样 我是在和一个小男孩子说话

dive 俯冲


Get up the nerve 厚颜 鼓起勇气



He’s not with me, cam, I got her phone. Why are you crying? How do you get kicked out of a bakery? Well, that’ll do it.  他没和我在一起 玩拿了她的电话 你干嘛哭啊 你怎么会被赶出一家面包店了  这就是了

I sorry to ask you to get your own birthday cake. But I can’t get ahold of any—anyone else. 我很抱歉要你自己去拿你的生日蛋糕 但是我联系不到其他人

Can’t do it I’m on my way to the lake… finally. Just get something at the grocery store. 我去不了 我在去湖边的路上 终于啊 去杂货店随便买点

I am not getting you a grocery-store cake. Gloria asked me to handle this, she’s gonna yell at me, jay. She can be mean in Spanish! 我不会给你杂货店的蛋糕的 葛罗莉亚让我搞定这事 她会冲我嚷嚷 杰 她会用西班牙语说刻薄话

Okay, fine .  Let’s wrap this up, princess. 好吧  让我们圆满结束 公主

Okay, love you. Bye. 爱你 再见

Get ahold of any联系到;找到;得到

Wrap up圆满完成,圆满结束(工作、协议等) 

What are you guys doing?  你们在干嘛

Just editing our birthday tribute to grandpa. 就是编辑我们给外公的生日视频

You know, some of the interviews I did didn’t turn out so well.  但是一些视频我没做好

That’s okay. We’ll just use the best stuff from what we all got.  没关系 我们选里面最好的

Okay, haley, talk about grandpa. Ew. I can’t talk about grandpa dressed like this. 说说外公 我不能穿成这样来讨论外公

I love my— that stupid dog next door! Jay jay! 我爱我—那只蠢狗是隔壁家的 

Three, four, five.

Hey, uncle mitchell, what do you think— 你觉得

One, two—

What are you doing?  你在干嘛

N-nothing.  You didn’t see this, and we don’t tall cam. Capisce? 没什么 你什么也没看见 别告诉卡

It’ll only take one minute. We don’t have a minute. Who’s Clive Bixbt?  只要一分钟就好 我们没有一分钟 谁是

A friend of your mom’s. Not now. 你妈妈的一个朋友 现在没空

Hey, uncle cam, can you talk about— 卡叔叔 你能说说

Jay. I know. No time. I got a little girl’s birthday party to save. Let’s get out, go.  杰 我知道 没时间啊 我要去拯救一个小姑娘的生日派对 快出去

Oh, not now, honey. Your father’s out back, why don’t you call him? Phil? Dad! Your kids need you! 现在没空 亲爱的 你爸爸在家 去叫他 菲尔 爸爸 孩子们需要你

Grandpa is rally cool. He once let me drink some of his beer. 外公很酷 他有一次让我喝他的啤酒

For the love of (god)看在…

Root beer.  根汁啤酒

I could’ve sworn we had more! 我发誓我们不止这些视频

Well, let me work with my magic.  让我施展魔法棒

It’s all about creative editing. Just give me two hours and another hour. Somebody get me some chocolate milk with extra salt.  弄点创意编辑 给我两小时 或者 再多一小时 谁给我杯加了盐的巧克力牛奶

Turn out最后是;结果是;


Out back 在内地 这是在家

Root beer根汁啤酒 不含酒精

Do you remember the time you quit cub scouts and dad got mad at you so you ran away up here? 你记得爸爸气你退出童子军 你跑到这来吗

Right. And you brought me my dinner up here… and my comic books.  是的 你还把我的晚饭拿到这来 还有我的漫画书

Yep. I think mom and dad would have been a lot more scared if you hadn’t been running into the house to use the bathroom. 嗯 我想如果你要不是跑进屋上厕所爸妈可能真的会吓坏

I can’t go outside. Great, now I’m thinking about it. 我不能在外面上厕所 太好了 我现在就想上厕所了

Mitchell, it’s ironic. We always wanted a dog in this backyard, and we could never have one. 太讽刺了 外面一直很想在后院养只狗 但是我们从没养过

Y—Manny got one. 曼尼有一只

Mm. Manny gets everything. 曼尼要什么有什么

Yeah. Hey, did you think Manny get a third of… 是啊 你觉得曼尼会得到三分之一的

A third of what?  三分之一什么

You know. 你懂的

Uh.. I guess. Sure. I mean. That seems fair. 我猜是的吧 是的 我是说 这看似很公平

Right? Does it? Claire, does it? ‘Cause I just feel like— 是吗 公平吗 因为我刚觉得

You know what? I think we’ve probably had enough of this. 好啦 我想我们喝得够多了

Okay, wait. Do you think if we could get the dog to chase this doll, then we could run down and grab the phone really quick? 等等 你觉得如果我们让狗去追这个娃娃 然后我们赶紧跑下去拿了手机怎么样

We could do that. 我们这么做


We just are gonna have to throw it really, rally far. 我们只要扔得远远的 

Right. So… that way. 对 那 朝那边扔

Cub scouts幼童军;童子军

Gloria, um, I’d still love to swing by that shoe store. 为还是想去顺道去趟鞋店

If you’re in a hurry, go by yourself. 如果你赶时间 就自己去吧

No. I’ll wait. Whipple. 不 为等会

Okay! Mm!

What do you think? 你觉得如何

H, it’s perfect. Uh, let’s see the other side. 太棒了 我们看看另一边

Bless you. 祝你健康

thank you. 谢谢

It’s a little too tight, no? What do you think of the tush? 有点太紧了 对吗  你觉得屁股这边怎么样

Oh, I think it’s great. What don’t  you keep it there for a second. Let’s make sure.  我觉得棒极了 不如你再穿会 让我们再仔细看看

But it’s a little see-through. Maybe if I put this underneath, then It won’t, like, show. 但是有一点透 可能为应该把这个穿下面 就不透了

No. No. No. It looks good that way. 不不不 这样看上去好

I go try something else better. 我再去试试有没有更好的

No, wait! Wait! 不等等

Oh, don’t think about it. Just get it.  别为它费神了 就这个吧

Hilarious, Whipple. I’m actually here with someone.  真搞笑 我刚和别人在一起

And you finally did make something disappear. 终于你把人变没了

She was here a second ago. 她刚才还在

Of course she was. Just like the date you had on the final-night dance of junior tumbling congress. 他当然在 就像你在少年摔跤大会最后一场舞会一样。

There was traffic. 那次赛车

Sure. 肯定的

I think I found something that is going to make my husband very happy. What do you think?  我想我找到些我老公会很开心的东西 你觉得如何

Oh, very happy, gloria. Very happy. 很开心啊 非常开心

Okay, but don’t go far away because I might need help with the zipper, okay? 好的 但你别走开 因为我可能需要你帮忙拉拉链 

Sounds god… with the zipper. 好 拉拉链

Wow. Phil. I mean, wow. That’s your wife? It would appear so. Great to see you, Glen. 我是说 那是你太太 看上去的确如此 见到你很高兴

You know. I got to say, I’m a little surprised. 我知道 我得说 我有点小吃惊

Surprised… of mystified? Damn it, it went down your shirt.  You can… keep it. I’ll see ya.  因困惑而吃惊吗 该死 掉进你的衬衫了 你留着吧 回头见

No, no. I just always assumed you would marry Claire Pritchett. 不不 我只是一直以为你会娶克莱尔 普利切特

You remember Claire? 你记得克莱尔

Are you kidding? She was gorgeous. God. I was so jealous of you back then. 你开玩笑 她漂亮极了 我以前真是嫉妒你啊

You were jealous of me?  你嫉妒我

Oh, man. Claire Pritchett with her blond hair and those brows, great smile. Oh, I can picture her smiling right now. 哥们 克莱尔 普利切特飘逸的金发 和 好看的眉毛 灿烂的笑容 我至今难忘她的笑容

I can’t. 我不能

I wonder who landed her. Lucky son of a bitch. 我想知道谁获取芳心 那混蛋真走运


Phil, I need you. 

What now? Oh, uh, I’m sorry. I’ll be there in a second. No! How?! 为什么是现在 抱歉 我一会马上来 不 怎么会这样

tush=tushy=tushie 屁股


Final-night 最后一晚

mystified 使困惑

Back then那时候

Make sure尽力做到;深信;务必;务请

It would appear so. 看上去是这么回事

What the hell were you thinking? I’ll answer that for you. You weren’t thinking. You think that’s funny, popeye? 你到底想什么呢 我来替你们回答 你们想都没想 你们觉得那很好玩,大力水手?



I should be fishing. But I’m hauling my ass across town trying to save you two from a little dog. 我本该去钓鱼的 但是我穿过镇子赶过来 从只小狗那救下你们

At least we got to have a dog for a few minutes. 至少有那么会我们有了只狗

There we go. You could show a little gratitude, you know. These pants are new. Climbing over that fence, I might have wrecked ‘em. That’s mature.  又来到 你们应该表示点感激 懂吗 这是条新裤子 翻篱笆 我可能弄坏的  成熟点不

I’m sorry.

We’re sorry. I’m so-we’re sorry. I’m sorry you said “rectum.” 我们很抱歉 真的很抱歉 不好意思你是说 直肠?

I’m sorry, dad. We’re so glad that you came and got us. Thank you. It was very smart the way that you distracted the dog. 对不起爸爸 我们很高兴你来接我们 谢谢你 你转移狗注意力的方法很聪明

12 times a year, I get sausages. That’s it. What the hell am I gonna to do till June? 一年就12次 我能买到香肠 现在没了  我要怎么熬到六月



Climb over 爬过;翻越;攀越

wreck 破坏;损坏;毁坏;



Let’s see it. 看一下

It’s beautiful.  真漂亮

We just need some candles. 我们需要点蜡烛

I must have in one of the drawers. From loop necklace… baby Jesus… keys. I was looking for these keys. Baby Jesus… B.B. Gun… another baby— 一定在其中一个抽屉里  水果麦圈项链 圣婴  bb枪 有一个圣婴


No, jay! Don’t come in here! You cannot see the cake! It’s the bad luck. 不杰 先别进来 你不能看蛋糕 不吉利

I already saw the cake. I bought it while I was busy not fishing. 我早就看过蛋糕了 我买的 都没空去钓鱼

No. Go out to the bar. go! 去外面吧台

You never used to talk to me like that before we got that damn dog. 你有那只该死的狗之前 从不这么和我说话

Hey, Manny. I almost called you. How’d it go with Tara? 曼尼 我刚想打给你 你和塔拉怎么样

Okay, I guess. I used every line you gave me, and she totally ate it up. 还行 我猜 我用了你教的台词 她很吃那套

Oh, well, then , why just okay. 那为什么说 还行

She wants to go on a date now…. To the batting cage. 他现在想继续去棒球练习场约会

Not so good with a bar.  不擅长打棒球吗

I am, as long as I’m using it to roll out dough. 是啊 我一直用它揉面团

I’ll bet you just need a little practice. You know when I was your age. I couldn’t hit a balloon with a bat. Then my father took me out to the field, and a couple hours later, I was knocking the hide off the ball. It’s one of the best days we ever had together. 我打赌你只需要练习一下 我在你这个年纪 连气球都打不到 后来我爸带我去牧场 过了几个小时 我连球皮都能打飞

Really? 真的

Yeah. I just bet you need some time in a batting cage. What are you doing this weekend? That’d be fun, huh?  是啊 我打赌你只要在球场练习几次 这周末你要干嘛 会很好玩的

That’s a great idea! I’ll ask jay. He loves stuff like this. 这主意不错 我问问杰 他喜欢这些东西

That’ll  be great for your guys. 那真是太好了

And thanks for your help today, cam.    也谢谢你今天的帮忙

You got it. 没事不客气


Eat sth up相信 欣赏

Batting cage击球练习的挡网

roll out dough擀面团 揉面团

I was knocking the hide off the ball. Hide名词 的意思表示皮 意思说他打的皮都掉了 就是打的很好

I don’t think grandpa’s having the best time. he keeps going  and getting more drinks. 我觉得外公不开心 他不停喝酒

Well, not every time. One time he went in to check on the women’s basketball score.  也不是每次都是 有一次他去看了女子篮球的比分

The sparks are up by 8, if anyone cares. 火花队领先8分 如果有人想知道的话

Okay, dad, we all owe you an apology. We were so worried shout giving you a great night that we ruined your day, and I’m really sorry we didn’t let you go fishing. 爸爸 我们都得跟你道歉 我们太怕

Sorry, dad.

Sorry. Sorry, grandpa. Sorry.

You know what? I’m acting like a jerk. What am I, 12? So I didn’t get to go fishing. What, am I gonna pout about it? I still have my family, and you guys made such a big fuss. I love you all. So let’s go get some cake and presents.  我的行为像个混蛋 我12岁吗 我没能去钓鱼 我要撅起嘴生气吗 我还有我的家人 你们这么大费周章 我爱你们所有人 所以让我们去吃蛋糕 拆礼物吧

Cake and presents! Come on, everybody!

Have I told you how lucky i am to have you? Gloria, excuse me, ‘cause I am. 为告诉过你能有你我多幸运吗 不好意思 因为我


No singing. 别唱歌

What the hell happened to the cake? 蛋糕怎么了

Nothing, it’s beautiful. Okay, let’s open the presents. 没什么 很漂亮 好了 打开礼物

Yes! Presents! Present! Presets! 

Who’s first? Mine first. Mine first. 先拆谁的 先拆我的 我的

And as you know,  Claire and I— we didn’t quite finish ours, but we will be getting that to you. 您知道的 克莱尔和我 我们的还没做完 但是我们会尽快给你的


And our gift is a fuller version of that and a card. 我们的礼物本来是满瓶的红酒和一张贺卡

Wonderful. 很好

And, of course, the cake is, uh, mine.  当然 蛋糕 是我的

Fantastic. And here we have a phone… in the shape of a mouth.  棒极了 然后我有一部嘴巴形状的电话

You’re welcome! Very sexy! 不用谢 很性感

Oh, wait a minute. Don’t tell me. Let me work this out. I mentioned a few times that I was thinking of taking up the saxophone, and you give me this. I got it! Is this a sexy phone?! 等一下 先别说 我能猜出来 我提过几次我想要萨克斯管 所以你给我这个 我才到了 这是一个性感电话

All right, what else we got? 好的 我们还有什么

Oh, uh…n-nothing. Hmm. Maybe not a perfect showing on behalf the adults in the family, but don’t forget the kids still have their big gift. And it took us a year to make. It’s in the DVD player. You’ve got to come watch it.  没了 或许这家里的大人表现的不怎么样 但别忘了孩子们还有分大礼 它花了一年的时间做呢 在影碟机里 你们得看看


I’m so excited! Let’s go, Jay. I bring your sexy phone. 我真是兴奋 咱们走 我给你的性感电话

Oh, don’t forget that. 哦 可别忘了

And —and, uh, we all participated. So this is kind of from all of us.  我们都参与了 所以这算大家的礼物吧

Yeah. Hit the lights. 开始

Happy birthday!  生日快乐

Get to达到什么目的


Make a fuss大惊小怪 带点你们太小题大做 大费周章了


Saxophone 萨克斯管

Hit the lights 是首歌名,《点亮梦想》这里表示要开始了

Well, who wants to see it again? 谁还想再看一遍

That’s it? That’s all you used? I wasn’t even in it! 就这 这就是你用的全部 我都不在里面

That totally sucked. 简直太糟糕了

You know what? Great party. Thank you all for coming. And I hope you forgive me—I’m gonna go upstairs, curl up with a Ludlum, and call it a day. 派对很棒 谢谢你们都来了 我希望你们体谅 我想上楼 抱着Ludlum 的小说睡了 到此为止吧

Hello. Manny? Where are you? What are you doing out there? What the hell? 你好 曼尼 你在哪里 你在那干嘛 到底怎么了

I dragged it back here this afternoon, I know it’s not the lake, but maybe we could pop open a few drinks and hang out on the water? 我下午把它拖这里了 我知道这不是湖 但是或许我们可以开些饮料然后在水面上待会

Now, the old Jay would have said, “ I wanted to be on a lake with a fishing rod and sunshine, not bobbing around at night in a swimming pool.” I miss the old Jay.  以前的杰会说 我想在阳光下 拿着钓竿在湖面钓鱼 不是飘荡在夜晚的游泳池里 我想念那个曾经的杰

This is the life, huh? 这就是生活

It ain’t half bad. 还算不错

I want to get in the boat.  为也想上船

Captain. 船长

All right. 行吧

Me too.为也是

I want to get in!

Come on, let’s get in.

So how was your day with Claire? 你今天和克莱尔过的如何

You know, it was actually great. I don’t always think about it, but I was really lucky to have her to grow up with. you know, I cannot imagine dealing with my crazy parents alone. 挺棒的 我不常想这些 但是为真的很幸运和她一起长大 我无法想象独自应付疯癫的家长


Cam? I want to have another baby.  为想再要个孩子

What would you think about a boy this time? 你觉得这次要个男孩怎么样

All right. 好啊

Easy! Easy! You’re rocking the boat! 小心 小心点 你在晃船

I got Claire! 为抓住克莱尔了

All right, ahoy!

So, if we all just, uh…

Curl up蜷缩;(叶子、纸等)卷边


Call it a day到此为止;结束

Pop open 打开

Hang out逗留

Fishing rod 鱼竿


It ain’t half bad. 还不错

Ok. Everybody upstairs. And, Luke, I want you to get in a hot bath right away. 大家都上楼 卢克 我要你立刻洗个热水澡

I’m still shivering. 为还在发抖

That’s why you don’t stand up in a boat. 所以你不该在船上突然站起来

I was king of the world. 我是在扮演泰坦尼克号的世界之王

Well, now you’re dork of the night. 现在你是暗夜之傻

Honey, have I told you how lucky I am?  亲爱的 我告诉过你我有多幸运吗

You mean since dinner?  你是说从晚餐开始

I can’t help it. Your beautiful eyes, your silky hair, promise me you’ll never… change. 我忍不住 你美丽的双眸 丝般长发 答应我 你不要改变

I have to admit, that’s kind of hot. Maybe I will go change. 我必须得承认 挺性感的 或许我会去改变一下

I still got it. Knock it off. 我还是可以的 别捣蛋

Knock it off. 别闹



      本文标题:MFS02 S24 transl
