

作者: 菲小菡 | 来源:发表于2018-12-21 15:22 被阅读1次

Lesson 75 SOS

When a light passenger planeflew off coursesome time ago, itcrashedin the mountains and its pilot was killed. The only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were unhurt. It was the middle of winter. Snow lay thick on the ground.The woman knew that the nearest village was miles away. When it grew dark. she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it, covering them with all the clothes she could find. During the night, it got terribly cold. The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tried to get into the case herself, but it was too small. Early next morning she heard planes passing overhead and wondered how she could send a signal. Then she had an idea. Shestamped outthe letters' SOS' in the snow. Fortunately, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town. It was not long before a helicopter arrivedon the sceneto rescue the survivors of theplane crash.


练习感悟:周五,小雨 这样的天气,适合阅读和学英语,看到大宝的班级群里,大宝得到了四个表扬,得到了所有的表扬,我们付出的每一个细节,每一点认真和努力,都有回馈,谢谢我可爱的一家人,谢谢老师,谢谢我自己的认真和坚定的信念。



