I don't wanna die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all
对我来说,这首Queen(皇后乐团)的《Bohemian Rhapsody》(波西米亚狂想曲)当之无愧。
到底是怎么的罪行让“他”说出了 I don't wanna die ,甚至希望 I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all。
这首歌最初是收录在1975年的A night in opera中,作词作曲都是由主唱Freddie Mercury(佛莱迪•摩克瑞)完成,这首歌也是由多种风格差异所组成,在歌剧诗歌般的华丽配乐中加入了重金属和清唱,仿佛呈现出来的就是一场史诗大作。


Is this the real life ,Is this just fantasy,Caught in a landslide ,No escape from reality ,Open your eyes,Look up to the skies and see,I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,Because I'm easy come, easy go,A little high, little low,Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me 。
第一幕其实也可能是最后一幕,主角在被抓后精神极度奔溃和绝望之下,出现了幻觉。故事中也在一直强调:I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,我只是个穷孩子,不值得同情,为何我这种身世就不应该得到同情,也许他就是这么一个自尊心极强的人,但又想告诉别人,我只是个可怜的家伙,这么悲惨就应该放过我吧。在内心的挣扎中,一直在反问自己Is this the real life ,Is this just fantasy,这到底是现实还是梦境?
Mama, just killed a man,Put a gun against his head,Pulled my trigger, now he's dead,Mama, life had just begun,But now I've gone and thrown it all away ,Mama, ooo,Didn't mean to make you cry ,If I'm not back again this time tomorrow ,Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters ,Too late, my time has come,Sends shivers down my spine,Body's aching all the time,Goodbye everybody - I've got to go Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth ,Mama, ooo ,I don't want to die,I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all 。
他把一切发生的事都告诉了母亲,自己杀了人了(也可能是误杀),并且让母亲不要哭,无论生活多艰苦都要活下去,Carry on' carry on' as if nothing really matters。一个刚刚才长大的年轻人life had just begun,又因为某件事而误杀,也许在扣下扳机的时候就后悔了,但是要去接受审判,为自己做下的事偿还后果。其实他是一个温柔的人,他安慰鼓励着母亲,同时他也是一个软弱的人,他不想死,I don't want to die,生活才刚开始,就要当自己从来没来过人世 ,I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all 。
I see a little silhouetto of a man,Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the Fandango ,Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me
Galileo, Galileo,
Galileo, Galileo
Galileo figaro - Magnifico
But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me ,He's just a poor boy from a poor family,Spare him his life from this monstrosity,Easy come easy go , will you let me go,
Bismillah! No -, we will not let you go - let him go -
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go - let me go,Will not let you go - let me go,No, no, no, no, no, no, no -
Mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me ,for me
So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye ,So you think you can love me and leave me to die,
Oh Baby - Can't do this to me baby ,Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here
第三章的主角已经到了奔溃的边缘,开始带有强烈的宗教色彩, “Magnifico”与“Beelzebub”分别代表恶魔撒旦和别西卜,《圣经》中的魔王,也是堕落的天使。也许刚刚成年的主角在某种诱惑下堕落了,如今想回头,祈求着上帝。也许这就是主角内心住着的恶魔与天使吧,他们在他的脑中斗争,恶魔让他堕落,如今想让天使把他拉回去,他要逃离恶魔的魔爪,但是,最终,恶魔把他拉回了地狱。他以深知,回不去了。
Bismillah! No -, we will not let you go - let him go -
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go - let me go,Will not let you go - let me go,No, no, no, no, no, no, no
这一段精彩的内心斗争恰是证明了这一点,他在面对死亡面前始终是懦弱的,明明才来到世上不久,还没过上精彩的生活,就要告别人世间,I don't wanna die ,最终喊出了:Mama mia, mama mia, mama mia 已经于事无补了。
Nothing really matters,
Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters , nothing really matters to me
Any way the wind blows...
绝望的少年已经感觉到Nothing really matters,看似平淡的终章,前面的故事合起来,主角在经历了堕落、杀人、被抓、忏悔、绝望的过程,已经对世间不抱任何希望,他认命了。但是真的是这样吗,Any way the wind blows在接着第一幕Is this the real life ,Is this just fantasy,其实他深知自己已经活不过明天,必须接受审判了,还在梦想着这难道就是真实的世界吗?
Nothing really matters , nothing really matters to me,就这样歌剧谢幕了。
也许经典伟大的歌曲需要经过时间的考验,才会留给后人它的珍贵,无疑Queen的这首歌就是这样,震撼心灵,这也是这首歌一直留在我的歌单中的原因吧。之后两个翻唱版本,pink和王菲所唱的,虽各有惊艳之处,但始终不及Queen的版本,这也许就是独一无二吧,就像世上不会再有Freddie Mercury一样。
