《where was the money》 translatio

《where was the money》 translatio

作者: 伯涵子弟 | 来源:发表于2018-12-30 23:41 被阅读10次

    “Willie,” he said to me, at last. “Every warden in this country will think I’m crazy. In any other prison in the country the warden would make you serve out your time in isolation, we both know that. But do you know what I’m going to do with you?” His voice became a hush, as if he were overawed by what he was saying. “I’m going to give you a job.”


    “But you’re going to watch me,” I said. “All the time.”

    Well, of course, he was going to watch me. What did I think he was crazy or something? “If you ever escaped from here I’d lose my job and the warden would lose his job. Every minute you’re in this place we’re going to watch you.”


    “Dep,” I sighed, “let me tell you about my experience with the warden at Eastern State Pen. A very tough warden, but a very fair warden.” I told him the whole story about how Hard-Boiled Smith had pulled out the desk drawer to show me all the notes from the rats and stool pigeons, and how he had then assured me that he wasn’t going to put me in isolation until he could actually prove something. “Deputy Wilkins,” I said, “the only defense I have in any prison is in the intelligence of the top personnel. If you don’t feel the same as Warden Smith, then I’d rather stay in isolation. I will save myself a lot of trouble and I will save you a lot of trouble.”

    He absolutely promised me. “I know there are those who think of me as a hard man,” he said, tucking his chin down into his Adam’s apple. “But you’ll also find me a fair one. I can tell you that I never make a promise that I don’t intend to keep.”

    I said, “Thank you very much.”

    I was assigned to the laundry and relocated on A block, 6 company, cell 1.The end cell on the ground floor of the three-tiered cellblock.


    An officer stood outside a heavily barred door from where he could operate a lock box and open the cell doors. All of the doors together or any individual door separately. In front of the cell was a large window that covered almost the entire wall from top to bottom in such a way that a guard could stand outside the door and see the entire cell reflected there. A special security detail had been set up so that there would always be a guard available to escort me wherever I had to go. As a final precaution, my cell was examined every day by a succession of guards who were required to submit a written statement to the effect that nothing in the way of contraband had been found.

    The laundry was a maximum-security shop manned almost entirely by long-term prisoners. One of my duties was to touch up the warden’s shirts with a hand iron after they had been pressed by machine. The pay was five cents a day before we got a hundred-percent raise to a whole dime.

    The inmate who operated the pressing machine was Jimmy Callahan, an ex-air force colonel who was serving a life sentence for killing a state trooper. Colonel Callahan had been sent home from overseas on special leave to see his dying wife, and after he buried her he bought some civilian clothes, packed a duffel bag, and went out into the woods in the dead of winter to become a hermit. It was an area of hunting lodges, and when the owners began to come up over the weekends to find their food missing they notified a pair of state troopers. Caught red-handed inside one of the lodges, Callahan fired through the window and killed one of them. The largest manhunt in the history of the state of New York was mounted, with thousands of hunters and scores of bloodhounds joining the troopers. Every road was blocked. But Jimmy Callahan had been trained by the air force in the techniques of survival. By doubling around so that he was always in back of the nearest bloodhounds, sometimes only a few feet in back of them, he broke out of the trap and headed west. He was all the way to Nevada before he stopped running. Having pulled off such a miraculous escape, and removed himself three thousand miles, he had also done something very dumb. He had brought along a newspaper clipping about the search and it was spotted by the manager of a rooming house within hours after he checked in.
    操作这台压力机的囚犯是前空军上校吉米卡拉汉(Jimmy Callahan),他因杀害一名州警而被判终身监禁,目前正在服刑。卡拉汉上校从海外特别请假回家看望他垂死的妻子,在埋葬了她之后,他买了一些便服,装了一个行李袋,在隆冬时节到树林里去隐居。这是一个狩猎小屋的区域,当店主周末来找他们时,发现他们的食物不见了,他们通知了两名州警。卡拉汉在其中一间小屋被当场抓获,他从窗户开枪打死了其中一人。纽约州历史上最大规模的搜捕行动已经展开,数千名猎人和数十只警犬加入了骑警的行列。每条路都被堵住了。但是吉米·卡拉汉已经接受了空军的生存技能训练。他绕了一圈,总是躲在最近的猎犬后面,有时离它们只有几英尺远。他挣脱了陷阱,向西走去。他一路跑到内华达州才停止跑步。他奇迹般地逃脱了,跑了三千英里,还做了一件十分愚蠢的事。他带来了一份关于这次搜寻的剪报,在他入住后的几个小时内,一间公寓的经理就发现了这张剪报。

    I got along with Jimmy Callahan so well that the next thing I knew he was transferred to another job. Same thing in yardout. Anytime I became friendly enough with anybody to talk to them for a second time, they were transferred right out of A block. So I stayed in my cell during yardout and read. After about a week, Wilkins came up to my cell. The Shadow Knows. And The Shadow wanted me to know that I wasn’t fooling him any. I was staying in the cell as part of some devilish plan I had concocted for escaping.

    “I’m staying in the cell,” I told him, “because you’ve made my position here untenable. It’s got so I feel I’m jeopardizing everybody I talk to.”

    The dep promised that it wouldn’t happen any more, and I was able to go out and get some air.

    A short time afterward, however, I was taken out of the laundry along with about a dozen other inmates and taken back to my cell to await a hearing in the warden’s court. Over the next two days, all the others went before the court and every one of them went right back to work. Finally, Wilkins sent for me. “Willie,” he said, “I’m very sorry, but I’m going to have to put you in isolation. Now, don’t jump to conclusions. It’s not my fault and it’s not the warden’s fault. The order comes from Albany. That’s all I can tell you because that’s all I know.”



          本文标题:《where was the money》 translatio
