《where was the money》 translatio

《where was the money》 translatio

作者: 伯涵子弟 | 来源:发表于2018-12-23 23:23 被阅读6次

Most of the inmates were sure it was just another snow job, and maybe they were right. When the agitation began to boil up again a few months later, stronger than ever, Murphy came to my cell again to tell me that the commissioner was coming down to meet with a delegation of prisoners. I had been appointed, he told me, as the spokesman for A block.


“By who?” I wanted to know.

“By me.”

“Oh no,” I said. I didn’t want to be singled out as leader on this. If anything happened, I could see where the authorities were going to be looking at me the same way Granger had when the riot broke out at Dannemora.




But Murphy kept pleading with me, and I finally agreed to go down to the warden’s office with him and the other two delegates. Right from the beginning, McGinnis talked directly to me. He had been in the prison system during the Dannemora riot, too, he wanted me to know, and so he was sure I agreed with him that we had to do everything possible to stop anything that could lead to that kind of bloodbath.


I had walked in there determined to keep my mouth shut, but with nobody else saying a word, I found myself doing all the talking. Denying all the while that I was a spokesman for anybody. Dannemora had gone up, I reminded him because the inmates were without hope. And while I was willing to concede that Attica was nowhere near as bad as Dannemora, I emphasized to him as strongly as I could that prisoners weren’t anywhere near as willing to accept that kind of inhumanity and brutality any more.


We were in there for over an hour, and I have to say that he was a powerful advocate. He pledged his word—absolutely—that if he were given just a little more time, most of the grievances would be taken care of. I believed he was sincere then, and I still believe it. Running a prison system has to be the most thankless job in the world. Although all government agencies are tied up in red tape, the prison system—as he pointed out—was ten times worse than any of the others. Nobody ever wants to divert any extra money toward it. The prisoners are stacked up inside like cordwood, and all anybody wants to do is forget about them.


Well, there were four of us who had the equally thankless job of going back into the exercise yards and telling the prisoners to wait some more. What troubled the key men most of all was that all the other prisons in NewYork had conducted sit-down strikes by then, and we hadn’t done anything. They felt very strongly that when ex-cons got together in future years, the guys who had served time in Attica would have a very bad name.


I said, “All right, but do it orderly. Reach a point where you get enough publicity to let the other prisoners know we’re with them, and then quit.” Word went out to all the prisoners not to leave their cells the following day, and the strike was about ninety percent successful. Around noon, when I heard that the news of the strike was being broadcast over the radio, I sent word to the key people that the purpose had been accomplished. The longer they tried to extend the strike, I had warned them, the greater the risk that they were going to lose control over it. “A prison riot is like a war in which only one side has guns,” I had told them. “Don’t ever forget that.”


The following morning about ninety percent of them came out of their cells. The few diehards didn’t hold out for more than another day or two.

But, do you know, I never went through Times Square during all my efforts to keep things cool that the guard didn’t call up to the warden’s office to make sure that it was all right to unlock the gate.



I had arrived at Attica after two weeks in isolation at Sing Sing, leg-manacled to a prisoner who had been thrown into the shipment with me at the last moment for the sole purpose of supplying the leg for the other half of the manacle. Although the poor guy was being taken all the way up to Attica and then back down to Greenhaven, he took it in the spirit of adventure. There are two detectives across from us practically sitting in our laps, and the first chance he got he whispered, “Willie, if you have a chance I’ll do everything I can to push you out the window.”

我在新新被隔离了两周后,来到了阿提卡,一条腿被铐在一个囚犯身上,这个囚犯在最后一刻和我一起被扔进了船里,唯一的目的就是为另一条腿提供脚镣。虽然这个可怜的家伙被一路带到阿提卡,然后又回到格林黑文,但他是带着冒险精神来的。我们对面坐着两个探员,他一有机会就小声说: “威利,如果你有机会,我会尽我所能把你赶出窗外。”

After another two weeks in segregation, I was taken before Deputy Walter Wilkins, a little shrimp of a man who was known as The Shadow because he was always lurking in dark corners trying to catch you for something. Wilkins stared at me sternly from behind an enormous desk and when that didn’t reduce me to a quivering heap he tucked his chin down into his neck and, deepening his voice to give it the ring of authority, proceeded to read off the record of my escapes and convictions. Once that had been accomplished, he looked up at the ceiling and pursed his lips in the manner of a man who is pondering some momentous decision.




      本文标题:《where was the money》 translatio
