
作者: imalazylady | 来源:发表于2020-04-08 19:01 被阅读0次

班级:L3-C        姓名:Olivia          学号:20193001401     

日期:2020/4/9      作业序号(Writing Assignment No.):33


题目:In some developed countries people become fat because they eat too much junk food and processed food. Suggest some ways that governments and food companies can encourage people to stay fit and eat a healthy diet.

In my opinion,the government should strengthen the supervision of food ,then increase the publicity of food and make people aware of the harm of junk  food.Because only when people are aware of the harm of junk food,they are more likely to accept healthy food with light taste.People in developed countries often eat fried hamburgers and chips ,care about more taste ,and often ignore healthy problems .If people know that when they eat junk food, the junk food is eroding the energy in his body, then I believe they will not hesitate to choose healthy food. The government can promote healthy food through TV programs, news, newspapers and mobile billboards.

Food companies are also a very important part. Food companies should ensure food safety and not ignore food safety for their own interests. In this way, they will be punished accordingly. Those who are serious can be prosecuted for legal responsibility. They can promote green food and organic food. And try our best to reduce the price of organic food, so that the common people can afford it.(177 words)


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