
作者: NancyLittle | 来源:发表于2022-06-20 21:56 被阅读0次

          “If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.”

          Have you ever wondered why some individuals are consistently able to achieve at such a high level?

          They are always pushing forward and hitting their goals. They seem to be doing more with less, while the rest of us spin our wheels and don't make as much progress. The same is true with organizations. It might be comforting to believe they have some advantage, when the truth is they have found a way to become an elevated version of themselves.

      “The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems.”

      In its purest definition, capacity building is the method by which individuals seek, acquire, and develop the skills and abilities to consistently perform at a higher level in pursuit of their innate potential.

      High achievers across all spectrums of life and business have found continuous ways to build their capacity at faster rates than their peers and use that extra capacity to stay ahead of the pack and achieve at the highest level; it's how they elevate. People who consistently elevate, or “elevaters,” have a competitive advantage, but it's one that you can replicate.

      To be clear, capacity building is not about doing more. It's about doing more of the right things. In fact, the art of the capacity-building process is knowing where you need to invest your energy and where you need to pull away.

      As the legendary management guru Peter Drucker once wrote,“There is surely nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency what should not be done at all.”

      Capacity building is similar to a developing a muscle. It doesn't happen overnight. I may be inspired to lift a heavy weight, but only after weeks of consistent commitment, work, and incremental improvement will I have built up the strength and physical capacity to do so. Suddenly, I have the capacity to do what I could not do before. Inspiration is valuable, but it's not enough to affect real change. That requires follow-though and commitment.

      In my own journey and in speaking with hundreds of others who have made meaningful and sustained changes to their lives, I have identified four essential elements of capacity building: spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional.These four elements are fundamental and are present in nearly every aspect of self-improvement.

      1.Spiritual capacity is about understanding who you are, what you want most, and the standards you want to live by each day.

      2.Intellectual capacity is about how you improve your ability to think, learn, plan, and execute with discipline.

      3.Physical capacity is your health, well-being, and physical performance.

      4.Emotional capacity is how you react to challenging situations, your emotional mindset, and the quality of your relationships.

      Capacity building starts with understanding these four interconnected elements and then developing them individually and simultaneously.

      Think of each element as a chamber of an inflatable ball separated into four sections, and each section can be filled individually with a dense gas. The bigger the ball becomes, the more energy and mass it will have, resulting in optimal momentum as it rolls. It will perform best when all the chambers grow in tandem rather than one section getting too big at the expense of the others. If one chamber is bigger or another is underinflated, the ball will not roll evenly. Instead of gaining speed and building momentum, it's going to wobble awkwardly and get off track.

      These chambers are also leaky and constantly need filling.Similar to tires on your car, they need continuous maintenance to ensure they have the right pressure and are in balance. Balance is often hard to identify, but being aware of imbalance—and identifying exactly which chamber is slowing you down—is often the key to keeping you on course.

      Building physical capacity offers the most concrete example between increased effort and improved outcomes. You see that if you run a little bit more each day, it becomes easier as your conditioning improves. Likewise, if you lift a little more weight each day, you can soon lift what you could not just a few months or weeks before. The process is the same for things that are not physical.

      Focusing on building capacity within ourselves and our teams is one of the core principles that we have used at Acceleration Partners to build an award-winning culture.

      A leader's goal should be to inspire and elevate expectations so that team members can simultaneously improve in all areas of their lives, including leadership, time management, prioritization, decision-making, self-awareness, and self-confidence. These abilities have a domino effect. When you improve in one area, you begin to improve in all, and one of the most important outcomes in capacity building is the exponential effect it has on others, including friends, family, and those whom you lead. It has the effect of lifting while you climb—as you build your own capacity and achieve more, you develop the ability to help others do the same.

      It's a virtuous cycle and benefits everyone involved.

      By focusing on these elements, you'll be on a path to build your own capacity to elevate and support others in their journeys as well.


      They ramped up their observation skills, tapped into their talents, and unlocked their creativity to identify problems in their midst—problems they experienced or noticed others experiencing—problems they might have seen before but had never thought to solve.


      But sometimes something as simple as a rubber band is all that’s needed to mobilize people to actually do something, to bridge the gap between inaction and action.


      It’s also a clear reminder that there is just a tiny switch between doing nothing and doing something, but that the two options have wildly different outcomes.


      The key to need finding is identifying and filling gaps—that is, gaps in the way people use products, gaps in the services available, and gaps in the stories they tell when interviewed about their behaviour.


      If you want a leadership role, then take on leadership roles. Just give yourself permission to do so. Look around for holes in your organization, ask for what you want, find ways to leverage your skills and experiences, be willing to make the first move, and stretch beyond what you’ve done before. There are always opportunities waiting to be exploited. Instead of waiting to be asked and tiptoeing around an opportunity, seize it. It takes hard work, energy, and drive—but these are the assets that set leaders apart from those who wait for others to anoint them.


      First, lucky people take advantage of chance occurrences that come their way. Instead of going through life on cruise control, they pay attention to what’s happening around them and, therefore, are able to extract greater value from each situation.


      A simple acknowledgment that you messed up goes a long way. There’s no need for long speeches and explanations; just say,“I didn’t handle that very well. I apologize.” The sooner you do this after recognizing your mistake, the better. If you wait a long time to apologize, the damage continues to grow.


      You have to focus your intention to make something happen by giving at least100percent commitment. Anything less and you’re the only one to blame for failing to reach your goals.


      If a man does not master his circumstances then he is bound to be mastered by them.




