s03e03 《如履薄冰》翻译作业(节选)

s03e03 《如履薄冰》翻译作业(节选)

作者: 吴偶 | 来源:发表于2018-10-26 10:08 被阅读7次

At the end of November 1974, a friend from Paris called and told me that Lotte Eisner was seriously ill and would probably die. I said that this must not be, not at this time, German cinema could not do without her now, we would not permit her death. I took a jacket, a compass and a duffel bag with the necessities. My boots were so solid and new that I had confidence in them. I set off on the most direct route to Paric, in full faith, believing that she would stay alive if I came on foot. Besides, I wanted to be alone with myself. What I wrote along the way was not intended for readers. Now, four years later, upon looking at the little notebook once again, I have been strangely touched, and the desire to show this text to others unknown to me outweighs the dread, the timidity to open the door so wide for unfamiliar eyes. Only a few private remarks have been omitted.
Delft, Holland, 24 May 1978



Right after 500 meters or so I made my first stop, near the Pasinger Hospital, from where I wanted to turn west. With my compass I gauged the direction of Paris; now I know it. Achternbusch had jumped from the moving VW van without getting hurt, then right away he tried again and broke his leg; now he’s lying in Ward 5.
The River Lech, I said to him, that will be the problem, with so few bridges crossing is. Would the villagers row me across in a skiff? Herbert will tell my fortune, from cards as tiny as a thumbnail, in two rows of five, but he doesn’t know how to read them because he can’t find the paper with the interpretations. There is the Devil, with the Hangman in the second row, hanging upside down.
Sunshine, like a day in spring, that is the Surprise. How to get ou t of Munich? What is going on in people’s minds? Mobile homes? Smashed-up cars bought wholesale? The car wash? Meditating upon myself makes one thing evident: the rest of the world is in rhyme.
One solitary, overriding thought: get away from here. People frighten me. Our Eisner mustn’t die, she will not die, I won’t permit it. She is not dying now because she isn’t dying. Not now, no, she is not allowed to. My steps are firm. And now the earth trembles. When I move, a buffalo moves. When I rest, a mountain reposes. she wouldn’t dare! She mustn’t. She won’t. When I’m in Paris she will be alive. she must not die. Later, perhaps, when we allow it.
In a rain-sodden field a man catches a woman. The grass is flat with mud.

1974年11月23日 星期六



  • 王佩:这与其说是散文,不如说是诗篇。赫尔佐格用脚丈量大地,也用脚去拍他生命中的电影。在翻译这篇文字的时候,要用心体会他的简断、刚强与决绝。

    and the desire to show this text to others unknown to me outweighs the dread, the timidity to open the door so wide for unfamiliar eyes.



    吴偶:@王佩 好的,我再琢磨琢磨:heart:

本文标题:s03e03 《如履薄冰》翻译作业(节选)
