【航海之星】10个桨板瑜伽SUP Yoga的基本功(2)

【航海之星】10个桨板瑜伽SUP Yoga的基本功(2)

作者: 航海之星 | 来源:发表于2017-08-14 10:21 被阅读0次


    Low Lunge Variations


    From Table Top or Down Dog with your hips over the handle, bring your right foot forward so your hands frame your foot. Look to the horizon for balance before walking your hands onto the knee or thigh.


    Once you feel stable, explore arm variations like reaching both arms to the sky or adding a twist by planting your left palm on the board and lifting your right arm toward the sky. Switch sides.


    Wide Leg Standing Forward Fold


    From Low Lunge, place both hands inside the front knee and walk to the rail (side of the board). Apply even pressure with your hands as your rotate onto the ball mounds of both feet, then lower heels toward the opposite rail. Hands and feet should be the same distance apart that you would have them on land: hands beneath shoulders, legs wider than hip distance with toes slightly turned in.


    Modified or Half Camel


    Kneeling around the handle of the board, support the low back with your hands before moving into Camel. The instability of the water can create more challenge, so start with your toes tucked, or explore a gentler kneeling backbend by placing one hand behind you, lifting the hips, and sweeping the opposite arm overhead. Switch sides.


    Sleeping Pigeon


    There is something so soothing about Sleeping Pigeon on the water. Make sure your groin is over the handle of the board. If you need a bolster, try using your life jacket (conditions permitting). Relax into the pose and listen to the sound of the waves as they lap at your board.


    Bridge Pose

    先躺在SUP上, 骶骨位于把手附近,屈膝,让脚掌触地,双手够着脚后跟。双脚张开的宽度略大于臀宽。朝上方抬起臀部,紧缩双肩来让身体挺得更高。你可以单独抬起一条腿来增加挑战性。

    Start on your back with your sacrum over the handle, knees bent and soles of your feet on the board so that your fingertips can graze your heels. Keep your feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart. Lift your hips toward the sky and bind your arms beneath to find more height. For an added challenge, try lifting one leg at a time.


    【品牌支持:中国航海之星学院 官网:www.seageek.cn,特别鸣谢:中国冲浪联盟 www.chinasurf.net】

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    航海之星Sea geek ,寓意海上极客、水上极限运动者、海上达人【中国冲浪,中国浆板】。品牌定位:推动中国水上运动产业发展,提供产业公共服务、帮助从业者、创业者快速发展。

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          本文标题:【航海之星】10个桨板瑜伽SUP Yoga的基本功(2)
