2019: 自由职业与斜杠青年

2019: 自由职业与斜杠青年

作者: 三只蜜蜂 | 来源:发表于2019-01-09 17:10 被阅读0次





    斜杠青年的出现并非偶然,而是社会发展的必然现象,也是进步的体现。这种进步使人类摆脱“工业革命”带来的限制和束缚,释放天性。 [1] 



























    另一方面,大量数据表明,人工智能将要在未来让超过90%的工作机会消失。就业机会将成为未来的一大刚需。最大的几家社交平台,FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN, GROUPON,的市场加起来超过100亿美元,而这几家公司所雇用的员工总数不超过3万人。

    未来学家、前IBM资深工程师,THOMAS FREY在他的新书《communicating with the future》中观察,2030年,超过50%的工作机会将消失,30岁以前职场人,今天所做的工作不足10个,而到2030年,人们所从事过的工作项目将达到200~300个!我们的经济社会将成为一个项目制的工作场景。


















    “激情是让事情变得艰难时能够继续坚持的原因。” - 沃伦巴菲特











    Top 40 Profitable Internet Business Ideas & Opportunities for 2019

    1. Affiliate marketing-联盟营销

    The first venture you can start online is to own your own affiliate store. To become an affiliate marketer means that you be promoting other people’s products and services. Whenever there is a sale, you will get a commission and the most interesting fact here is that you don’t even need a dime of your own to start it and you get to partner with some of the biggest companies in the world.

    2. Blogging-博客

    If you have a particular subject that interests you and you are passionate about it, then you can start a blog around such topic. Blogging is one of the fastest growing business trends on the web and the sweetest thing is that it is an information based business.

    So no worries about technicalities, programming, etc. You also don’t need to invest a dime to get started as there are free platforms you can utilize like Blogger, TypePad, Joomla and WordPress.

    3. Auction selling –eBay-拍卖网

    This business involves selling or reselling products (using goods, purchase and reselling of wholesale goods, using drop-shipping) on an online market place like Ebay, Amazon Auction or Craigslist.

    4. Online Beading Store-绣边

    If you love beading, and you have beading skills, you can launch an online business that will not only focus on selling the coolest beads on the web, but also offer video tutorials on how to make beads.

    5. E-Book Publishing-电子书出版

    If you love writing and you possess some marketing skills, then you can venture into information marketing. In this situation, your business will be to identify people’s problems and provide a solution in the form of an ebook.

    6. Do-It-Yourself program-DIY程序

    Just as the green revolution is on, the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) movement is also on. As the economy gets tighter, people are spending less and they are learning to do things themselves to save money. You can still take advantage of this situation and position yourself as a DIY expert and start publishing tutorials on how to fix things, install gadgets and make repairs.

    7. Advertising Network (Ad Network)-广告网络

    You can also start a company online that connect advertisers to websites who wants to host advertisements. The key responsibility of an Ad Network is the aggregation of Ad space supply from publishers and matching it with advertisers demand.

    8. Website flipping business-网站买卖

    You can start buying and selling websites for a profit. To understand this business model, just consider yourself a real estate entrepreneur; who buy houses at a low price, renovates the house and resells at a higher price for a profit. You can begin by checking out websites that are listed on Flippa.com to understand how this business works.

    9. You Can Make Money Taking Surveys Online-在线调查

    10. Set up an e-commerce store online-电商网店

    Yes, you can set up an e-commerce or retail store online and you can start this online business from home without even owning a single product. You can sell virtually anything ranging from books, clothes and electronics to household item through wholesale drop shipping or by setting up an affiliate store with Amazon or EBay.

    11. Start Trading Forex Online-外汇交易

    12. Research and sell information online-研究及信息销售

    Yes, you can research on people’s problems and needs; then all you have to do is to come up with a solution, package it in an eBook, video or audio format and you are in business. In fact, the over head startup cost for this business is so low that anybody can do it. To have an idea on hottest selling information products, I will recommend you visit Clickbank.com

    Online Business ideas that Yield’s Passive Income Even While You Sleep

    13. Web hosting reselling business-网页托管转销

    One thing about a web hosting reselling business is that the market is a bit saturated; but I don’t believe a market can be saturated if you can be creative and focus on a specific niche. But the good side of this business is that it can run on autopilot; once you have put in the initial effort and gotten some clients, you are set.

    14. Membership sites-会员网站

    If you are an expert in your industry, then you should definitely think of starting a membership site. A membership website is a site that offer “specific information” to people; all for a monthly recurring fee. A successful membership site can generate income monthly without you lifting a finger.

    15. Build your own Blog network-博客网络

    One of the best online businesses you can start today is a blog. The downside of a blog is that it’s not a short term profit maker; but it can bring you fortunes and fame. Owning a blog network is definitely not an easy thing to do, but it can be done. However, it’s advisable you start from only one blog. Once your blog or blogs are up and running, you can enjoy steady streams of passive income.

    Profitable Web Based Services Business Ideas and Opportunities to Start

    To build a successful business online around service provision; you need nothing but specialized knowledge or skill and thorough understanding of how the internet works. Your overhead can be kept low by operating your business from home. In fact, providing business services on the internet can be started from home with zero capital. All you need is core expertise and you are good to go. You can get such expertise by attending seminars and workshops, reading books and practicing on your own.

    Growing an online service business is quite easy because of the ease of referral; and the automation of several processes. Marketing your business expertise online is quite cheap and can even be done for free; if you know how to go about it.

    16. Programming Services-编程服务

    With the growing demand for software, applications and plugins; offering programming services is definitely a business to beat because of the steady demand. But a downside to offering programming service is that it requires specialized knowledge that doesn’t come easy. If you are patient enough to learn the ropes of programming; you are sure of a steady supply of contracts. Remember that Larry Page, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg started out as programmers.

    17. Web Copywriting-网页知识版权

    Web copywriting is a service business you can start today and begin to make money because of insufficient copywriters on ground. Affiliate marketers and info product marketers will be your major clients because they are always on the look out for possible ways to increase the clickthrough rate, subscription rate and conversion rate of their websites. If you have a passion for playing with words; then you can start a web based business offering web copywriting services.

    18. Virtual Assistant-虚拟助理

    The next web based service business opportunity you can start today is to provide virtual assistance to web entrepreneurs. Your duty will be to carry out assigned tasks that your client considers cumbersome or not-too-relevant.

    19. Web Design-网站设计

    Web design is an online service business that has been around for quite long; yet, the market is not saturated. With an ever growing demand for websites, forums and blogs; the momentum for web design services will never die down. To get started as a web designer, all you need are some artistic talents, programming knowledge and time. As you design your websites, you must ensure you build your portfolio and look forward to having additional clients through word of mouth.

    The most exciting fact about offering web design services is that you don’t need to know how to design a website or blog; all you need to do is to master the automated web design software made available online and you are in business.

    20. Blog Installation-博客安装

    Blogging is the latest craze online. Every Dick and Harry now maintains a blog; and a lot more people desire to own one or two but unfortunately, not many people understand the technicality involved with installing a blog and they are not willing to learn it. If you are good at blog installation; then you can offer it as a service and I bet that you will smile to the bank daily.

    21. Start a Local SEO Company-本地搜索引擎优化

    The battle to be on the first page of Google is getting hotter by the day. Companies are now paying huge sums of money to search engine positioning experts to help increase their pagerank. Do you know how to get a web page to rank in the top ten search results of Google? If yes, then you have a money minting skill on hand. Aside providing search engine optimization services; you can actually build a successful business around this single service, big time.

    22. Social Media Consultancy-社交媒体咨询

    As the craze for social media content increases; so also does the competition for social media attention by big company increases, thereby increasing the need for social media marketers. Do you know how to make a content go viral on social media? Can you build a strong brand presence on social media? Have you mastered the intricacies of social networking? Then become a social media consultant and you are in for cool cash.

    23. Web Promotion-网站推广

    There are hundreds of millions of websites on the internet; and each of these websites seeks publicity. You can start a business as a web promotion expert and make money online. If you can effectively promote a website without spending much on advertising; you have a good business on hand.

    24. Ebook Cover Design-电子书封面设计

    Ebook publishing is on the rise; so also is the demand for quality eye catching ebook covers or product covers. The good thing about starting an ebook cover design business is that you don’t need to have knowledge of graphic design or Photoshop. The process of creating an ebook cover is now automated with the use of ebook cover design software.

    25. Become a Freelance Writer and Make Money Writing Articles Online-自由作家

    One of the most outsourced online business processes is content creation and written content happens to be one of them. In fact, ghost writing as a service business is so broad that you can fill it all. Do you have a passion for writing? Then start a business offering ghost writing services to individuals and companies. You specialize on guest blogging for clients, article writing, ebook writing or freelance writing.

    26. Proofreading-校对

    Do you have an eye for spotting grammatical errors? If yes, then you can make money online by offering proofreading services to online publishers.

    27. Internet Press Release Services-互联网媒体发布服务

    The demand for free publicity will always be on the increase as long as there’s competition in business. Imagine getting on the front page or home page of a high traffic media website without spending a dime; that’s the power of press releases. If you are good at writing press releases and also submitting them; then you are in business.

    28. Website Appraisal-网站评估

    Just as businesses are bought and sold offline; so also are websites bought and sold online. You can become a website valuation expert and offer appraisal services to website developers (virtual real estate developers).

    29. Website Critique-网站批评

    Are you good at website optimization? Can you help internet business owners increase their conversion rate simply by overhauling a website? Then you can critique websites for cash. I know several entrepreneurs that have built successful online business by offering landing pages and squeeze page makeovers. You can do the same.

    30. Blogger to WordPress services-博客系统服务

    Most blogs are hosted on Google’s free blogging platform Blogger; but bloggers are switching over to WordPress because of its usability and features. The only fear of moving from one blogging platform to another is that you may lose your content and pagerank.

    Most bloggers don’t want to go through this nightmare, so the reliance on blogger to WordPress service providers. If you can switch from blogger to WordPress and vice versa without a loss of pagerank or content; then you have a profitable business on hand.

    31. Web Development-网站开发

    Web development goes beyond web design; it encompasses website critique, forum installation, eCommerce site development and specialized website building. This is a profitable business opportunity; though it’s capital and time intensive, it’s a guaranteed money maker.

    32. Joint Venture Brokering-合资企业经纪

    You can start a web business around offering joint venture brokerage services. If you have the capacity to link product creators with marketers in any niche; I don’t see anything that stops you from starting a joint venture brokerage business.

    33. Lead Generation Services-订单生成服务

    Do you know how to generate leads online? Then you can help businesses build their mailing lists. Most internet marketers attest to the fact that the money is in the list and they are willing to do anything to have this list. You can start a lead generation business and charge either per lead or on a bulk basis (per 1,000 lead).

    34. Niche Research services-细分领域研究服务

    One of the best web based business services to offer is a niche research service. This is a business that requires you to spot online trends and niches before the rest of the crowd discovers such. It also entails digging deep to discover ignored or overlooked niches. If you are well grounded in online business research; then you can start a business online researching upcoming trends and niches, and selling these business trends to internet entrepreneurs and investors.

    35. Software / Script Installation services-软件安装服务

    The last web based business service you can offer internet business owners for cash is software / script installation. Most people desire to start a social networking site, forum, eBookstore and so on but they don’t know how to go about it.

    Some of these entrepreneurs have even taken a bold step ahead to purchase the necessary software or script needed to power their desired site; but they don’t know how to go about the installation. I have seen several small businesses that charge $97 for installations that don’t take more that 20 minutes to implement. If offering script installation service thrills you; then you can learn the rudiments of script installation.

    36. Recruiting and Online Headhunting-招聘及在线猎头

    If you know your way around the web and you are good at digging up people’s profile, then you can become a contract staff agent to some companies. Your duty is to go online and search for the right candidates for specific positions within a company and the company will pay you when the hire is made.

    As a final note, I want it to sink into your skill that you can become a successful entrepreneur simply by taking advantage of any of the web based service business opportunities listed above. All you need is the right knowledge, the right marketing skill and determination. Once these three keys are locked in synergy; the sky will be your starting point.

    37. Consultancy-: 商业咨询

    You can be a consultant to business people online, and your task is to keep informing them of the latest or new developments within their industry.

    38. Resume writing service-简历编写服务

    A resume writing service can make a big internet home business, especially during economic difficult times and in areas where unemployment rate is very high.

    39. Desktop publication services-电脑出版服务

    Getting used to software, meeting deadlines, and making yourself popular online are the keys to launching a desktop publication home businesses. While some desktop publishers would like to meet clients in person and serve their local neighborhood market, a desktop publisher who renders services through the internet will have a much broader market to work on.

    Additionally, working this business online permits you to show case prospects samples of your work and to publish testimonies from your satisfied clients/customers.

    40. Internet marketing services-互联网营销服务

    Assisting people to drive customers to their websites can be an excellent online business with a strong profit potential. Doing business on the web is quite tough because things change so fast online, so it will be your job to help the online entrepreneurs keep up with the ever changing trend.

    Example of services you can offer include pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising services, blog marketing services, article marketing services, guest blogging, link building service, etc.

    41. Graphic design-图形设计

    There are lots of graphic designers on the web. So if you have plan to succeed in this area online, serving a particular target audience will be your best friend. Suppose you are specialized with fashion and you have a good graphic design skill, you can try your hand at launching an online graphic design firm that focuses on graphic design for fashion designers. You can also choose to focus on infographic designing, ebook cover design, etc.

    42. Online life coaching-在线生活教练

    Sometimes, life could be complicating thus requiring a little correction or encouragement for an individual along the way. If this sometimes appeals to you, you can consider launching an online business that tackles just one aspect of life’s most common challenges. For instance, if you are naturally born cupid, you can be a dating coach. Or if you know how to get things done, you can be an effective coach to assist others to quit procrastinating.



        本文标题:2019: 自由职业与斜杠青年
