L8 U3 职业生涯

L8 U3 职业生涯

作者: AsaGuo | 来源:发表于2019-06-20 20:52 被阅读0次

Module 1. 谈论你最近的工作

1. 描述工作

让我们来看一下可以用来描述工作,项目和客户的形容词。用enjoyable 和 engaging来描述你觉得有意思的工作或者项目。

  • For me, sales is an enjoyable job. 对我来说,销售工作非常有意思。
  • I find being a designer very engaging. 我觉得做设计师非常有趣。


  • John has a very challenging job. He's a firefighter. John 的工作非常具有挑战性,他是一名消防员。
  • Marta is the CEO of a large corporation, a very demanding job. Marta 是一家大公司的首席执行官,这份工作要求非常之高。


  • Helping others learn is really rewarding. 帮助别人学习是很有收获的。
  • Completing that project was extremely satisfying. 完成那个项目是及其令人满意的。
  • He has an enjoyable and engaging job. 他有一个令人愉快和吸引人的工作。
  • It was satisfying to complete the project early. 提前完成项目是令人满意的。
  • Her clients are very demanding. 她的客户是非常苛刻的。
  • Teaching is a rewarding career. 教书是一个有价值的职业。
  • It's a challenging job. 这是一个有挑战性的工作。

2. 复习: 时间状语从句

状语从句通常提供有关时间的信息。 用 before、after、when 和 while 等副词使事件具有先后顺序。
用 before + 一般过去式来谈论某个事件之前的某个时间段。

  • Before I got this job, I worked as a sales assistant.
  • Chris had a really demanding job before he quit.

用 after + 一般过去式来谈论某个事件之后的某个时间段。

  • After she sold electric cars, she went back to school.
  • What did you do after you graduated?

使用 when + 一般过去时,谈论某一段时期。

  • When I was younger, I thought I should study law.
  • What did you do when you worked at XCCX?

使用 while + 过去进行时,描述一段时期内正在发生的事情。

  • I was making a lot of money while I was living in Korea.
  • While I was studying to be a lawyer, I worked for six months in a restaurant.

3. 正在进行和已经完成的动作


  • I've finished the Grove project. 我已经完成了树丛项目。
  • I've enjoyed working with the developers. 我很喜欢与开发者合作。
    你通过使用助动词have以及一个叫做过去分词的动词形式构成,例如done(来自 do ),gone(来自 go * *)或 made(来自 make **)。


  • I've been working on this for three months now. 到现在我一直持续做这件事已经有三个月了。
  • I've been focusing on the new software release. 我一直在专注新的软件版本的发行。


  • I've been here for three months. 我来这有三个月了。
  • I've known Eric for a while now. 我认识埃里克有一段时间了。
  • We've been working on the Truman account. 我们一直在做杜鲁门的帐户。
  • I've been focusing on the new project this week. 这个星期我一直专注于这个新项目。
  • We've completed all of our projects. 我们已经完成了我们所有的项目。
  • The clients have been pretty demanding. 客户们一直相当苛刻。
  • This has been an enjoyable week. 这是愉快的一周。

Module 1. 谈论将来的计划

1. 谈论希望和梦想的动词

  • build 建设
  • change the way we live 改变我们的生活方式
  • use natural power 使用天然能源
  • recycle our garbage 回收利用垃圾
  • plant more trees 种更多的树
  • open more parks 开放更多公园

谈论 'hopes' 和 'dreams' 的动词
以下是一些谈论 'hopes' 和 'dreams' 的方法。注意每个句子中使用的动词以及与动词搭配的单词。

  • She really wants to make a difference in the world. 她非常希望改变
  • I want to get a job and support myself. 我想找一份工作,自食其力。
  • He hopes to get a job recycling plastic. 他想找一份塑料回收的工作。
  • Mary dreams of building her own home. Mary 梦想打造属于她自己的家。
  • I love to plant trees. 我喜爱种树。
  • We want to change our lives. 我们希望改变我们的生活。
  • She hopes to earn a lot of money after college. 她希望大学毕业后挣很多钱。
  • We spent two months planting trees. 我们花了两个月时间种树。
  • She wants to make a difference in the world. 她希望有所作为。
  • His dream is to build his own home. 他的梦想是打造属于他自己的家。
  • I'm not well-paid. It's difficult to support myself. 我的工资不高。 很难养活我自己。
  • Don't throw it in the garbage! Recycle it. 不要把这丢到垃圾里,要回收利用。
  • He's working to earn money and go back to school. 他努力工作挣钱,返校求学。
  • She needs to change her life. 她需要改变她的生活。

2. 复习: 真实和非真实条件句

  • If we don't change the way we live ... 如果我们不改变自己的生活方式…
  • ... we'll destroy this planet. ……我们会毁掉这个星球。
  • If we recycle our garbage ... 如果我们回收利用垃圾…
  • If we plant more trees ... 如果我们种更多的树…
  • ... the world will be cleaner and greener. ……世界将更加洁净、更加绿色。
  • If my company could build one city ... 如果我的公司能建造一座城市……
  • ... we'd have a city in every country. ……我们就会在每个国家都有一座城市。

复习: 真实和非真实条件句
用真实条件句表达真实的可能性。 在 if 从句中使用 if + 现在时,并在结果从句中使用 will 或 can 等情态动词。

  • If we recycle, the city will be greener. 如果我们回收利用,整座城市就会更加绿色环保。
  • If you build green cities, you can make a difference in the world. 如果建设绿色城市,你就能改变世界。

用非真实条件句表达可能性较低乃至不可能的事物。 在 if 从句中使用 if + 过去时,并在结果从句中使用 would。

  • If everyone planted trees, the air would be cleaner. 如果人人都植树,空气会更加洁净。
  • If I worked less, I would travel more. 如果我少花点时间工作,就能多点时间去旅行。

记住,were 是动词 be 在非真实条件句中的正确形式。

  • If this city were green, the world would be a better place. 如果这座城市变为绿色,世界将会更加美好。

但在非正式的口语中,你经常会听到 was。

  • If I was more careful with my garbage, I could recycle more. 如果我多注意一下垃圾,就能回收利用更多东西。

你可以交换这两个从句。 发生这种情况时,不需要逗号。

  • We'll have more trees if we open more parks. 如果开放更多公园,我们就能拥有更多树木。
  • Life would be easier if I earned more money. 如果我挣更多钱,生活就会轻松一些。

3. 谈论计划和打算

  • I want to learn more about management. 我希望学习更多管理方面的知识。
  • What's next? 接下来呢?
  • What are your plans? 你们有什么计划?
  • I've decided to study law. 我决定攻读法律。
  • I intend to work as a lawyer at a big law firm. 我打算在一家大型律师事务所从事律师工作。
  • My intention is to open my own business. 我想自己创业。
  • What do you plan to do? 你打算干什么?
  • I'm going to be a supervisor. 我将成为一名主管。

Module 1. 讨论职业计划

1. 关于职业的形容词

  • rich 富有
  • successful 成功
  • normal 正常
  • ambitious 有抱负
  • simple 简单

simple - complicated

  • My job is so simple that I'm always bored. 我的工作很简单,总让我很无聊。
  • Being an accountant must be complicated. 做会计一定很复杂。

rich - poor

  • I want to get really rich before I retire. 我希望在退休前赚很多钱。
  • Amanda is tired of being poor. Amanda 受够了没钱的日子。

wise - foolish

  • My father is a very wise man. 我父亲是个非常聪明的人。
  • He was foolish to drop out of high school. 他傻到从高中辍学。

critical - unimportant

  • It's critical to get a good education. 接受良好的教育至关重要。
  • Don't worry about it. The cost is unimportant. 不要担心,费用方面不重要。

normal - odd

  • It's normal to worry about getting a good job. 担心能不能找到好工作是很正常的。
  • She's a very odd person. 她是个怪人。

talented - untalented

  • He's a talented salesperson. 他是一位能干的销售员。
  • She's great at chemistry, but untalented in accounting. 她擅长化学,但对会计没什么天分。
  • Rick's very talented. He's got the skills to be CEO. 瑞克非常有才能。 他具备成为 CEO 的才干。
  • Mia works normal hours, from 9 to 5. 米娅在正常工作时间上班,朝九晚五。
  • He's slightly odd, but he's very good at his job. 他有点古怪,不过工作非常在行。
  • It's critical to finish the project before Friday. 我们必须在星期五之前完成这个项目。
  • Going back to school is a wise decision. 继续深造是一个明智的决定。
  • I think quitting your job is a foolish thing to do. 我认为你辞职是愚蠢的行为。

2. 虚拟语气条件句

  • If my father hadn't been so rich … 如果我父亲不是这么富有……
  • If I'd had a normal childhood … 如果我有一个正常的童年……
  • … things would've been different. ……一切都会不同。
  • I would've been more ambitious. 我就会更有抱负。


  • If Terry had gotten rich, he would have stopped working. 如果泰瑞发了财,他就不会再工作。

在虚拟语气条件句中,在 if 从句中使用 if + 过去完成式,并在结果从句中使用 would have + 过去分词。

  • If she had been more ambitious, they would have promoted her. 如果她当初更有抱负,他们就会提拔她。
  • If I had quit school, I wouldn't have been so successful. 如果我当时退学,就不会取得如此的成功。

记住,当 if 从句位于结果从句之后,不需要使用逗号。

  • I would have moved to Buenos Aires if they had offered me the job. 如果他们给了我这份工作,我就会搬到布宜诺斯艾利斯。

3. 鼓励和劝阻

  • Of course, you can do it. Go for it! 当然,你能行。 加油!
  • I'm not so sure you should do it. 我不确定你是否应该这样做。
  • Seriously? Aren't you being a little foolish? 真的吗? 你是不是有点犯傻?
  • This could be the chance you've been waiting for. 这也许是你一直在等待的机会。
  • If I were you, I'd do it. 如果我是你,我就会这样做。

Module 1. 撰写有关你的职业计划的文章

1. 工作和行业术语


  • I am looking for a role in sales. 我在找一个销售职位。
  • We have a post open in management. 我们有一个管理岗位空缺。
  • I am interested in a position in accounts. 我对会计职位感兴趣。


  • My long-term goal is to move into management. 我的长期目标是进入管理层。
  • My short-term goal is to gain more experience. 我的短期目标是获得更多的经验。

你可能想谈论你所在的或者想进入的industry (行业) 。

  • I find working in the science industry really engaging. 我发现做科学这一行是很有意思的。
  • The green sector is really growing, and that's where I want to be. 绿色产业正在增长,而且那也是我想要进入的。


  • I want to improve my proficiency in German. 我想提高我的德语流利度。
  • I have a large skill set in many different disciplines. 我有能用在很多不同学科领域的许多技能。
What you need in industry today

by Olly Adams

Different industries, from technology to education, require different skill sets. 
But if you're good at computing, presentations, 
communication and management, 
you'll be able to find work in many disciplines. 
For example, sales, 
operations and marketing departments are often very happy to give posts to people who show high levels of proficiency in the areas mentioned above.

Of course, if your long-term goal is to move up in your company, 
then you'll need to gain experience in the industry and build knowledge of the sector you're working in.
  • The financial sector is doing very well. 金融行业做得很好。
  • Do you have any long-term goals? 你有长期目标吗?
  • I'd like to improve my proficiency in that discipline. 我想提高我在那个领域的能力。
  • What skill sets are important in that industry? 在那个行业哪些技能是重要的?
  • They have a post open in accounting. 他们在会计方面有一个空缺的职位。
  • What is your position in the company? 你在公司的职位是什么?
  • She's looking for a role in management. 她在找一个管理方面的职位。
  • His short-term goal is to gain experience. 他的短期目标是获得经验。

2. 未来动词

许多指示未来的动词采用这个模式:动词+不定式。一些你可能知道的例子是plan, intend, want, hope, expect, look, aim 和 would like。

  • I aim to move up in the industry. 我的目标是在行业中升职。
  • I expect to spend five years in this post. 我准备在这个职位呆五年时间。
  • I hope to move into senior management. 我希望进入高级管理层。
  • I would like to gain more experience in this discipline. 我想在这方面获得更多的经验。
  • I am looking to increase my proficiency in this area. 我希望增加我在这个领域的能力。
  • I am planning to start my own business. 我打算开始自己办公司。
Paige Williams

Product Designer

I am currently employed as a product designer, 
and my long-term career goals are to move into product management and move up in the publishing industry. 
I am aiming to become a senior manager within a large company or start my own business in the publishing sector.

I am looking to spend the next five years developing my product design skill set, 
as well as increase my proficiency in another language. 
I expect to achieve a senior management post within 10 years.
  • I expect to improve my skill set. 我希望能提高自己的技能。
  • He is planning to leave the company. 他打算离开这个公司。
  • He aims to move up in the company. 他的目标是在公司中得到晋升。
  • She hopes to move into management. 她希望进入管理层。
  • She'd like to gain more experience. 她想获得更多的经验。
  • I am looking to increase my proficiency. 我想提高我的能力。

3. 个人陈述


  • I am currently employed as a laboratory technician. 我目前的工作是实验室技术员。


  • Short term, I am aiming to work at a large, multinational company. 短期来看,我的目标是在一个大型的,跨国公司工作。
  • My long-term career goal is to become an executive. 我的长期职业目标是成为一名执行官。


  • I am looking to spend the next five years developing my product-design skill set. 我希望在接下来的五年时间内改善我的产品设计技能。
  • I expect to achieve a senior management post within 10 years. 我希望在10年内升到高级管理职位。


  • I aim to increase my proficiency with design software. 我的目标是提高我的使用设计软件的能力。



    本文标题:L8 U3 职业生涯
