“长亭外,古道边,芳草碧连天”,又是一年毕业季。师生缘分一场,朝夕相处三载,唠叨了那么多,不知道记住了多少?这最后的唠叨,只想告诉孩子们:Education doesn't stop the day you graduate. It's just the beginning. 教育,绝不是在你毕业的时候戛然而止。相反,一切才刚刚开始。
My dear Baohua,
If I said you were the most handsome boy in our class. I think no one would deny it. You are not only handsome for your face , but also handsome for your deeds. You look quiet. But quietness can not hide your excellence. There's an old saying:Still water runs deep. You are definitely that kind of water. The path to glory is always rugged. But I believe nothing is impossible to a willing mind. Come on,my boy!
Deng Zhiping