

作者: Flannery | 来源:发表于2016-07-04 22:54 被阅读0次
    • error n.错误,过失,误差(mistake)
    • accuracy n.精确性,正确度
    • angle n.角;角度
    • formula n.角度;角落
      Formula refers to a statement, especially an equation, of a fact, rule, principle, or other logical relation.
    • function n.函数
      In x=5y, x is a function of y.
    • addition n.加法
    • divide vt.分割;除
      The woman's estate was dicvided among her children.
    • multiply v.乘;增加
    • subtract vt.减去(deduct)
      If you subtract 2 from 6, you get 4.
    • adjacent adj.邻近的(neighboring);接近的
    • algebra n.代数学
    • arithmetic n.算术
      Arithmetic as a basic school subject should be fun for starters.
    • equation n.等式;平衡
      1+2=3 is a simple equation.
    • altitude n.高度
      At high altitudes of Tibet it is difficult the breathe.
    • geometry n.几何学
    • circumference n.圆周
      The formulas for caculating the circumference of circle and triangle are different.
    • slope n.斜坡;斜面;斜率
    • summation n.总和,和;合计
    • symmetry n.对称(性);匀称(balance, harmony)
      The idea of symmetry is wildly used in architecture and designing.
    • approximate adj.近似的,大约的(roughly)
      The approximate number of demonstrators in front of the municipal office building was 900.
    • sequence n. 序列(procession, progressionN)
    • progression n.行进;级别
    • ascending adj.上升的,向上的
    • probability n.概率;可能性
      Probability denotes a number expressing the likelihood that a specific event will occur, expresed as the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the number of possible occurrences.
    • calculation n.计算;考虑
    • classification n.分类,分级
    • combination n.组合
      In mathematical terms, combination means one or more elements selected from a set without regard to the order of selection.
    • logarithm n.对数
    • complementary adj.补充的,补足的
      The two angles are complementary agles.
    • square n.正方形;平方
    • congruent adj.全等的
      They are congruent triangles.
    • constant n.常数,恒量
      Constant refers to a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context.
    • coordinate n.同等者;同等物;坐标(用复数)
      The coordinate should show you your position.
    • cylinder n.圆柱体(column);柱面
    • denominator n.分母
    • deviation n.离差
    • dimension n.尺寸,尺度;维(数),度(数);元(measurement)
      A line has one dimension and a square has two.
    • evaluate vt.评价,估计(estimate, assess);求~值
    • hemisphere n.半球
    • horizontal adj.地平线的,水平的
    • byperbola n.双曲线
    • intersect vi.相交(cross, meat)
      These two lines intersect at the original point.
    • invariance n.不变性,恒定性
    • increment n.增加;增量
    • maximize vt.取-最大值;最佳化
    • negative n.否定;负数(minus)
    • numerator n.分子(dividend)
    • pentagon n.五角形,五边形
    • perimeter n.周长,周界(circumference)
    • permutation n.排列;置换
      Permutation is an ordered arrangement of the elements of a set.
    • quadrant n.象限;四分仪
    • quotient n.商
      A quotient is the number obtained by dividing one quantity by another.
    • fraction n.分数
    • decimal adj.十进制的 n.小数
      The metric system is a decimal system.
    • diameter n.直径
    • ellipse n.椭圆,椭圆形
    • radius n.半径
      A line segment that joins the center of a circle with any point on its circumference is a radius.
    • vertical adj.垂直的(perpendicular, upright)
      Vertical communication happens between subordinates and superiors.
    • deduction n.减
    • statistics n.统计学;统计表
    • even adj.偶数的
      2,4,6,8 etc. are even numbers.
    • odd adj.奇数的,单数的
      1,3,5,7 etc. are odd numbers.
    • enumerate vt.枚举;计数(count, numberate)
      Sam can enumerate all the Presidents of the United States.
    • calculate vt.计算(count),估计;计划
      Children calcute with the help of their fingers when they are learing counting.
    • clalculus n.微积分学
    • percentage n.百分数,百分率,百分比
      The percentage of unskilled workers is small.
    • proportion n.比例;均衡;面积;部分
      We do not always find visible happiness in proportion t visible virtune.
    • exponent n.指数(index)
    • derivative n.导数
      The limiting value of the ratio of the change in a function to the corresponding change in its independent variabvle is called derivative.
    • power n.乘方;幂
    • arc n.弧,弓,拱
    • infinity n.无限,无穷大



