In a series of famous (and shockingly cruel) experiments,the psychologist
Harry Harlow separated infant monkeys from their mothers shortly after birth, and isolated them in small cages. When given a choice between metal
dummy-mother fitted with a milk bottle, and a soft cloth-covered
dummy with no milk,the baby monkeys clung to the barren cloth mother for all they were worth.
Millions of years of evolution pre-programmed the monkeys with
an overwhelming desire for emotional bonding. 几千年的进化在猴子脑子预置了强烈渴求情感连接的程序。Evolution also imprinted them with the assumption that emotional bonds are more likely to be formed with soft furry things than with hard and metallic objects.
This is also why small human children are far more likely to become attached
to dolls, blankets and smelly rags than to cutlery,stones or wooden blocks.
Alas,the cloth-mother never responded to their affection and the little monkeys consequently suffered from severe psychological and social problems,and grew up to neurotic and asocial adults.