2020.12.24.《Born a Crime》

2020.12.24.《Born a Crime》

作者: 青丫_ | 来源:发表于2020-12-24 23:24 被阅读0次

Trevor的母亲真是位了不起的人。在穿衣和吃饭都还很窘迫的情况下,依然坚持给他定杂志,买书,用她的话说“ My job is to feed your body, feed your spirit, and feed your mind.”Trevor那时的救赎就是读书,读Bible,读完之后母亲还要提问他的想法,他怎么样把读到的内容运用到生活中。那时的南非很多家庭都不怎么重视教育,她的母亲很爱折腾,他的母亲能在众人无法理解的眼光中搬到一个所谓的城郊结合部,还买了一两二手车,天天带着他逛遍了约翰内斯堡的所有公园,用他的话说就是带他见世面。这也许成就了他感想敢做的性格。

他的母亲也是位乐观的人,从不抱怨,自食其力。 Learn from your past and be better because of your past. She would say, But don't cry about your past. Love is full of pain. Let the pen shopping you, but don't hold onto it. Don't be bitter.他的母亲也有忘记生活中痛苦能力,这也是为什么他在成长过程中调皮捣蛋屡教不改的原因。 I was blessed with another trait I inherited from my mother, her ability to forget the pain in life.

If you think too much about the ass kicking your mom gave you or the ass kicking that life gave you, you stop pushing the boundaries and breaking the rules.



      本文标题:2020.12.24.《Born a Crime》
