A poor cat

作者: Geralyn | 来源:发表于2020-03-15 11:18 被阅读0次

This morning I had a walk outside our community, to take in some fresh air. Under a clump of green plants, I saw a cat. It was a large cat, looking plump and dusty. It has white fur but its fur has not been washed for a long time. Probably, ever since its birth, it had not taken a bath. It ran around as if looking for food. But there was nothing to eat.

A cleaner parked her cart by the side of the road. I told her there was a cat here. And the cat ran to her. The woman looked at it for a moment, and gave it some instant noodles. But the cat smelled at it and did not feel like eating it.

The woman said she did not want to raise a cat or a dog. Life was so hard for herself. And she had no extra money to buy food for a cat.

The cat had a green eye and a blue eye. Both eyes looked clear and glassy.

I took a closer look at the cat. Some hair or skin fell off its ears. Poor cat!

The woman said wild cats would probably bite others. Do not approach a wild cat.

Probably the cat was often bullied while foraging for food in the open air.


  • poor cat


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